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Vector - Lanham

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Vector - Lanham last won the day on December 12 2019

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  • Do you own an Oliver Travel Trailer, other travel trailer or none?
    I own an Oliver Travel Trailer
  • Hull #
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  • Model
    Legacy Elite II
  • Floor Plan
    Standard Floor Plan
  • What model is your other RV or Travel Trailer?
    Legacy Elite II, 2016, Solar, TV, front box,

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  1. Just seeing if anyone has knowledge of an RV Mechanic around St. Louis (I'm in Waterloo, IL in what they call the MetroEast (St. Louis jargon). I do want help on the lithium battery conversion, upgrade the converter and some electronic stuff. I missed the Oliver schedule, as it was packed when i called OTT, as they're altering their business plan (think i was the last person to find this out..not yet retired 🙂. Anyway, looking for that. Appreciate any input. Vector
  2. Well, my Lippert 5200# axles are doing well enough. Probably repack the bearings sometime this summer. I think I might be the only one with Lippert axles, whatever that means. Ha.
  3. Thanks TG2, mine is in storage right now...was looking for some info for lithium conversion. Appreciate it. Just got back an email from Oliver, they said it is 14” x 21” plus the height that on the pre-2018s is unknown. TG2, is the 13 7/8 inches H is that on pre 2018 model? Thanks.
  4. Does anyone have the L x W x H dimensions and/or schematic of the battery tray compartment? If so, thanks kindly. If you scanned your brain to look, again, thanks kindly. Fist bump. Lanham
  5. Thank you. I'm happy to hear that the Oliver TT Forum will continue. It's a bright spot.
  6. the likely culprit..thanks for the video. https://www.etrailer.com/Accessories-and-Parts/MAXXAIR/MA10-20281K-1AF.html
  7. it's a Titan XD, so payload is 2.5K pounds..and tow capacity is around 12K, it tows the Oliver pretty easily. it has the 6 speed Aisin Tranny that's used on the Dodge 3500, I believe. Of course, I'm a grandpa-like driver and don't blare through the gears too quickly. Open Tray, but if I make one, i'll probably come up with some divider system..mainly for camping or golf clubs, but something i can pull out easily when i haul brush or garden stuff. The XD has been pretty a good truck, knock on wood, but they have discontinued them. One thing, is I prefer to stick w/ diesel, but we'll have to see how these EGRs develop as well as the hybrids (such from Toyota).
  8. I know this isn't Oliver specific, but it is related. I really value the intelligent and thought-out solutions of Oliver owners. I am going to either build a plywood slide with some variant of rollers, for the bed of my TV. Homemade? Commerical? Anyway, appreciate your thoughts. It will help carry my LEII's logistical necessities. Thank you in advance, Sirs/Ma'ams.
  9. My arms on my MaxxFan have broken, noticed this on the last camping trip in the summer. If I don't replace the arms, what is the preferred fan to replace it with? Same model? Mine was built in late 2015/early 2016, #129. Any assessments are appreciated. Thank you.
  10. The discreet compartment near the pantry in the Legacy II...is anyone aware of a convenient box that fills it up w/ separators or something like that off the shelf from a Home Depot or other such store? Thanks. Lanham
  11. Awesome, just watched it. thank you Sir.
  12. Rog, was going to do that..but thanks for the reminder. i'll have to write that down.
  13. just blowing out the lines to catch any little plastic shards that have been clogging my filter on my old Shurflo water pump, and probably stressing it a bit. That's all. I've never used the black tank flush port..is that on the outside of the tank? i'll have to look. I always flush my black tank out w/ a ton of water everytime i camp, but i'll have to check that out. Thank you rich.dev.
  14. So, my pump went bad, had some plastic stuff in the filter on my last trip, i'd cleaned it out, but it had been in there for about 7 years, so no big deal. The new SeaFlo came with a wiring harness, that you can see below. I stripped the clipped the ground and power to the Shureflo pump, giving me some raw wire. I bought a full wiring harness w/ nice wire from a local farm store, Rural King. Then I used a butt splice to bring them together. This gave me motivation to refresh some of my electric tools (i'm quite the novice) and enjoyed learning a little bit. Also, i bought a butane torch (little thing from Walmart) to seal the butt splice. Is the butts splice better than some others? I crimped it and then melted the ends..it was fun. Also, I pressed the wiring harness from the SeaFlo into the one i bought from Rural King, i had a little gap, so i taped that up..with new electric tape 🙂. My son is a high schooler aspiring future engineer and loves painter's tape and electrical tape and all things mechanical...they are hard to find 🙂. I'm hoping that blowing out the lines my get rid of some more plastic in the lines. Also, i read that on plastic threads (and I'm here referring to the filter basket that threads onto the pump, it is better to use pipe dope SEALANT instead of Teflon tape. So, i put the stuff i'll use on mine tomorrow. I will say that the Shurflo may have been glued on, as i couldn't unthread it w/ my hand strength. Or i'm just old and weak :). I am zip-tying the loose wires to keep them neat and off the pump housing. Vector aka Lanham
  15. My simple question is what does this valve do. It was closed, and i opened it tonight as i'm draining all the water from the system. Tomorrow i'm going to blow out the lines w/ gentle pressure (10 to 15 PSI) and then put in the pink stuff. Apologies if this is the wrong place to put this, i've been off the forum for a couple years. All info is appreciated.
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