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  1. Just came across this thread, I seen on Pellant.com website they have Hehr windows.. they have a 800 #. Just putting this out there..Good luck you guys trying to find replacements.. Stay warm out there!!!
  2. Girard remote update.. Went to use it nothing, this happened once before. Removed cover took batteries out reinstalled them it worked. Went and got new batteries at Menards, only place that had those CR2430.. I think these thing gets in a DUMB mode ..Thats what i call it..was in the repair business for 38 yrs. Unplug & plug back in seems to most of the time with electronic boards.. keeping new batt for back up.. Stay safe out there!!
  3. I got Dozyant 12ft. About a year ago. It works great.
  4. Hi, srthomsen, follow the blackstone seasoning inst. I got a DOZYANT 12 ft. Hose and adapter on amazon, works great..check it out.. We’re getting ready for a long weekend trip in about 2 weeks in southern Ohio. Stay safe out there..
  5. Sea Biscuit had the rack and other stuff at the rally in May…. Nice stuff, put very ,$$$$$.. talked to the owner , dont have front basket yet for Elite I.. stay safe out there…
  6. My unit is only 2 yrs, i will be checking mine. I have already had a connection come loose , H2O pump inop.. I,m glad things are working ok..
  7. I just added the map with the help from my 10 year old grandson, I’m getting to old for this stuff. I’m learning some things 😳,map just has states we camped with the Oliver. Been to many more . We have been camping for 43 years..Stay safe out there..
  8. Hey, john great thread. Camped at many parks.. Versailles, Clift falls, Turkey Run , Brookvile lake, whitewater..They keep them clean and updated..
  9. Try this.. unplug from shore prower , go insde and trip all the 120 v breakers back and forth, sometimes they trip internal. Plug back into shore pwr. Good luck..
  10. R-Villa, I dont know how old your camper is , but on the Furrion unit when you want to play a DVD. You have to go to the AUX button and scroll to opitcal setting.. i didnt see that this was mentioned here.. just a reminder.. good luck and congracts our your new (to you) Oliver…
  11. No , pics ( I’m not computer savvy). There were about three or four wires going to this little black relay box.. on the Elite 1 it was mounted by the battery box.. don’t know about LE II
  12. After the rally , when we got home i used the pump a times.. nothing.. fuse was good . I started to check, no 12 v to the pump.. i didnt want to to tear into the vanity sw. or the other one on the monitor panel.. I let it go for a while .. i thought i hope i didnt want to trace wire.. I started with the purple from the fuse box ( that feeds the pump 12v). To my luck i guess there was a terminal block that was lying loose, there is a small relay .. connected .. Success.. It was mounted on the street side under bed.. 😅. Major job diverted..
  13. Hi, Patriot, your site looks great. We’re going to be next to you. G17. How is it looking. See you Tuesday..
  14. Thats cool about the Shell station. i know Camping World has free dump, not all have dumps. Here in Ohio the Pilot / Flying J are shutting down dumps. You would think with the explosion with camping in the last 5 to 10 yrs. it feels like there is less free dump.. i dont mine paying if you can find it. We always dump before leaving CG. It just seems like when you need one can’t find one..
  15. fYI, justed looked at my axle , i have 6 leaf spring on my 5033 lb. Axle. LEI. July 2022.. just thought i would it out there for LEI owners.. ( very few of us,😁).. All my welds look good also.
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