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    I own an Oliver Travel Trailer
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  1. 114 Assuming the last trailer isn’t also missing the kitchen sink, toilet etc…. PS- I’m terrible at math…… (5+14x6=114) revised answer: 14x6=84 + 5 = 89
  2. I vote Overland’s wife to be party coordinator at all Oliver Rallies... “ Zeppelin Bunny mosh pits”.... Man!... that a whole-nother level Egg Rally... sign me up!
  3. In the Immortal words of Ross Parro.... "Whats that sucking sound you hear".... Oh its my Oliver😂
  4. On the bright side... Maybe the rising fuel prices will thin out the hoards of travelers out there and I can get a reservation somewhere!😳.... I miss spontaneous travel!...Planning is not one of my strong suits... And sticking to an itinerary just seems anti-retirement 😂.... Ok... back to my Positivity training.....Ohmmmmmm🧘‍♂️
  5. If you have a bike hitch on your trailer.. This might work...
  6. Oh Yea!.... Nothing says long road trip like a little "Trombone choir"...😂...I'm Fired up now..ready to go!...Oh wait.. where's my vaccine?.. Man its been a long winter
  7. Here’s some Brothers out of Australia.... Putting out some great blues
  8. Can you?...😳...hahaha... now thats a interesting topic... Do I need a Anderson hitch....
  9. Welcome to the Tundra/ Olly 1 club...😉... I put Firestone Riderites airbags on my 2020 Tundra and it made a big difference in the ride... It dampened the bouncing effect when going over bumps and potholes. Enjoy your new toys.. ( show pics )
  10. Amen brother!... bring back the Baja bug.. keep it simple 😎...
  11. Hey Andrew... Thanks for the sample test results.... I’d say kids on the x-box for three straight hours is a pretty good real world test... not having them bug me for that long is worth the price alone😂.. Santa just delivered yesterday... can’t wait figure out all the uses I’ll have for it... Happy Holidays and save travels!
  12. 🎅..... Merry Christmas... to me 😉... Thanks Bill
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