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Everything posted by roguebooks

  1. Thanks. We live in Gainesville, Florida. This problem is not preventing us from taking a trip. We just returned from a nine week tour out west and glad this didn't happen out there. My electrician called me right after my last response, He lived through his second Covid debacle. We are set up for Tuesday morning now. I appreciate your offer.
  2. Still waiting on my electrician. He got Covid-19 almost immediately after receiving the new transfer box and arranging our appointment. He told me to wait for him if I could. So I wait. Thanks for the info.
  3. Got your voice mail. A written "fix" with illustrations is the only way I would even come close to understanding what you want to tell me (or be able to instruct my electrician). I am a carpenter with almost zero electrical or plumbing skills. I do appreciate your wanting to help me.
  4. John, After this who;e debacle is finished I will see what I can do. Got to see how it all plays out. Why not just have a moderator change the title?
  5. Thanks. My electrician I use for my house wants to do it for me. I am glad. Now I am crossing my fingers that there wasn't more damage done that I didn't see.
  6. Update: My Progressive Dynamics transfer switch model has been discontinued. Their website states the new replacement model number is: PD5110010Q I ordered a new one from E-trailer and it will arrive Wednesday. Now I need to find an electrician. Product Details Qty Total Progressive Dynamics Transfer Switch with Quick Flip Connectors - Plastic Case - 30 Amp - 120V - PD5110010Q 1 $129.12 Sales Tax: $9.04 Shipping: Free Shipping 13.05 less Discount ($13.05): $0.00 Total: $138.16
  7. No they did not. And Progressive Industries just got back with me and informed me they did not make the product, Progressive Dynamics did. Now what to do?
  8. I filed a claim with Progressive and also Oliver. Thanks for all the help!!! Do you think a licensed electrician could install a new one for me? Or do I need to go to a RV place?
  9. I discovered the problem. The lunchbox basically blew up at one connection. Pics will show. Now what? Call Jason or Progressive?
  10. There is power to the trailer from the 30amp RV cord (both ends) but no power IN the trailer and a dead ems. I will look for the lunchbox and remove cover and look in there next.
  11. I will do so. I also will clean the 30 amp cord ends in case the wet weather these past few days traveling gobbed it up. I just can't imagine there being anything wrong inside the trailer, but I'll look again today. Jason will be my next call if I can't get this figured out. I just don't want to bother him if it is something simple.
  12. There was a ton of rain today in Atlanta area and perhaps the female end got wet? Would that cause this?
  13. I located the ems progressive surge protector. It was under the dinette seat farthest back. It was completely blank. No lights whatsoever. I read the Ollie post about it and I bet I need a new one. No power is getting to the trailer. There is power from the house, the cord is lit up blue at receptacle, and we've used this connection without fail all summer traveling. It's just now, after three days of driving and using my batteries that it has stopped working. I don't have a way to check the female end that hooks to the trailer, but we've never had a problem until now. Plus I tried it on the front of the trailer as well with no luck.
  14. Thanks. Tomorrow morning I will begin again. I appreciate all the help from everybody so far.
  15. Do you know where my EMS display would be located in my 2018 Elite 1? Lost all 110 power and trying to find out why.
  16. Any videos or instruction will be most appreciated. Not so hot of an electrician. Really has me stumped. Never had a problem like this one. Been working fine for four years and then bam! Three days on the road using 12 volt and then arrive home to plug into house and nada.
  17. Frank, I have a 2018 Legacy Elite 1 and the only thing in the rear attic above is the 12-volt fuse box with all the little fuses and some unused cords for something or other. I would think the surge protector was below the dinette but there is nothing in there that shows me any readings whatsoever. So I really don't know where it is or what it looks like, but would love to know.
  18. When we arrived home today from a nine week trip I plugged into my new (and operating) 30 amp receptacle and no juice whatsoever. Very strange. No tripped GFI to reset under dinette (couldn't turn on or off). The main breakers were fine but I did reset in case. 12 volt works fine but I really need my A/C (in Florida). Not sure what to check. Inverter? Or other gizmo I am not aware of? Please help. I also tried hooking up to the receptacle in front of trailer but still nothing. Not getting any 110 juice to inside of trailer at all.
  19. Good question and one we did not really take seriously or even consider when purchasing. When we travel we carry many extra ziplock bags of composting material as well as bricks of new coco coir in case of trouble such as stated above. And it happened to us. And for a long time due to doctors not being able to identify why this diarrhea was happening. What we had to do was constantly change the compost. There really wasn't any other alternative due to our boondocking choices and then eventually being stuck at basecamp with no toilet facilities other than our composting toilet. Not a good situation. But would we change to the conventional toilet? Never. Too much waste of precious clean water, boondocking abilities severely curtailed, and no desire to deal with the stinky black water on a regular basis. Getting sick happens. And no matter what sickness you get a travel trailer is no fun to be sick in. A bed at home or in the hospital would certainly be preferred over being held prisoner in less than a hundred square feet of living space. We never really considered either one of us getting sick and what it would do to ruin our plans and make camping a nightmare. But getting sick is NOT the norm. We are eager to get back on the road as soon as possible and still glad we have a composting toilet, solar power, and plenty of fresh water.
  20. Not to mention Bill Callahan's latest record titled Gold Record. Great stuff.
  21. Two new amazing finds of late for us are the Swede Daniel Norgren and also solo artist Buck Meek of the Indy band Big Thief. Norgren sings and plays guitar, harmonica, accordion, piano, and drums. When he's with his band their sound often reminds me of The Band. Buck Meek is a different story. A bit odd perhaps in his body movements, ala Joe Cocker kind of, but an amazing lyricist and singer, plus he plays an interesting guitar.
  22. Thanks for this post. I changed a faulty charger out today with an amazon product which just now is selling for an extra $2 off the already reasonable price. Link below: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B07PN5YZX3/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=A2SEAHOJ3AP7L1&psc=1
  23. ***I wanted to add that after stopping for the day I run the fridge on gas if there is no shore power. I NEVER run the fridge on DC except when driving down the road.
  24. That hole is made for a better person than myself. I removed it long ago and saw it would be hopeless for me to do anything with it.
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