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Everything posted by Imelda

  1. I recently had to get all the drawers out under the sink so I could replace a leaking faucet. To get more access to under the sink I unscrewed the wooden slats that hold drawer latches. When I put them back on again after replacing the faucet, I had a hell of a time getting the middle drawer to latch even though I had marked where to put the slats back. So what I did was to take the middle drawer back out, take the wood slat with latch of again, then put the drawer back in so it was flush, aligned the slat with the latch latching the drawer and then screwed the slat back again so it was latching. So far so good. It's latching again. I would still like to replace the 2 lower drawer under the sink with cabinet doors but right now I have way to many projects going so I will put this on the back burner for now.
  2. Thank you for rotating the pics. Looks better now!
  3. I am going to follow this as my manual awning has the same problem. When I close it it is stays out about 2inches on the rear and I don't want to force it.
  4. Hi all. I had discussed my problem of very low water pressure at my shower faucet even with the faucet head removed on an earlier post. No issues at kitchen, outside faucet or toilet. I decided to share this on a separate post on how I fixed the problem since others might have this problem sometime. I bought the vinegar (see pic) at Home Depot and was planning on pumping it though the fresh water tank (bypassing the water heater) and decalcifying before my next trip. But meanwhile I had the idea of removing the faucet head, turn of water or pump and drain as much of the water out of the shower water line as I could. Then I took a syringe - see pic (no needle) and slowly over 1 hr. injected about 2 cups of the vinegar down the faucet hose (see pic) . Be sure to wear gloves and eye protection as the vinegar will burn. I hung the shower hose to the shower holder so I got max amount of vinegar down the hose. Pics need to be rotated 90 degrees. After 1 hr. I went back and turned on the water pump and water pressure is back to normal. 👍
  5. Thank you for the suggestions. When I remove the shower head, the flow is still low coming out from the shower hose. So I am thinking to pour the 100% vinegar or maybe CLR down the shower hose and see if that clears it up. My concern is that either the 100% vinegar or CLR might damage any rubber grommets in the shower hose or anywhere else it might get to. What do you think would the vinegar or CLR be safe to use? Imelda
  6. I was wondering if there are any filters back under the bathroom sink there that are blocked. it's odd that both the hot and cold water at the shower faucet have low pressure while the kitchen faucet (I just replaced it) and toilet are good. I replaced the dura facet shower head and with the white vinegar flush and soaked it in CLR - it is better but not great and I can likely live with it. I am going to start using the Camco water filter you recommended but I am not sure it will filter the high calcium we have here in N Texas. I may need to add a water softener. I will try a few more options before I remove the panel to get to under the bathroom sink. It seems I have had a lot of minor problems with my Oliver for only owning it for 2 years now. So far I have been able to fix them. Before I had a big horse trailer with living quarters that seemed to be a lot more durable. I guess it had to be well built to haul several thousand pounds of horses down the road. I had been told travel trailers are not that well built so that is why I choose Oliver. It interests me to fix problems. The Oliver service dept. are responsive when I ask for help but there are things I have pointed out to them that they can definitely improve on. The forum is great and I appreciate all the help.
  7. Thank you. I am learning a lot and this forum is very helpful. The pressure has improved some with the white vinegar flush but it's still not 100%. I thought this might be the way to access under the bathroom sink but it looks like a lot of work so I might try a few more things before I go this route.
  8. So an update to my problem on no clearance to get the street side jack head off. I finally broke down and cut a 1/2 inch of the fiberglass using a rotary cutter so I could get the head off. see pic below. I had no problem with getting the curb side jack head off. I wonder if anyone else has had to do this? All jacks are now greased.
  9. I would like to know to access the plumbing under the bathroom sink. Is there a post somewhere I missed describing how to? I am still chasing down my bathroom faucet low water pressure.
  10. John, good instructions. I am doing my rear jacks now so this is very helpful but I ran into a problem. On the street side rear jack there is not enough clearance of the fiber glass above to get the jack head off to grease it - see pic the curb side was good and I got it greased even thought it took using a cheater bar on the allen wrench to get the recessed screws loosened. They were so tight. Tongue jack was easy to do. Has anyone had this problem? It looked like they had a problem putting the jack on in the first place as there is a ding in the fiber glass. I don't think I can maneuver it out of there and I may have to take a rotary cutter and cut the fiber glass back by a small amount so I can get more clearance to get the top of the jack off to grease it. Imelda
  11. All, I would like to hear how this goes. I still have to repair mine. Imelda
  12. Wow, I have an update on the blocked Dura faucet shower head. I removed the anode from the water heater to flush it out. I run the water heater of propane since we mostly dry camp so I have not checked the anode in a while. When I took it out all this junk came out (even though it hasn't been used) and the anode was down to the wire. (see pics) I was really surprised - so this junk may be the source of my clogged shower head water. I am replacing the shower head so I will see if that fixes it. So now I have to jump on a water heater thread. My questions are: 1. If I am using just propane why did this anode perish? 2. Could I remove the anode and just have a drain plug and continue to use the propane? 3. How do I stop the rust forming around the drain plug seen on the pic?
  13. Thank you all, really good advice here - I will replace the dura faucet shower head, flush the water system with White vinegar ( by pass water heater of course) and invest in a quality water filter.
  14. All, thank you so much for the heads up so I guess I will need a jack and a bottle of "Jack" to complete the job>
  15. And of course a bottle of Jack would definitely improve the situation😀
  16. I have these drive on trailer jacks I was thinking of using on my Oliver. I have used them on my horse trailers. Trust me, there is nothing more stressful than changing a flat tire along a busy highway with horses in my horse trailer. Using this I don't have to unhook the horse trailer or have to get the horses out. So I was thinking of hooking up the Oliver and using this to take the wheels of and repack them one by one. Anybody see why this would not work? Imelda
  17. All, thanks all for these post. I now have low water pressure at the dura faucet shower head in the bathroom. I live in North Texas same Dale Wilkens (hard water area) and among the many problems I have had with my Oliver after my Utah trip is low to non existent water pressure at the Durafauct shower head in the bathroom. Toilet and kitchen faucet water pressure are fine. I put the durafaucet shower head in a bowl of CLR for an hour or two and while it's is a lot better now but still not great. I was a little suspicious of the water at Farm store in Utah where we filled the fresh water tanks in April. I was thinking that in addition to hard water there may have been a lot of sediment in the water. I am going to order another durafaucet shower head from amazon per Dave Wilson and Frank C suggestions and and I am assuming I can just unscrew the old one and put in a the new one. I am also going to drain the hot water heater and check the anode. I have only used it once. Mostly I dry camp and use the propane. And how do I go about flushing the water system with white vinegar to get ride of any deposits and I assume I have to bypass the water heater? I did replace the water pump filter even though it looked ok and it didn't improve the shower head water pressure.
  18. Can I use the electric jacks on the trailer to raise it up on one side of the trailer to get the wheels of that side and then do the other side or is this not a good idea? Just edited this when i found a thread that says I can raise one side using the jacks and then the other.
  19. Great, thank you. I just ordered it. Imelda
  20. What is the best wheel bearing grease to use to pack the wheel bearing on my Oliver? There are a lot of grease options. Should I use Timken's high performances or is Lucas Oil grease just as good?
  21. Jim, thank you. Looks like a really messy job and I have someone recommended coming out but I want to make sure it goes well so my being knowledgeable on how it should go would be helpful. Also where can I purchase some spare bearings in case we have to replace some after we check them. Imelda
  22. I am going to have some one come by and pack the wheel bearings on my Oliver. It has just hit the first 12,000 miles according to my mileage log. I would like to know how to do this so I can watch and make sure its being done correctly. Is there a how to pack Oliver wheel bearings video somewhere I can watch? Imelda
  23. I have to have a microwave. I am not a very good cook, reheating is more my game. However one thing I have found invaluable when travelling in my Oliver is a small air fryer I bring along. It doesn't take up much space and it has tons of recipes for it and a lot of food I buy in the freezer section (healthy of course) comes with air fryer heating instructions. https://www.amazon.com/Ultrean-Electric-Nonstick-Certified-Warranty/dp/B07FF117K7/ref=sr_1_11?crid=3RZAVO5YW2AN&keywords=air%2Bfryer&qid=1652042757&sprefix=air%2B%2Caps%2C143&sr=8-11&th=1
  24. Congrats to you for taking on something this complex. I try to do most of the repairs and maintenance myself but I couldn't crease wheel bearings. Fortunately I live in North Texas Horse Country with lots of trailer here so there are some good reputable places I can bring my Oliver to for service like this.
  25. Success, I got the new microwave in. 😃 I replaced the High Point one with a Toshiba EM925A5A-BS That was a lot cheaper than High point. It is the same size and wattage and I was able to use the existing trim, screws etc. from the Non functioning High point.
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