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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/18/2019 in Posts

  1. I appreciate Bill's suggestion I take a look at this thread on bathroom curtain rods and I wanted to follow up with our implementation. We really wanted to have the option of opening the bathroom window while still maintaining privacy. I did not want to drill into the hull and was able to find a 'command strip' option which seems to be working well. After installing the curtain rod (which is plastic but looks like metal) Rebecca made a curtain and we now have privacy! It is important to note that this is a command strip solution so it will only hold 3 lbs and the rod ends do not come off thus you can not side on a curtain but rather have to clip or tie it on. It seems to be holding well and given the rod length did not encounter to much of the hull curve. I have attached a few pictures. Walter
    5 points
  2. Looks like THIS will be all you need, then. It certainly is more cost effective.
    3 points
  3. We’ve got a 2004 Ford Excursion 6.0 diesel that I just can’t quit on. It’s a 2wd so the ride is pretty tame. It’s got a tow rating of 11,000lbs, 600+ mile range (44 gallon tank with no DEF...) and enough torque to stop the rotation of the earth. I added a rear sway bar which improved the handling a lot. Also upgraded to Hawk LTS brake pads. Otherwise it’s dead stock. A-* (because it’s so old it doesn’t have Apple CarPlay) *not Ollie owners, we tow a Hymer (but this forum is the BEST for tech posts)
    1 point
  4. We have camped many times in temps down to what you're describing. We do not have any additional heaters under the floor. In the situation you describe, the propane furnace will provide sufficient heat to keep your inside plumbing going. Do not hook up to outside water and expect it to be running the next morning, even with a heated hose it will most likely freeze at one end or the other so you do need to pay attention to "the outside fittings, ie city water connection, shower nozzle." Pete has "bilge heaters" in his unit. Maybe he'll chime in here. Realize though, you would have to have hookups (electricity) to be able to use them. Even a large tank of water will eventually freeze at 10 degrees but in my experience, simply keeping the basement areas slightly above freezing does the trick and it's not too hard to do. It WILL use a lot of propane so be aware of that. My guess is that if the temperature never got above 10 degrees, the furnace would run pretty much constantly and you could could use up 60 pounds of propane in less than a week. Realistically, probably daytime temps would get to near freezing or above and lessen that propane load. Running out of propane in below freezing temps would not be fun or safe, but that's why there are wheels on your trailer. If you are not trapped somewhere, move.
    1 point
  5. I believe composting toilets are an "older" technology, in a somewhat modern package ….
    1 point
  6. “Rolled my own” neutral bonding plug as per suggestions and (presto!) problem solved. Thanks to the helpful members who offered their advice.
    1 point
  7. From reading the original post, I believe the intent of the curtain and rod is to provide privacy in the bathroom with the small window in the open position. This is especially important if you're showering and the bathroom window is open. My solution was to take a microfiber cloth that's slightly larger than a washcloth and place it diagonally over the window and tuck a small corner into the space where the two parts of the window come together. The result is privacy, air flow and something handy to wipe down the walls after a shower. Marsha
    1 point
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