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Everything posted by hobo

  1. Thanks to all who contributed. This looks like an easy fix if and when the pump (or fuse) goes down. Probably will get a spare to carry with me. It's cheap insurance in my mind.
  2. Love the paper towel holder too. Is there a double faced tape that would secure this well enough to avoid drilling holes? Also, I noted the towel bar across the face of the surface just below the counter top. Can you advise on that also.
  3. Overland: What's involved in replacing the pump? (Not having my unit here to look at, I'm at a disadvantage.) That might not be a bad idea. Are the pumps used in the Ollies readily available? Thanks
  4. John, Quick follow up: When you disconnect everything for travel, do you leave the 90 on the trailer or do you remove everything? It looks in the pic like your cap chain is now affixed to your 90 elbow. Maybe it's not but that is what the pic looks like. Thanks again.
  5. John, PERFECT! Thanks for the pic. I'm a very visual learner. I am ordering the parts as we speak. We take delivery on "2 Hobos" in May but I want to gather enough most of the basics over the winter. Thanks again.
  6. John, Could you possibly snap a pic of your setup? I want to make sure I do this correctly.
  7. Thanks Bill. Per your instructions, I think I just fixed it. Thanks and if someone sees it's NOT fixed, please let me know.
  8. OH, I do in fact tow with pickup truck so space, although not unlimited, is less of an issue for me than some.
  9. Dog gone it; I was sure I filled in my profile because someone made the same suggestion a little while ago. I must be doing something wrong. Can someone give me a refresher on this? Thanks for noticing that. Hobo
  10. I'm sure somewhere on this forum, this subject has been addressed but for the life of me, I can't seem to figure out to do a "search" for select subject matters. In any case, the existing info might be a little dated anyway so I'll just ask the collective for suggestions. Looking for specific recommendations for a grill as we plan on doing as little inside cooking as possible, weather permitting. We do have the external propane ports on our trailer (to be delivered 1 May). Thanks for any insight. Hobo
  11. The other drawback to these types of units is that you can't park it and leave in your vehicle. That is precisely why we decided on a pull trailer vice a motorhome. Hobo
  12. We have not taken possession of our 2018 Oliver yet but this morning, my wife asked if we were going to install a safe of some nature inside the trailer to protect valuables (cameras, binoculars, jewelry, etc.) I know there are "hiding" places within the trailer but can anyone recommend a product and mounting location within the trailer to secure items? Thanks,
  13. Having received great suggestions about items to procure before our delivery of our Elite II, I just realized that I am perhaps mixing apples and oranges in one arena: Many have suggested the CAMCO stackable blocks but I'm beginning to realize that some folks are talking about blocks to put under the levelers while others (I believe) are talking about blocks to put under the wheels/tires. To be honest, I was thinking in terms of the levelers. Do I need to have blocks of some nature for both? Again, I'm a rookie when it comes to travel trailers so pardon the basic questions. Thanks, Paul (HOBO)
  14. Thanks Steve, I was moving in the direction of the Air Lift brand so you just confirmed my thoughts. Did you install yourself or did you have the dealer do that? I am thinking of installing myself. It looked pretty straight forward.
  15. It's been a long thread but to get back to basics, I won't be using an equalizer based on the recommendations early on in this discussion and based on the recommendation by the Anderson rep at the rally last year. (One ton Dodge diesel truck). Based on that, I think John's note above and your suggested height will suffice for my purposes. I will arrive with my hitch set up at 23.5" and then let my airbags level out the trailer and truck which should be minor. If after using it and tweaking ride height for a while, I find any handling issues, I can always move to the equalizer. Thanks again to all. This is a great forum.
  16. John, can you (or anyone else) tell me the height off the ground that the top of my ball needs to be in order for the trailer to be level? Or maybe a cleaner way is to tell me how high off the ground is the top of your hitch when the trailer is level? Thanks.
  17. Thanks Steve. Just wondering which air bags do you use? I'm pretty sure I'm going with the Air Lift brand but also see good things about the Firestone.
  18. OK, now I see his point. You and he might be right. Nice catch. In fact, it would be awhile before we did the ATV and trailer combo thing and we could do some further evaluation after we have the trailer hooked up. Initial trips will be sans the ATV. Thanks for the input. Hobo
  19. Randy, Thanks for the input. Maybe I wasn't clear in my description above. The ATV rack extends about 12" past the tailgate (in the closed/up position). The extended hitch puts the receiver 21" past the bumper which equates to the distance covered when the tailgate is in the open or down position. In effect, the back of the truck is now 21" further back or at the point where the tailgate is open. At that point, the ATV rack is actually about 10" shorter than the tailgate. I see no way that anything on the tongue of the trailer is in jeopardy of getting hit by either the ATV rack or the tailgate (if it was down). Am I missing something here?
  20. Update provided in note above.
  21. [attachment file=1. SUPERTRUSS EXTENSION.jpg] John; All good points to ponder but I have previously investigated the extended hitch and you're right, as the hitch goes out, the tongue weight allowed goes go down dramatically. The SuperHitch however has taken this into account and provided the additional construction and engineering to specially account for this scenario. If you read the data available from the linked website, you can see how they did this. They in fact use a chain system similar to the Andersen equalizer as well as using a second 2" receiver, one on top of the other. That is why they rate the system at 2K tongue weight and 17K-20K pull weight. It's an interesting system that was suggested to me by a very reputable off-road fabrication shop that specializes in unique towing issues. Superhitch in fact, has systems that extend out to well over 4' that are engineered to handle 30K lbs.. The one I'm looking at is the shortest one they make. Now, you're point about total weight on the rear of the truck is valid and I'll look into that. You are correct about the extension being a knee knocker so when disconnected from the trailer, I would simply remove the extension and put in the rear of the truck or otherwise, drop the tailgate which covers the extension. When I'm not hauling the ATV, the standard hitch goes in vice the 21" version. As far as having Oliver extend the frame, I think we're too far down the road for that one. The trailer has been in productions since mid-Oct. Interesting discussion and I'm open to other suggestions or concerns. Thanks again. Here is a link to a picture of the SuperHitch set up with the extension in place https://www.torklift.com/automotive/supertruss
  22. Jon, Thanks for the input. The center of my receiver is 24.5" off of the ground. Attached is a photo of my truck with ATV on the DiamondBack lid (it's designed for this purpose) and you will note, without an airbag, it squats a little so I am going to correct that. If you also notice, the rack for the ATV extends about 12" beyond the tailgate which is problematic so I am probably going to swap out the factory receiver with a "SuperHitch - Torque lift" receiver which safely allows me to extend the receiver back 21" (just at the edge of a downed tailgate) while allowing up to 20K towing and 2K tongue weight. This way, when I decide to take the ATV with us, I'll just slip in the longer receiver. Otherwise, I'll just slip in the standard short one. Here is the link: https://www.torklift.com/rv/superhitch/superhitch-original#appguide. If you see any issues with my thinking: please advise. I'm pretty thick skinned, so feel free to dope slap if needed. Thanks
  23. Will be taking possession of our 2018 Elite II just after the first of the year. We're towing the Ollie with a 2006 Dodge MegaCab diesel 3500 (4x4). Our intentions were to purchase the Andersen Equalizer hitch but at the rally this past summer, the Andersen rep provided "I would love to sell you an equalizer hitch for your truck, but in all honesty, you don't need it." I will be adding some airbags for the springs but those are to allow for the ATV that will sometimes accompany us in the bed of the truck. I want to make sure the truck remains level regardless of load in the bed and/or the trailer tongue weight. Well I was comfortable with the decision not to purchase the equalizer hitch until this morning when my local RV mechanic and some of my other friends who tow RVs all STRONGLY recommended that I needed the equalizer hitch regardless of what the Andersen rep stated. I'm sure this has been covered ad-nauseum in other posts but I just want to put the question out to the other Oliver owners who have experienced both. Your comments are most welcome. Thanks,
  24. OK, Couldn't find SeaDogs' earlier comments but did do some research on the subject and found that the Costco product is actually an "iPower" unit which is powered by a Yamaha engine but in fact, as you stated, not an actual Yamaha product. The major difference between the iPower unit and the Yamaha unit is that the iPower unit is several decibels louder than the Yammy which is a huge issue in my mind. Beyond that, since the Costco version has a four year warranty and Costco is very easy to deal with on anything you return, it appears to be a good unit based on what I've been reading. Having said all that however; I'll personally defer to a Honda. Thanks for the heads up.
  25. Thanks for the heads-up on that. I will run by there and take a closer look. If it's not a full blown Yamaha, then it's no contest; HONDA.
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