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Teaney Hull 292

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Everything posted by Teaney Hull 292

  1. Scott, happy to chip in for the hall. How is the best way to do that? Gary, Anita, and Ranger in the Range Rover, Hull 292
  2. Thanks SeaDawg. Great article and full of good info on tools.
  3. Wow Hull 14. Hope to see you at the 2025 Rally in Guntersville state park. I’m site F27
  4. Thanks. Have ordered and will update results.
  5. Ordered and will let you know how it works. Thanks
  6. That settles it. I’m getting those Alka leaf springs and taking my Armada and my Oliver on this course lol
  7. We have Hull 292 and decals are starting to come off in places. What is the best way to remove them? Plan to add my new “The Range Rover” to the front and rear. Our Standard Poodle is Ranger. Should I strip and ceramic coat first Any advice, much appreciated. thanks
  8. Mike, nice set up. Anita and I will be at the Ollie Rally in April. Are you going? At some point will go from AGM to Lithium. Would like to see your set up. Hull 292 here.
  9. Love reading this Forum and seeing how smart guys like you are. Thanks for doing this.
  10. Would love to get a copy of your 100 item inspection list. Gary 727 224 2754 Hull 292 bought in Dec 2024
  11. Felt the same way and sent the link to my wife
  12. Anita and I will be at site 252 Jan 17th to 20th. Hull 292
  13. Hope to see you at the Next Texas Rally. Gary Hull 292
  14. John, I read all of your info with a dazed brain. Very impressive. My wife and her curly hair was NOT happy washing it in the shower. Will pull out the restrictor and perhaps get a new shower handle.
  15. After almost a year on this forum, reading all the wonderful information, getting used to the you get what you pay for price of an Oliver, and finding the wonderful owners of Hull 292, Duke and Chris Chadwell, on Dec 16th we took the plunge. Duke and Chris loved their Oliver and bought so many toys to go with it. We were so happy to get them included. We head out on our first adventure Dec 26th to St. Augustine with our Standard Poodle, Ranger. Anita, my Wife, came up with the perfect name for our Ollie, “The Range Rover.” We’ve already booked site F27 at the April Ollie Rally. Hope to see you there. Gary, Anita, and Ranger
  16. And here it is 3 years later, Looking Good. Thanks Duke and Chris for fixing it up and putting it in the wonderful mountain of goodies you gave us. Look forward to the next time we get together and make a list of all the cool places you guys have been. My Bucket List is not big enough, now that I’ve met you guys. Gary
  17. Great info as always. I’m getting 2 of the 3/8 grade 70 Double Clovis Repair Links
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