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  • Do you own an Oliver Travel Trailer, other travel trailer or none?
    I own an Oliver Travel Trailer
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    Legacy Elite
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    Standard Floor Plan

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  1. Project complete.
  2. Agree the Honey Wagon is good solution for most with the standard toilet. Unfortunately I do not have the room, the Elite has very little storage, so the small truck bed in my GMC Canyon fills quickly with camping supplies & those wagons are big and bulky.
  3. Had the Natures Head Composting Toilet option selected on my 2022 Elite (canceled) build, after I found & purchased a 2020 Elite #643 with the standard toilet. Have found the black tank fills first & need to break camp to dump. Researched converting the Elite to composting, but hate the thought of removing a perfectly good toilet system. The thought of cutting & drilling fiberglass, plumbing, plus adding wiring, not to mention the $1,000 + cost. My personal solution: Modify my standard toilet with a urine diverting bottle system & extend the black tank capacity. Mission accomplished @ a low cost.
  4. Just removed all metal shavings from my Elite 1 by using a small diameter 8’ flexible plastic rod with a hunk of Duct tape on the end ~ worked just fine.
  5. Did you apply the Amber / Orange transparent tape inside or outside the glass cover? Thanks, RBD 2020 Elite 1 Hull #643
  6. Carl - just measured the rear stabilization jacks on my LE 1 @ 4.5” diameter. As far as I know SnapPad does not make this size. RBD 2020 LE 1 Hull #643
  7. Reviews say the Monitor will stay connected without the Booster about 95% of the time. With radio interference it can drop out, then need to be reconnected per Tire Minder install instructions. This is a new reasonably priced model TPMS designed for short trailers. RBD Elite Hull #643
  8. Have purchased a Tire Minder TPMS system for our single axel Elite. Recommended to hard wire the System Booster at the front underside of trailer. When I look under trailer I found the Black hot wire for the jack. is it OK to splice into this wire for power ? If so, where should I attach the ground wire ? Thank you in advance, RBD Elite Hull #643
  9. Thanks for the detailed description of the squeak. Have same noise on our 2020 Elite Hull #643. Please describe if you were able to install / fit a bushing on the top bolt that connects the frame hanger & shackle. Have the zerk bolt on this upper, but no bushing.
  10. Yup, just jumped ship & sold our 2018 Escape 19’RFP. Downsized to a 2020 Oliver Elite ~ Hull #643. Just canceled my 2022 Elite build with a March 2022 delivery, when this clean 2020 resale became available.
  11. We also came from a Camp-Inn 560 Raindrop to E19’ Fiberglass trailer & now have a Oliver Elite 1 on order.
  12. KTT Density: Blended Latex 36 ILD
  13. RBD


    KTT density: Blended Latex 36 ILD
  14. Updating our Elite 1 build sheet. Searched the forum and have only found the storage basket dimensions for the LE 2. The Elite 1 is smaller and I don’t want to assume the baskets are the same size. Thanks~
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