Import a Travel Trailer to Canada
Oliver Travel Trailers is a member of Transport Canada and as such are pre-cleared for compliance and importing a trailer into Canada. Simply follow the instructions below to ensure that you are ready to cross the border with your Oliver.

Recall clearance documents verify that any defects identified by the manufacturer as a potential safety risk to the vehicle’s operator, occupants and public at large, have been corrected.
To submit recall clearance documents:
Fax: 1-888-642-9899 (recall clearance documents only)
In-person or by mail: Contact us.
Read more by following the link below:
Step 1 - Register Import Vehicle In Advance
To save some time with importation at the border, you can register with the Registrar of Imported Vehicles in advance. This can be done anytime before you cross the border or during border crossing. You will need to set up an account with the RIV by clicking on the link below:
In the picture below you can either register an account (helps keep up with your documents and forms more easily) or Proceed as Guest.

Fill out the Vehicle Import Form 1 by clicking on the ‘Create an E-Form’ button on the RIV Online Portal Tab

Now you must set up a profile. Use your personal information here. (example shown - do not use this information):
Red Boxes mean the field is required*

Proceed to create New Form:

Select the type of import:

Enter the place where you will be entering Canada (example shown - do not use this information):

Enter vehicle information (example shown - do not use this information):

Enter the Vendor information. (Manufacturer information)

Upload the required documents. Title, Recall Letter from Manufacturer, Images of your travel trailer, and any other misc. files you wish to disclose.

Review the information and make sure everything is correct. If edits are needed you may use the Edit buttons located at the top right of each section box.

Scroll down to the bottom of this page and agree to proceed to Submit your completed form and Pay.

Write down/ Print any Confirmation/ Reference Numbers to take with you at the border of Canada.
Payments and Fees will vary from port to port and you can see these fees on the chart below:

Step 2 - Fax Documents
Fax two complete copies of the Title to the US Customs 72 hours before your crossing into Canada. This is done to satisfy the U.S. Customs Vehicle Export requirements. (note: 72 hours is suggested for all exports but required for air and sea vessel exports)
Obtain VIN specific recall clearance letters. These letters must be obtained from the manufactures of the vehicle. In the case of importing a motorized RV into Canada, you must have a letter from both the manufacture of the chassis and the manufacture of the coach (IE: Ford and Oliver Travel Trailers).
Step 3 - At the Border of Canada
At the border of Canada, you may be asked for original title, registration (or proof of ownership), sales receipts, Vehicle Import Form (Form 1), and the recall clearance letters. With this documentation, you should have a smooth border crossing experience.
U.S. Customs: You will need to present the original title and the Travel Trailer to the U.S. border patrols. They will already have the other two copies that were faxed to them, but you may want to bring two more just in case.
Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA): The CBSA officers are going to check that your vehicle is admissible, check that you have necessary documentation including the Title and registration or proof of ownership and provide you with the Vehicle Import Form (Form 1).
Fill out Form 1 and keep it in your vehicle. You will need this to get your vehicle licensed in your province or territory.
You may also be able to pay your RIV registration fees at the border. Some border crossing locations will allow you to pay with credit card or cash, while others do not have this capability. If you do have the option of paying it at the border, it will make the next steps easier.
Step 4 - After Vehicle Entry into Canada
You will have a 45-day grace period to have any needed modifications done and get an RIV inspection. There are a few steps involved.
RIV Registration Fee: Once paid, you will be mailed an RIV inspection form.
RIV Inspection: Take your vehicle to an authorized inspection center (most Canada Tires are authorized centers) to be inspected.
Once passed you will be mailed a Canadian Clearance sticker.
After your RV passes inspection you will be able to get it licensed in your state or province.
Contacts for more Information on Importing Vehicles into Canada
The Registrar of Imported Vehicles (RIV)
405 The West Mall, Suite 400
Toronto ON M9C 5K7
Telephone: 1-888-848-8240 (Canada and the U.S.) (English and French service)
Transport Canada
Motor Vehicle Safety
Telephone: 1-800-333-0371 (toll-free), 1-613-998-8616 (Ottawa region)