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Steve-Gwenne last won the day on May 28 2019

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  • Do you own an Oliver Travel Trailer, other travel trailer or none?
    I own an Oliver Travel Trailer
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    Legacy Elite II
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    Standard Floor Plan

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  1. We have volunteered to provide day care for our 18 month old granddaughter and soon to arrive little sister. We anticipate taking care of the girls until mid-2027. So, our camper is parked in our driveway without a cover. We keep a close eye on the camper inside and outside. However, we are wondering if there is anything we should do about the tires. We have the original tires with about 31k miles on them. Thank you for all and any advice. Steve & Gwenne
  2. We're on a temporary hiatus providing daycare to our 18 month old granddaughter. We will return to camping on?? But, we will return! 😀

    1. SeaDawg


      I totally get it. I'm blessed with Gramma/ grandson  time 4 days a week.

      Their little lives and abilities change so quickly! Enjoy it while you can. She will be camping with you someday, I'm sure.

      So glad you have the time to enjoy with your grandchild. Nothing compares.

  3. We stayed here in pre- pandemic 2020: https://www.fbgtx.org/343/Lady-Bird-Johnson-RV-Park
  4. Ok everyone, Thank you for all the replies. It is much appreciated. I know that anyone else that has this problem is not pleased but, I am at least glad we are not the only ones experiencing this. At someone's suggestion, I did open a Service Ticket. I heard from Mike in less than 24 hours. He said the door would need to be replaced. I responded by stating, "$$$$". Mike responded by stating that some people have covered the cracks with state park stickers. I think we'll go with white duck tape until we cannot stand it anymore or it gets much worse. We are the original owners of #224. Our window did not have clips. We changed our window in 2018. [the cracks have only recently appeared] In early 2018, there had been many Forum posts about alternate windows. One was the one that togun2 referenced & another is the one we used. I really like it. Again, ty Gwenne - of Steve & Gwenne
  5. We are new to RV ownership so maybe this is to be expected; our door panel, on the inside, is cracking. See photos. Is this normal? If not, what has caused this? 'Sun' comes to mind but I do not think that pertains to us. What should we do? I am inclined to cover each crack with white duck tape. Is this a good idea? Or ???? I am concerned that all of the laminate, or whatever this bumpy material is, will peel totally off & leave the door looking like ???. 🙂 ty
  6. John, I echo all of the above comments. I too have contacted you via PM for assistance. I felt I could do that & get a reply that would answer my question. I am deeply sorry that you need to sell your travel trailer. Best wishes. 😢
  7. Fantastic --- re doing this class, videoing it. & posting it here on the Forum. We are unable to attend the Rally & this sounds like a topic we would appreciate knowing more about.
  8. We have a June 2017 [#224] Elite II. The blinds are in desperate need of a cleaning, especially the fabric. Does anyone have a suggestion on how to do this? Thank you.
  9. Thank you!!!
  10. Hi --- like your shoe holder. Where did you get it & do you have the name of it. Thx
  11. Yes, we do the same using what we used to call a 'husband'; a bed rest which we place against the pantry wall & the stove wall. Very! comfortable.
  12. Anyone have a remedy for the rusty tips of my pantry shelf supports? Thank you.
  13. O MY Heavens!!! topgun2 --- how easy!! The funny thing is that in April my sisters & I went on a 2 week trip to the Utah National Parks. They are all Apple users; I document family activities. We could not easily get their pics into my Google Photos. I see that the Google entry is dated June 2022. I hope this means that this feature was not available earlier this year. 🙂 One sister & I are somewhat computer literate. Regardless --- thank you!!
  14. Do any of you have the secret on how to open an Apple created picture on a non-Apple device? I use a Chromebbook & Android. ty
  15. We have had our camper for 5 years [#224/2017). I do not know why but the pictured item has recently bothered me. I cannot find this item listed in my Owner's Manual nor the University manual. Would someone please let me know the name of the item. Also, what activity activates the individual lights? Thank you.
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