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Posts posted by Wayfinder

  1. Congratz on the new tires @csevel.  I'm too late to this thread, but I also went with new Michelin Agilis Cross Climate - LT225/75 R16.  I love 'em, but I'd love any good reliable tire that is round and black.  Many folks love those coopers.  Keep them covered when not in use!

    I'm still a bit confused though.  After all these years of many forum threads mentioning pressure from the factory, why are they still putting 80psi in them?  I understand if one blows that will place more "pressure" on the others, but 80psi is one hell of a hard ride.  I also keep mine at just under 50psi, but I travel extremely light too.  No much extra in the way of toys, yet. 

    I'll be at the factory in July getting the new suspension upgrade and windows on the old #110.  I'll ask that question there.  I forgot to open up that can of worms at the Alabama rally.  LOL

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  2. The Furrion S cameras may be a bit of a challenge, but I may try a molded plastic cover with 3M adhesive tape, or, I have some friends into 3D printing.  If that did not void any warranty, a 3D printed white cover could be added to every Ollie with that Camera.  I'm thinking the 3D printed cover could potentially look quite nice, if done well. It could also have screw holes used by the camera's provided screws. 


    • Like 1
  3. 6 hours ago, Ronbrink said:

    Or just a simple cradle resting across the two adjacent pipes.

    I considered that, but then I could hear someone, rightfully so, say it would put too much stress on those Pex pipes.  If those leak, there's no stopping the leak without killing the water and pressure in the lines.  If the faucet likes as it has, it only leaks when using the outside shower.  Not a bad compromise.  

    The part is actually suppose to arrive this afternoon, so I might be replacing it at the rally.   Something fun to to do.

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  4. 19 hours ago, jd1923 said:

    Better than tape would be some kind of donut clamped to the hose, so that it cannot be pulled too far.

    I also thought something like that, however there's WAY too much to catch on in that area of a hull, unless the hose was pushed back into a "baggie" like pouch, but still, it's Chinese plastic I'm sure.  It won't last long no matter what.

    • Like 1
  5. 17 minutes ago, rich.dev said:

    💯 agree on Amazon, not too many weeks go by without me ordering something from Amazon. But I avoid dealing with UPS and FedEx like the plague! Maybe it’s just because I’m from Canada, but with UPS and FedEx there’s always all kinds of extra charges! 😔

    Yeah, I don't seem to deal with those extra charges.  Or maybe they're so hidden that ignorance is bliss.  That's how I make it thru life.

  6. I had to look at the page source to see who makes this forum software.  Hopefully they do good by Oliver.  I've been... "out of touch" for a while (no comments please), and the web pages looks nearly the same as I remember.  Good job in the upgrade/migration.  It appears to be "seamless", unlike much of the gov't IT work I've had to support in my career, which was "seems like less".  Very similar, but different.  🙂  

    Great job.  I'd rather use these forums over using "the facebooks".  Seems more personal in these forums.


    • Like 3
  7. On 5/7/2024 at 1:17 AM, jd1923 said:

    Hulls 110, 113,117 are all old girls!

    The crack must have come from fighting with the hose. I’ve been using ours quite a bit lately and the hose will often not fully extend. From your pic, I can see it’s getting caught on the hot side PEX! I’m going to cover or wrap that plumbing with something so the hose can be pulled out unhindered.

    hope you can source the cracked part without replacing the entire faucet assembly.

    I was also thinking of Jerry Rigging cloth strip of something to better support that silver show hose, to take a bit of pressure of that plastic fitting.  Also, I will likely add line marks or colored electrical tape (yellow, then red) as the... "do not pull any farther out" warning markers.  Will work for me.  

    I will likely add a bit more silver insulator material on the walls around that shower faucet area.  Just to help a tad bit more keeping things warming in lightly cold weather.  I always keep extra insulator inside the faucet box, inside the door, just to "attempt" to improve thermals.

    The new part is on order from the dreaded Amazon.  Camping world did not have the exact part, and I wanted exact if I can get it.  

    • Like 1
  8. Well, of course I had no time to conduct a proper PMCS (Army maintenance check) on the Ollie until 6 days before departure. Retirement can't come soon enough. 

    Now I see the outdoor shower faucet assembly is cracked inside the hull.  I noticed it while bleeding air out of the lines.  Water was poring out of the weep holes in the hull and water dripping over the wall into the basement compartment.   Oh well, not a show shopper.  Only leaks if outdoor shower is turned on, which I seldom use.

    Hopefully Camping World (yuck) will have the part on hand.  If not, oh well.  After the the rally. Maintenance, maintenance.  #110 is showing her age.  Maybe I will do a YouTube of it, we'll see.




  9. Using Google and the forum search, I cannot find any info about pulling out the large windows to properly reseal them.  I tend to find my own maintenance posts, not helpful.  LOL. 

    I pulled off the walk-in door last year and that's been perfect ever since.  Naturally the minor leak in my rear side window is getting worse, and now only a week before I leave for my trip to the Alabama rally.  I'm considering pulling the window out tomorrow, but that seems risky with the rally so close.

    • Yes, my tracks are very clean! I have a how-to video on the subject on YouTube. 
    • The black removable seals are as tight as can be to the lower vertical window frame (middle).
    • I have rain gutter guards.
    • I've placed plastic over the window, but NOT the exterior light above the window, and there were no leaks, so, it's the window or frame.
    • The good news is, there's no water in the hull, only on the kitchen-side bunk, pooling.

    I'm a solo traveler, so I'm thinking of traveling this time without that side's mattress, just in case, but that's usually my excess storage area.  At least it's on the awning side of the camper.  Helpful when not driving.

    The leaking is in the direct CENTER of the window, under the center support frame.  Useful info?

    My slider window does NOT remove, from what I can tell.  I wanted to inspect that area, but cannot.  Other's mentioned that their slider window does remove.  Mine does not have enough up/down space to remove. Again, it's a 2016 demo model.

    I thought someone mentioned replacing or resealing windows in the past on this forum?  Does anyone know where that thread is?  My search results stink.

    Thanks much.  Dry or wet, I'll see you at the rally.


    • Like 1
  10. I have the same camera system and just ordered a new camera at Amazon, WVCMS130AP.  I checked my manual to confirm.

    My camera was also full of water.  I tried drying it out and using plumber's grease on the seal ,in hopes it would come back to life (no fog),  it didn't work.  There is only a fairly solid white image on the monitor, but the camera is transmitting - yay!?

    I don't know what to expect in regards to the wiring.  Do I get to it from the inside rear-upper cabinet space, or pull the wire seal from the outside?


  11. I'm missing two black weep hole plugs, but I had completely forgot about them as I blocked them with white Gorilla duct tape, strong stuff. They blend in too well to remind me.  I just now looked at them, after nearly 2.5 years outside, and they're still perfect. Maybe I should pull the other two plugs to match. I'm getting a bit of water inside with heavy rains. Or, like my walk-in door, maybe the frames are leaking. Since I pulled off the door fame off the hull and resealed, it's been perfect, no more leaks.  Super easy job. I have a post somewhere in the forums. No vid yet, not sure how to organize content.  



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  12. If I did not stress this before.  Ensure you have a reliable torque wrench on your trips, one with a long handle for easy torquing.  That way you can always ensure both the trailer and tow vehicle's lug nuts are as tight as you want them.  I think in this group it sounds like we range from 90 to 110 ft lbs. 

    Especially important: IF you decide to change out your lug nuts, take one good trip, say 1 hour or more, and check all lug nuts when you stop.  I found one nut on the trailer that either came lose or I had missed on final inspection.   Inspection of torque should like be done a few times until you KNOW the nuts stay where they should.  We can't get too lazy here, but we will eventually.  We're busy humans.

    Safety first! 

    • Like 3
  13. On 9/3/2023 at 5:17 PM, John Welte said:

    They don't look like the bulge acorn style.  I thought that with the aluminum wheels, it's recommended to get the bulge acorn style.


    It is recommended to get the bulge acorn style for the aluminum rims.

  14. 46 minutes ago, wolfdds said:

    Does anyone know where to buy replacement rubber strips and the felt sides for these windows? It was pouring out and our windows were leaking, in desperation I pulled the gaskets and felt but pretty much ruined it getting it out. The good news is that I was able to stop the leak after pulling out the gasket and cleaning the weep holes.

    Any info on buying new parts to replace the ones I ruined would be appreciated.

    Well, most folks here will suggest call Oliver, not that they will have that part on hand (no way), but they can confirm who your window manufacturer is and "maybe" you can get replacement material from the manufacturer themselves.  Not sure otherwise.  Maybe someone else has a better suggestion. 

    Great question though!

    • Like 1
  15. Well, after a year or more of using towels to soak up rain water, I finally got the nerve up to take off the walk-in Lippert door from the trailer. The sealant putty behind the door frame, where the screws go in, had failed and leaked bad. 

    This was an easy job!  It only took me three hours and most of that time was prep-work and clean-up of old butyl tape (putty).  I have a bunch of video clips to put together to make a YouTube video of the process, but I'm finding it difficult to organize everything.  I need to re-shoot a better intro.  I'm still learning.

    Anyways, the door & frame came off WAY TOO EASY.  It appears that someone before me attempted to repair the leaks (left & right sides), but they did not cleaned off all the original butyl sealant/putty.  Don't be lazy.  Clean everything like new.  

    Also, I used two layers of butyl tape in the middle area of the door frame, on the left and right sides of the door frame, due to the distance between the yellow straight edge (see picture) and the curved pieces of hull and where they meet up.

    I used a plastic scraper to take off the heaviest of old butyl tape from the hull and the door frame itself. I then used 3M adhesive removal and a rag to get the surfaces perfectly clean. (Wear gloves)

    Everything went back together quick and easy, no issues at all. I waited 18 hours before performing a leak test, to ensure all putty had warmed up in the sun and "squished" around as needed.

    I've done a heavy, heavy leak test and it's gone through one heavy, blowing rain storm and another lighter rain since completion, all without a single drop inside. YAY ME!  You don't know how happy I was to see that I did it better than the last guy.  The original putty(s) looked really bad and it did look like someone attempted to address the issue before I purchased the trailer.  What a crappy job they did.  Shaking my head.  Also, in those middle sections of the hull, where I doubled up the putty, I noticed that old putty was not even remotely "squished" in by the door frame, indicating there was air gabs between the putty and the frame, or the hull.

    THIS WAS NOT A DIFFICULT JOB. I should have done it sooner!

    Many of the screw holes were too large for the screws used.  Really, there were about 10 of the 23 screws which could have been removed by hand or simply pulled straight out of the holes.  I Epoxied the worst of the holes and re-drilled. I also added a handful of new self-tapping screws to ensure the door frame snugged up tight to the trailer where needed (not in the middle sections of the left & right door frame). Remember, the door frame will not really "bend" towards the hull due to the door frame itself being so stout and with right-angles, hence the need for doubling up the putty in the middle, where the hull was too far way from door frame's edge, where the screw holes are located.

    As some of you know already, this door, I think, is custom made for Oliver, as my door did say Lippert, but the sticker essentially said, made for Oliver, mine was from a lot of 10 doors.  I looked on the Lippert web site and I did not find the same dimensions of doors as Oliver uses, or I'm measuring wrong.

    The fan in the attached picture is where I was drying up the spray foam between the floor and the outer hull.  Oliver used foam as a filler, likely to reduce movement, but my foam was soaking wet with rain water, so it sat and dried while I worked on everything else.

    Again, if your door leaks, but is not damaged and does not need replacing, this is a super easy job, and likely if you did need a new door and might be able to have it shipped from Oliver, it would still be easy. I say that because someone on Facebook just mentioned their door got damaged in a wind storm recently.

    This is a one-person job too, unless someone wants to help clean up old putty from the hull or door.  That would save a lot of time.


    Door laying on table cleaned up.jpg

    Hull threshold with fan blowing to dry foam.jpg

    Hull without door close-up right side top.jpg

    Hull without door showing left side.jpg

    Threshold dirty clean-up.jpg

    Lippert Door Sticker.jpg




    Butyl tape measuring.jpg

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