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Everything posted by ThomB87

  1. Welcome from Fort Collins. Glad to see the Colorado numbers going up. I tow with a 3/4 ton Chevy. Sway is no problem even across Kansas with a 30 miles per hour cross wind.
  2. We had the same issue with our 2019 over time. The dealer in Denver replaced the pins while our trailer was in for another issue. That did fix the door.
  3. Devils Den is beautiful but no cell service at the campground. You have to drive to the top of the hill. I definitely would vote for Magazine or Petit Jean. both are beautiful. Hike to the waterfall on Petit Jean. Also check out COE campground below Beaver Dam. Make sure you get a site on the river. Easy drive into Eureka Springs from there.
  4. No the Road Trip will work off the quick connect. The regulator for the Road Trip is a removable. You can buy an adapter hose on Amazon with a connector that screws into the same fitting as the regulator used for the 1 lb green bottles. No need to by pass the trailer regulator. Weber, Blackstone, and others will work. There are kits where you remove the grill's regulator so it will work off the quick connect. They are all low pressure. The issue is with high pressure devices like Coleman and other camp stoves. Even if you remove the regulator they will not run at proper temperatures. For those you do have to by pass the trailer regulator. Some solutions is carry a spare tank. Or they make Y connects you can use on one of the trailer tanks. Hope this helps
  5. You can use a Coleman Road Trip Grill with an adapter hose available on amazon with the quick connect. Weber, Blackstone, and some Camp Chefs will also work with a mod removing the regulator. Lots of You tube videos. Those are low pressure devices. They run at 11wc. Coleman stoves and others are high pressure running at 15wc. They will not work well even with a mod. Need to know whether your device is low pressure or high pressure. That sometimes means calling the manufacturer. I use a Coleman Road Trip. I wanted to switch to a Coleman Cascade 3 in 1 because it is smaller and lighter. Just went down the internet and RV forum Rabbit hole to find this out.
  6. Agree with Patriot. The keypad works well. Order the silicon cover. The original will show wear on the numbers you use. It will eventually crack. Not sure why they do not just come with the silicone. If you do have issues RVlock has good customer service. They come with a fob but we never use it. Carry the key with you just in case as a backup. Change or test the batteries yearly. This did not happen to me. But passing on a story. Lock quit working. The trailer key was in the glove box of the tow vehicle. Tow vehicle was locked. Fob for the TV was in the trailer! They were able to get into the trailer by crawling in through the basement. It was not easy because you have to push up on the basement cover which has a heavy mattress and bedding on top of it while laying on your back. Apparently a very good workout testing both strength and flexibility. Two lessons were passed on to me. Carry your truck key with you even if you are just walking around the campground. And if you work on the lock, like replacing the key pad, double check the connector. There is a plastic connector between the keypad and lock mechanism. Make sure it clicks in securely.
  7. Top or bottom vent? How easy to attach and wire up?
  8. Get the latest edition of the Milepost. It will come in handy on the road. Good to have something that doesn't require internet. We stayed in RV Parks mostly. But lots of folks boondock and there are place to pull off at the side of the road that allow it. There are also at least two facebook groups that we joined. They are useful for the latest updates. In addition BC, AB and the Yukon have websites dedicated to latest road conditions. (When you have service.)
  9. Sherril you will need to bookmark their web site. https://parks.canada.ca/voyage-travel/reserve Keep checking they will post on that site when the reservation system opens. Good luck and that is beautiful area to camp. Jasper is a little less busy than Banff.
  10. Traveling from New Mexico to Amarillo in the wild west Texas wind. It was blowing 30 mph with gusts to 60! Since it was a tail wind I was getting the best gas mileage ever. We pulled over into a parking area off the I40 for a pit stop. As my wife was exiting the trailer a gust hit, jerked the door from her hand and slammed against the rubber stopper. The good news was no damage to the exterior fiberglass or frame. The bad news was the pressure against the door was strong enough to crack the interior panel. The same result is we need a new door. In the meantime I found some white duck tape to cover the cracks. I know I am not the first to have an issue with the door in a windstorm. So a reminder to be careful out there. Now a question. Anyone who has had to overnight at the mothership while they work on their trailer, have recommendations for a place to stay that will allow a dog? Thanks
  11. I have a Coleman Roadtrip. The regulator comes off so I can use it with the quick connect or direct to a tank. Accessories include a griddle top and a frame to convert it to a regular cooktop pans.
  12. Thanks exactly what I needed to know. Planned trip to hardware this AM to get an allen wrench and keep it in my trailer tool box. I have spare washers. Fixed. But two trips to the hardware store. First was the 1/2 hex to add to my socket set. No 1/2 inch allen but they had one for a socket wrench. The second trip was for a O ring. When I pulled the fitting off, the seal was a O ring not a washer. I now have a spare. Thanks for all the input.
  13. Ok my set of allen wrenches doesn't go to a 1/2 inch. Trio to the hardware store. But manvered my phone behind the fitting to get a picture of where the leak is. Not a great picture once I enlarge it. But if you can see the black rubber protruding behind the fitting. That is where the leak is.
  14. Outside the trailer where the hose screws in. The best I can describe is where the connector spins around to screw on the hose meets the solid post. The protubing rubber must be part of the seal for the rotating female connector to the hose. It is a slow stream at this point. At first it was fast drip but got worse. I do have a 1/2 inch Allen wrench and spare hose washers. Thanks
  15. City water intake has developed a leak. Fortunately outside the trailer but large enough to make me not popular with any campground. When I feel around where the water is coming out, there is a small bit of rubber sticking out. Anyone replaced one of these? Doesn't seem to have any access from the basement. Are these standard parts I could get at any RV part store? I could not find one online that matched I have not reached out to Oliver Service yet. But I am in Alaska and a long way from home for them to ship. Appreciate any advice before I pull out my screw driver.
  16. Yes I was on line looking for some kind of bolt on locking plate. Got the bracket. Just not as trusting of a cable lock but will invest in a good one.
  17. Speaking of generators and the front storage box, ideas for security. Ideas for locking down a Honda 2000 or 2200?
  18. Yes I was confused as well at first. I was being shown available campsites. But when I tried to reserve one I got an error message to the effect about it being the wrong year.
  19. Campground Reservations FYI for anyone planning to head to Canada. Canada National Parks is updating their reservation system. If you have ever had an account with them you will need to set up a new account starting March 3rd. The good news is for this year it is not too late to make reservations. The system is doing a staggered roll out. Reservations for this year open at different times based upon Provence and Park. For example Jasper National Park opens March 16th and Banff National Park March 23rd. Leave it to the Canadians to do it in a civilized fashion. Instead of midnight, the reservations open at 8 AM in the time zone of the park.
  20. No installed solar so no adapter needed. Attaches directly to batteries with alligator clips. Have tested both generator and panels. Norcold 3 way fridge, so runs on LP. Yes, batteries charge while driving. In a real pinch can charge via truck. Done that in the pass to get boast.
  21. 100 Watt Renogy with controller two 12 volt AGM I have a Honda 2000 W I may take.
  22. Thanks to everyone who responded. Good information. Confirmed what I already was thinking. Will definitely aim for some extra time at Jasper. BTW once I get to Anchorage I have a driveway to camp in. In Seward I have a spot on the beach at a friends property with water and electricity. Well as long as they don't have another mountain slide that cuts off access. The city has a dump station. Wish us luck.
  23. I saw some others planning this trip this year. We will be heading out from Colorado the first of June. Have the newest edition of Milepost on order. We will be sticking to what passes for major highways in the Yukon and Alaska. Will be spending a couple of weeks around Anchorage and Seward. Our 2018 Elite II does not have solar. I do have a portable panel for charging. We will probably boon dock two or three nights in a row. But then I will be looking for hookups, full size showers and a dump station. Plus around Jasper and some other places I will want more than one night. I really want to have an open itinerary. Anyone who made this trip recently please comment. How hard to find places the morning of or the day before? I know where I live reservation especially if hitting the weekend are 6 months out. Thanks
  24. Rather than the roof, you can get a bed cover with built end rails. That is the set up I have. Retrax makes them and I think there is another brand. The advantage is the bikes are not as high up and exposed to damage. Loading is a little easier. The disadvantage is the roll up cover takes up a small amount of bed space. https://retrax.com/
  25. Liana, That is what the EMS is suppose to do. But in reading the manual and the video on Oliver University the display in the upper cabinet should be showing the error code, not blank. Once the issue is corrected the EMS is suppose to restore power automatically. Once hooked back up and normal it should show a PE code for a previous error. I should have been able to use the by pass mode even though it is not recommended. None to that happened. The error codes are printed on the EMS box under the seat at the dinette. You have to be able to read upside down. You do not need to abandon shore power. The EMS will protect your electronics. Like I stated about I would recommend a extra external surge protector at the pedestal. Peace of mind and it serves as a test unit before you plug in the trailer. When you tested at the pedestal was there no power at all or low voltage?
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