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Everything posted by WandR

  1. Thank you. I will follow up with OT and also check out the Marinco! I appreciate it.
  2. Thanks everyone for the input and advice. Back at a camp site with some wifi. I appreciate everyones input in terms of checking with the service department, believing it is the correct part, noting the cost is high, going with another less costly/flashy furrion option, and where to purchase. I will definitely tackle upon my return. I was just worried it would be a bigger project than it appears given out double hulls and spacing. Thanks, Walter
  3. Has anyone had to replace their Furrion 30 amp RV power inlet? The center of my inlet, which is plastic, and broken and thus the connectors and not longer stiff and secure. I am currently camping and am able to connect to power due to the fact that once the male connector is in the female plug and the retaining ring tightened everything remains in the proper place. However, I need to correct as soon as possible as I only think this will get worse and more dangerous. I have found what I believe to the correct furrion inlet on e-trailer https://www.etrailer.com/RV-Power-Inlets/Furrion/F30ITSSS.html Curious if anyone has replaced their power inlet and what the process might be. Also trying to confirm is I have the right Furrion power inlet. Thanks, Walter
  4. Hi John, I replaced my AGMs in 2021 and posted the process I followed. Please note that I have Hull #104 using Blue Sky solar equipment. Since I replaced my Trojan AGMs with Bright Way AGMs I had to reprogram my MPPT controller. If you replace your AGMs with the same Trojan AGMs then no issue, otherwise you may need to reprogram your controller depending on your solar package. Here is the thread. Hope it helps!
  5. Hi Roguebooks, Here is what I did last year when I replaced my original Trojan AGM batteries. Take a look at this thread and see if it helps.
  6. Good Question. Three primary reasons. First, I noticed OTT moved to Bright Way over Trojan and assumed they had a good reason for this - I did not, however, ask them. Second, I was able to purchase them from BatteryWholesale.com which is owned by Bright Way (Bright Way does not sale direct). I wanted to ensure I had fresh batteries manufactured together (no age difference). Third, does have to do with the price. I originally was thinking of moving to lithium batteries, however, this would not have been a plug and play solution for me. I read all the forum comments and actually talked to a few Ollie owners who had converted. Given the age of my Ollie, it would have cost me approximately $2,500 to move to lithium batteries as I would likely have to change my charge controller, etc. I was able to receive a 10% discount from BatteryWholesale.com which covered my LTL shipping and paid no tax for a total of $994. Additionally, not a good year for added expenses to as my son is graduating college and getting married. In terms of the Trojan batteries. I started there but could not get the price and shipping where I needed it to be. My sense is if I got over half the cost of moving to lithium I would have bitten the bullet and gone with Battle Born. Guess time will tell.
  7. I wanted to share with you my recent battery replacement. My Ollie is a 2015 Elite II which originally came with Trojan T-105 AGM batteries in support of my solar system which utilizes the Blue Sky solar package (SB2512iX-HV MPPT controller and IPN-ProRemote). I replaced my Trojan AGM batteries with Bright Way Group Bright Way Group EVGC6 - 6V 220AH Deep Cycle Golf Cart Battery which OTT are currently installing on the Elite II as the AGM option. As part of this process, I contacted Bright Way Group technician in order to obtain the battery specification sheet (attached). I then provided it the Blue Sky Technician (Ryan Gurin, 760-208-2149). Ryan provided me with the settings needed to reprogram my Blue Sky MPPT Controller SB2512iX-HV via the IPN-ProRemote. Ryan is an excellent resource and was very helpful. I ended up talking to him multiple times. In a nutshell, here is what I did: 1. Disconnected the solar panel via the cutoff switch (street side bed) and opened fuses on the bus bars (also street side bed). 2. Removed the old Trojan Batteries (after taking pictures of the wiring configuration). 3. Cleaned all battery wiring connections. 4. Cleaned up the battery box and repainted the battery tray. 5. Inserted the new AGM batteries and made all appropriate connections (maintained the original wiring configuration). 6. Closed the fuses on the bus bars. 7. Reprogrammed the MPPT controller via the IPN-Remote using the new battery settings. (see attached sheet with adjusted settings) 8. Reconnected the solar panel via the cutoff switch. 9. Verified solar system was operating correctly and batteries were charging as appropriate. Additional Notes: 1. If changing to AGM from Wet Cells, you must ensure the equalization dip switch on the MPPT controller is off. You do not want to equalize AGM batteries. The dip switch will override the IPN-ProRemote settings. 2. Bright Way Group batteries have the same dimensions as the Trojan batteries so they fit in the tray (just as tight). 3. Recommend you review the Blue Sky Learning Center video on how to program the IPN-ProRemote. 4. IPN-Remote Programming instructions (attached) – please note I downloaded the menu sheet from the IPN-ProRemote manual and annotated the needed updates. I found it easier to utilize this menu sheet in order to understand where I was in the programming process (most parameters do not change). As you review, please note you should “restore default settings” first from the set-up menu. I have highlighted in yellow the menu options that you will need to perform an action on. The new settings are also highlighted in yellow next to the appropriate menu box. Hope this helps anyone considering replacing their AGM batteries. 1492893628_BlueSkyIPN-ProRemoteRe-programming.pdf BWG_Spec_Sheet_BW EVGC-220A-AM Final.pdf
  8. Just received four new Bright Way Group batteries (EVGC-220A-AM) this week for my 2015 E2. They are made in China. I initially thought Taiwan but the actual box says "Made in China". These have the exact foot print as the Trojan T-105. They fit into the tray - just as tight as the Trojans. I wish I had a bit more room due to the battery strap shackle resting tight against the battery. The shackle left an indentation in my old Trojans but did not break the case.
  9. Patriot, Nice work! You motivated me to do the same thing to my 2015 Ollie. When I called Zarcor (last week) to ensure I received the correct color handle I mentioned we had been discussing their window shades on the Oliver Forum and they gave me free shipping. Total cost (tinted window plus white shade w/white handle) was $129 with no tax and no shipping. For those of us with the older Ollies with the screw in window frame versus snap-in Mike also has an installation thread that was helpful. Just installed it today and it looks great! Really nice to be able to see outside while seated at the dinette as well as see who is knocking at the door.
  10. Hi SeaDawg, I have not tried any others beyond the original Trojan T-105s. This will be my first replacement. I will let you know how it goes.
  11. av8wife, We also have decided to replace our AGM batteries. While this option does not have all the benefits of Lithium it appears to be easier for me in terms of plug-and-play and cost for my 2015 (#104) Ollie. I purchased four Bright Way Group EVGC6 - 6V 220AH Deep Cycle Golf Cart Batteries (see attached spec sheet) from batterywholesale.com which is owned by Bright Way Group. The Bright Way AGM's have the same foot print of the Trojan T-105's and are currently what OTT installs as their AGM option. Total cost for me was $994.65 which included a 10% discount (look for pop-up while on site) and LTL delivery. I am currently waiting on the batteries due to the weather issues in the mid-west. The batteries ship out of the Dallas area and I hope to have them next week. I will update after installation. BWG_Spec_Sheet_BW EVGC-220A-AM Final.pdf
  12. I have found Timken bearings hard to find and there appears to be some relationship between Timken and National. I am in the process (as needed) of replacing my bearings and have been replacing them with National Bearings. They are made in China but my sense and hope is they are built under more stringent perimeters. I have attached National Light Trailer Bearing and Seal Guide with the Dexter 3.5K axle highlighted. The hand written note at the bottom is another choice for the seal from E-Trailer that I like as it has a reinforcing spring within the seal. My sense and I believe others have stated that if you do the proper annual wheel bearing maintenance as prescribed by OTT that you will be ok as you will see problems before they become critical. I purchased my bearings at O'Reilly Auto Parts and have been satisfied thus far. I feel they are better than the original bearings but not as good as Timken if you can find them. As others have said use good wheel bearing grease. I use No. 2 Mystik JT6 which OTT uses. I know others have their favorites also. Good luck!National Light Trailer Bearing Guide.pdf
  13. Horace: I am not sure why the move away from Trojan. I noticed the change while looking at the options for the new trailers on the Oliver web site. I confirmed this when I requested a quote for AGM batteries and installation from OTT. My plan is to do myself as this should not be to difficult once I obtain the batteries and Blue Sky settings.
  14. Horace: Looking at getting them from "batterywholesale.com" but have not ordered yet. In talking with Bright Way Tech (Wes Way) he indicated that Bright Way does not sale direct to the public but through distributors and recommended getting batteries with close to the same production dates (heat stamped date on top of battery) in avoid issues. I indicated I was looking to purchase from battery wholesale.com and Wes indicated that Bright Way owns BatteryWholesale.com and the batteries come directly from his warehouse, thus there would be no issues in terms of production date mismatches. He should be sending me the tech sheet (not on their website) next week so I can review and provide to Blue Sky who will then provide appropriate settings for the IPN ProRemote. -Walter
  15. Thanks All. The thread above from mjrendon was very helpful and I believe I am ok for now. I am in the process of replacing my batteries and determining whether to go back with AGM or Lithium. Appears my current Trojan's are at the end of life (almost 6 years old). I have researched the Lithium option via this forum and with assistance from Mike. I am also looking at the AGM option and possibly going with the Bright Way Group EVGC6 - 6V 220AH Deep Cycle Golf Cart Battery which OTT have moved to from the Trojan batteries. While this option does not have all the benefits of Lithium it appears to be easier for me in terms of plug-and-play and cost for my 2015 (#104) Ollie. The Bright Way AGM's have the same foot print of the Trojan T-105's and I would not have to replace my current PD power control center. However, I would have to reprogram the Blue Sky IPN ProRemote as the Bright Way do not have the exact characteristics of the Trojan. Bright Way is sending me the particular spec sheet for their AGMs. Once I have it I will send to Ryan (Blue Sky) who indicated he can provide the new settings. Thanks everyone for your help thus far and I will let you know what I find out and will post information as received. Thanks, -Walter
  16. Thank you - sounds good and just got off the phone with Ryan! He is great!
  17. Thank you! I appreciate it. -Walter
  18. Hi Bill, I was unable to locate Buzzy's post regarding AGM setting for the Blue Sky IPN ProRemote. Would you be able to provide the link to the article? Thanks, Walter
  19. Looking forward to the rally. Booked E39 for four nights. See you there!
  20. Thought I would follow up on this thread. Our Oliver Elite II is #104 manufactured in 2015. We have a SAFE-T-ALERT RV propane alarm under our dinette. It just began to alarm last month at approximately 5 years of age. The End of Life (EOL) signal began to beep and I reset the alarm which silences it for 3 days. After 3 days it occurred again and the the EOL light once again came on. Per the front panel the EOL will not mute after 30 days. I was able to find a replacement alarm (30-442-P) on Amazon with a manufacture date of March 17, 2020 (so they are shipping new alarms). I removed the old propane alarm during my winterization process and will put the new alarm in the Ollie when I dewinterize this spring. My plan (hope) is the 5 year clock will start at that time. I also plan to install quick disconnects as Yukon did for the same reason. Here is a link to the new alarm https://www.amazon.com/MTI-Industries-30-442-P-WT-Propane-Alarm/dp/B000AMBHG4 I have also attached pictures of the old alarm (front & back) and the new alarm in original package.
  21. Congratulations on the new Oliver! So glad you were able to get it for the fall camping season. I know you will really enjoy it!! We are.
  22. I wanted to share that the outside courtesy (puddle) lights that Mossey recommended. They are a perfect fit. I have attached some before and after pics. Thanks Mossey! -Walter
  23. Mossey - thank you! Looks like an exact match and not to expensive. Thanks!
  24. Great information. Does anyone know the part number or where to order a new puddle light? I have a puddle light with only 2 of the 3 LEDs working. It appears the lens has a crack in it. Not to big a deal but would like to replace. I also assume the puddle light is the same for all Olivers as mine is a 2015 Elite II. Thanks!
  25. Thanks John - this is very helpful as we enter the camping season!
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