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dbp05ret last won the day on January 28 2020

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  • Do you own an Oliver Travel Trailer, other travel trailer or none?
    I own an Oliver Travel Trailer
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    Legacy Elite II
  • Floor Plan
    Twin Bed Floor Plan

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  1. I have been sitting in sunny and warm Florida the past 3 weeks, thinking about my low water pressure in bathroom. After buying, trying, and returning a new faucets bought from Amazon. I decided to dig deeper into a solution to my problem based on recommendations from this page . I use a portable soft water softener about 50% of the time. I will now use it 100% of the time! I went to the local Wally World and bought 3 gallons of white vinegar. I told my wife that I would decalcify the water lines . I told her that I thought there was less than a 50% chance this would solve the problem since I use a water softener half the time. Boy was I wrong! The vinegar worked its magic. Now, I have great water pressure. Thanks for those who contributed. I hope by posting this solution it will help those in the future! Thanks again! PS- The links to faucets from Amazon that Dave Wilson and Frank C were awesome!
  2. Ordered new faucet heads and had them shipped to Highland Hammock SP in FL. Yes, 2 different ones Installed and still poor water pressure. Thanks for the links/comments suggested from people on this topic.Out of ideas. Thanks
  3. The water pressure in toilet is great. Where and how does one get to the faucet filter? I pulled the faucet and it appears to have a decent flow I am going to order new faucet off of Amazon as soon as I get to a good delivery area. Thanks, Darryl
  4. Back to you! Have a great year!
  5. Frank, Does the hose just twist off with a bit of effort at the faucet? D
  6. Trainman, 2018 Oliver Elite 2. Woke up this morning and low water pressure in bathroom on both city water and freshwater. Kitchen sink is normal. Any advice? Thanks, Darryl
  7. It is metal. No condensation to speak of. We go to Florida for 6 weeks in February and March so I can't speak of condensation during those months . I think the close up photo makes it looks worse then what it appears. I have an appointment at the mother ship at the end of September. I told them about the yellow today. Pictures below are bathroom window and building.
  8. The sealant around my windows are turning yellow. The Oliver Elite II Hull 412 was delivered December 2018, The rear window is the worse. The RV is kept stored inside my building when not being used. Attached is picture of rear window.
  9. After 3 years, I have learned something again. The AC is still running on gennie. I would have eventually figured it out. I check fuses, breakers, turned water pump off and completely forgot about water heater. Thanks for being there ScubaRx and Overland!
  10. Scubarx,I just turned the water heater off. It seems that was the trick. The AC is now working. Been running for 3 minutes straight. So, I guess I never in consideration the water heater used that much juice. That may have been the answer. It is still running. I will update in a few.
  11. Progressive surg Surge Protector now on with generator running. Surge protector shuts power down when AC is turned on.
  12. I tried in both modes. It worked with AC off for a minute. I then turned AC on and it quit after 30 sec. Now the progressive surge won't come on at all no matter what mode generator is in.
  13. Currently camping at campground. Power went off at campground. Hooked up Honda generator like I have done a 100 times. I get power to Oliver for about 30 seconds and then power to A/C and Oliver shuts down. The Progressive Surge Protector shuts completelty off, no lights or error code showing. Surge protector is on during the initial 30 seconds, then shuts entirely off. What am I missing. What is causing the progressive surge protector to shut down? Yes, I have tried 2 different grounding plugs.
  14. They replaced the check valves. It was still under warranty though.
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