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Everything posted by Ollietime

  1. I recently noticed similar discoloration on my 2022 LE2 propane cover. CGI Detailing was unable to fully remove it, but it's not as severe as before.
  2. Welcome aboard!
  3. Congratulations! My wife and I have the same relationship, ain't it grand.
  4. Congratulations on the retirement. It has been a great phase for the wife & I in this thing we call life.
  5. See below for TV.
  6. I located the holes for the adjustments, thanks.
  7. Thanks, I'll check it out tomorrow.
  8. I am experiencing the same issue with my awning. I have gone through the instructions, but I am having trouble with step 4, which instructs me to locate the motor. However, I cannot seem to find it anywhere. Nothing on my awning looks like the picture of the motor shown in the manual. Will someone give me a hint, please? I have a 2022 LE2. 4. Extend the awning a few feet to gain access to the motor. Locate the motor. The limit adjustment screws are located on the head of the motor. Using the symbols printed next to the adjustment screws, turn the black key (or 4mm Allen wrench) to make the necessary adjustments. The motors are labeled with a + or a – to indicate the adjustment direction.
  9. We sleep with our heads at the galley.
  10. Thank you Snackchaser, this is almost what I've been looking for. What I, and numerous other RVers, need is this adapter not only weatherproofed but mountable through a wall. I'll keep looking, surely someone makes such a thing. 🙂
  11. I'm confused, I received my Starlink kit a few days ago and the cable connectors are proprietary, not RJ45. What am I misunderstanding? Do you have an older model that uses RJ45 connectors? At first, I thought you had found a pass-thru connector with Star Link proprietary on one side and RJ45 on the other, but a close look at Penglin #PL252, RJ45 CAT6 female-to-female panel mount connector on Amazon appears to be RJ45 on both sides.
  12. Welcome aboard! We encountered 9 degrees in Shreveport of all places last Christmas, Ollietime had no problem keeping us warm.
  13. Be sure to look at trailers other than Oliver, that way you'll appreciate the quality that Oliver Travel Trailers puts into their product. We picked ours up last August and have logged over 11,000 miles and close to 15 National Parks. We've encountered no problems with the trailer to date.
  14. The batteries are under the pantry on the LE2.
  15. I'm interested in this as well... following.
  16. PIT BOSS PB336GS Two Burner Portable Flat Top Griddle - Cover Included. I store it in the front basket strapped down with bungee cords. When cooking I remove the cover, hook up the gas, and cook with it sitting in the basket.
  17. with my new
  18. Carmax is a good option!
  19. The Natures Head toilet is great, not dealing with dumping the black tank is wonderful. Yes, we do carry the pee bucket to the restroom every few days, and yes I empty the toilet into a trash bag on occasion, but neither is a big deal compared to the raw sewage in a black tank.
  20. Welcome aboard. My wife & I picked up our Ollie last month and have already stayed at three state parks and two Harvest Hosts. We are enjoying the adventure as I'm sure you will too.
  21. Ok, further reading in the manual confirms that pressing and holding the power button actually turns the unit off. Simply pressing the power button puts it in "Standby" mode. Also, there is an "Alarm" function which is also described in the manual. I somehow missed all that when looking through the manual yesterday. This stereo has a hell of a lot of functionality. Thank you all for helping.
  22. I'll try the press & hold method.
  23. I didn't see an alarm feature in the manual, does your have that ability?
  24. Our camper has been parked in the driveway for the past two weeks and we go in, seems like several times per day, for one reason or another. Twice now the radio has been playing when we stepped in and we're certain we didn't leave it on, we never even turn it on when parked in the driveway. I looked through the manual for some features that might be responsible but found nothing. Is there some feature/option that could be turning this thing on?
  25. a gnarly snowstorm with
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