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Coastal Aggie

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  1. I'll throw my 2c in here. On my 2023 LE1 the furnace does have an outlet at the forward end under the bed street side. So far the lowest Temps I've stayed in with this one was in the low teens and very windy. I keep temp set at 68-70 and the only thing that froze was the hot water to the bathroom. Now that I've installed a hatch under the bathroom sink I suspect I won't have much issue there as I can leave it cracked open. More than likely I'll be back up in alaska this coming fall/winter and I'll really be able to put things to the test. I will say I do wish I could fit the 30# tanks on the LE1. When it's under 35 degrees I rip through both 20# tanks in only about 4 days. I'm considering adding an auxiliary propane line so that I can hook up to a much larger tank that I'd set next to the tongue for when I'm more permanently In the PNW and alaska.
  2. Recently I had to replace 4/5 of the touch lights. I got 2 different styles to try out. One was very similar to the original style except with a push button in the middle and the option of both dimming and a blue light, the other style is more modern style with button, dimming and red light. Unfortunately the ones with red light were a bit too small so I'll eventually need get around to swapping them out. However I've really gotten to like the red light at night quite a bit. It's gotten me wondering if there's an option out there that I could swap out the bathroom/hallway courtesy lights out for red lights and was wondering if anyone has seen something that would work. I normally like to leave the bathroom light on 24/7 so I'm not having to fumble around with switches in the dark also I never use those courtesy lights but if they were red I could leave them on all the time with no issue.
  3. Lucky this came up just as I was getting around to fixing it. On my way back from alaska this year I ended up having to hit an empty DEF box in the middle of the road. Didn't have a chance to avoid it but if I had thought more about it I would've at least gone over it off center instead of just straight on (initially figured itd be better for it to hit the part of my bumper that sticks down to protect the winch/diff in the center), ended up smashing the plastic loop that holds the cable to the "pin thing". Didn't even realize it was broken until a couple days later when I went to inspect everything to make sure it was still good.
  4. I just drove the cassiar highway down from alaska and if it's anything like that its doable but you're gonna be going well below the speed limit so take that into account when planning stops. The road itself wasn't in terrible condition, they did ok with fixing most potholes but definitely still gotta keep eyes peeled for them. The bigger issue I've seen on remote sections of Canada highways is just getting bucked up and down from the frost heaving pushing up the road and making it wavy. Coupled with how windy and curvy they can be the first day and a half after getting on the cassiar was driving maybe 35-40 mph.
  5. After a 3 month trip to alaska and back I'm finding dust in places I didn't know could get dusty. If I ever get a wild hair doing a wrap with a different color for the bottom half is on my list of probably someday projects. I kinda like the idea of doing either a teal or red on the bottom half to give it kinda a retro look but a grey to match my silver truck would be pretty rad. I just find the giant white egg look a little odd when you come across it tucked away in the woods.
  6. Has anyone actually ran a soft start truma on a Honda 2200? The main reason I didn't get the truma package was because I'd need to get a larger generator since the soft start wasnt an option at the time and as a full timer I'm pretty limited on weight/space. If it's certain that it'll run it I'd love to swap out my dometic for a truma.
  7. I throw a greeting out to whoever I saw this morning up in the texas panhandle headed north. I was on my last day of the return trip from alaska back to san antonio. This trip I've seen my first 2 "wild" Ollie's. One out on the Homer spit a couple months ago and the one today. Sorry I didn't get a chance to say hi I think it was hull 747 or 757 I don't recall but we tent camped for a night on the spit just to say we did but the wind was so brutal that night we were hunkered down.
  8. Are yall saying the center of the remote is supposed to be some sort of display screen? Neither my current or the remote from the previous trailer showed anything in the center? I thought it was just a funky remote design.
  9. I just did the same hatch install in mine a couple weeks ago but with it facing the other direction. (Hinge away from toilet) The only issue with doing it that way is if you have a squatty potty or similar stool as I do you have to move it out of the way to open the door but I really like the ability to open it and reach my extra toilet paper if needed while still seated.
  10. If this would allow it to be run off a honda 2200 Id definitely be amenable to swapping my dometic for the truma. I was a little miffed that i was forced to go with the truma furnace in the 2023 despite not wanting the truma package which meant furnace and AC control are now on separate panels. I didnt want the truma package because i dont want to 1.) buy another generator when i already have a 2200 and 2.) have to haul a bigger generator around.
  11. So none of yall actually use a mosquito net on the door of your trailers to keep them outside? My friends that live in Fairbanks use one on the door to their house and it works great.
  12. Painted Cowboy is who I used both times I had my trailer delivered to me from Tennessee they were prompt and very accomodating to my ever changing schedule and their rate is pretty much the industry standard. The staff at oliver have their contact info if you need it as I believe they've referred several others to them over the years.
  13. Probably one of my favorite toys I picked up during my time In galveston. It was the year that there was a huge population explosion of the giant quarter sized mosquitos that have a pretty painful bite. I think 2017 or 18. Many of the hallways at the school were spotted with blood spots from students smacking mosquitos against the walls. They had to put up signs asking folks to avoid doing that.
  14. Don't I know it. Roads were still pretty icy this last time I drove up. And there were a couple of times i started sliding but always regained control. That was not a drive for the faint of heart. Most of the campgrounds were still closed for the winter too. I think aside from Liard in BC I spent the nights in the roadside pullouts because there was nowhere else to camp. Even once I was up in alaska we took a trip down to the kenai and while the campground we went to was technically fully open they hadn't gotten around to plowing the actual campsites yet. Another lesson learned when I decided to brave it and found the snow in the cul-de-sac at the end of the row of campsites to be too deep to turn around. Thankfully I've got a 12k lb winch which made easy but time consuming work to pull my truck and Ollie in a circle to get back out of the campground.
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