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  1. We have Eley quick connects and contacted them directly. They recommended some covers (along with part numbers) from McMaster-Carr that fit perfectly for both male and female parts. Only problem is that you have to buy a bag full of them. So, you might try contacting Blu T support. With all that said, what works really well for us now is a 2" wide roll of blue painters tape to cover the outlets when traveling to protect from road grime.
  2. Thank you Geoff. Correct. They did say it is OK to connect and disconnect at the Anderson plug with the engine running, however, they felt it was a "good practice" to have the engine off. Thanks for clarifying that.
  3. I actually asked Artek these same questions and was told that a switch is not needed. Additionally, they said connecting and disconnecting should be done (as a good practice) when the engine is off and no charge current coming from alternator.
  4. I used the following that were recommended by Artek. 1. Blue Seas MRBF Terminal Fuse Block and a MRBF 60 amp Fuse. 2. Blue Seas Series 187 Surface Mount Thermal Circuit Breaker 60 amp. I have attached photos.
  5. No, I did not work with Oliver on this project.
  6. Thanks Ron. Haven't tried that but will consider going forward.
  7. I’ve attached photos showing how I mounted the EZ Reach table system. To do this, I used a 12" x 16" aluminum sheet and aluminum L brackets. Additionally, I attached an angled brace from the top of one of the L brackets to the aluminum frame supporting the heater. The setup is very sturdy, and we’re pleased with how it turned out. For the EZ Reach system, we selected a 16" arm and a 12" arm to achieve the level of articulation we needed. The table top was purchased from Oliver. Note: We always remove the table top from the system while traveling. Hope this information is helpful!
  8. You do not need this relatively expensive kit, with regulator, if attaching the generator directly to the Oliver onboard LP quick disconnect which supplies regulated LP pressure. Yes with an external tank, but connected to the Oliver only a hose with correct fittings is needed. I just spoke to Derek at Hutch Mountain and he asked me to post this to clear up a misunderstanding. When installing their propane conversion kit, it is required that the large Demand Regulator is still used when connecting to the onboard LP quick disconnect.
  9. When we had the soft start installed at the Elkhart facility, this is what we learned. 1. They are installing the standard SoftStartRV unit but they add a custom made bracket (which they will not sell to you). 2. The unit is installed with screws and 3M tape on a frame piece in front of the evaporator (bottom-left). Not in a cavity behind the evaporator (as is suggested in a video in YouTube). 3. There is a 2 year warranty on this install. 4. It is easy to do yourself but that would void the warranty if some left. Per the tech, if you install one yourself, and then need work done on your unit for some other unrelated issue, they will refuse to provide service. Warranty or not.
  10. We drove to Truma in Indiana in September and had the soft-start installed. While there and in the presence of the technicians, I connected my Honda 2200i Companion generator with propane conversion and we tested it. Worked perfectly. The technicians were impressed. When we got home, I tried it again and ran the generator and air conditioner for several hours. I did this test three times. I am very happy with the set up now and confident going forward. Instead of running two generators I can now run one. The big test will be when we get some altitude to see if the generator can handle it - after changing the carb jetting of course. As a side note, I can now run the air conditioner off the 2000 watt inverter. We tested this too at Truma with success.
  11. Just finished install of Victron Orion XS 12-12 50A charger in my Elite 1. Special thanks to Geronimo John for helping me with my project. His expertise was invaluable. And highly recommend Artek Energy in Milwaukie, Oregon where I purchased most of the components, parts, and materials. They went above and beyond with advice and even helped with the settings on my existing Victron MPPT Solar Controller and SmartBMV712. Everything is now working together smoothly and efficiently. At 80% SOC on the Lithium Batteries, the charger is pushing out 48.8 amps bulk charging at idle. Nice! Replaced OEM 100amp alternator with Mechman 240amp alternator. 1/0 marine grade tinned cable from alternator to battery and then back to Anderson SB175 connector. Then 1/0 to busbars in trailer and reduce to 6 gauge for short runs to/from components and batteries.
  12. Fix for falling shade frames. I tried replacing the clips and applied silicone to help hold. Nope. The large shade frame fell off again on the last trip so I was determined to do something different. The shade frames will never fall off again. I removed all of the clips and their spacers. Cut and installed 4" long sections of aluminum c-channel purchased from Home Depot using original screws along with blue Loctite. Then placed the frames back on, drilled and attached the shade frames with #6 stainless steel screws. Fitment is perfect. Hope this helps others. Photos attached.
  13. SET SCREW .313-18 X .50" per the VIP-3000 manual from Barker Mfg.
  14. We have the Progressive Industries EMS-PT30X which is supposed to protect against high and low voltage and surges. Is there something about the Hughes Autoformer that I should know about that is better? I understand it can be mounted inside for theft protection but I am more concerned about damaging the electronics, appliances, and equipment.
  15. I think you are right on this Steve. I am going to go with 55psi.
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