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Everything posted by dwbark

  1. Those look very pro! Dave
  2. Is the price sheet online, or do you have to request that from Oliver Corp.? Dave
  3. Thanks for the heads-up. I like the bigger sink change. Dave
  4. Yeah...it's killing me.
  5. I think I'd feel pretty good if my basket had an F150 and Oliver in it for $100,000. But, you are talking some serious money there. Is anybody else checking the website about three times an hour? Dave
  6. Why, because it's now time to pull the trigger? =^) Dave
  7. No doubt they are rolling their eyes, thinking, "Hold your horses."
  8. Looks like a webpage transition phase. I can't wait to see what changes are in store... Dave
  9. Beautiful! Was your turtle an Oliver inhouse project? Dave
  10. So, I am gathering that towing "out west" with the Frontier is putting it too far towards its limits. Not enough power for steep or long grades? That's where I live...
  11. That's good to hear. I am lacking a supercharger! Dave
  12. It looks clear that an available upgrade would be well worth the cost. Dave
  13. Thank you for the info.
  14. I too would welcome quiet options, if or when, I order an Oliver.
  15. Thank you, Pam I would absolutely drive to the Oliver Mothership for pick up and training. I'm just wondering about how things work when the enviable glitches occur. -Dave
  16. Newbie question here. I'm considering a future Oliver purchase. One thing that concerns me is warranty and service issues for a product such as Oliver that is "stand alone." I'm a resident of the west, and Tennessee is a long way away is something goes amiss. Does Oliver authorize any service from other establishments? Any comments or experience would be appreciated. -Dave
  17. Sorry to read this! What a mess. Keep us updated.
  18. Splendid! Thanks for clearing that up.
  19. I heard they are offering a composting toilet. This would interest me as an add on. Is this an "April Fools?"
  20. Although the placement of the tanks looks superb - protected, low to the frame - what happens if one fails, or needs service? Just wonderin'
  21. All good features, for sure - some of those are standard on the Expeditions. The 3.5 Ecoboost; it appears to be the current "gold standard," doesn't it?
  22. As noted on another forum, "Trailer Life" April edition featured a Toyota Tacoma towing an Elite II. Toyota lists specs slightly more optimistic than my Nissan, but the comparison is close. Both are pushing the limits to the edge. As a side note, I started looking into the F150 with the 3.5 Ecoboost engine - very capable. Then, I started measuring my garage and found that that truck, would have to be shoe-horned in. LAME. I am now considering the Ford Expedition - featuring that capable 3.5, 9000 lb. towing capacity, and a lockable gear stash. At a svelte 206 inches, my days of hauling landscaping rocks and mulch might be over. Any observations on the Expedition? Dave
  23. I too want some headroom; pushing up against limits is nowhere to operate on a daily basis.
  24. Thanks, Buzzy. I'll do my homework. Dave
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