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John and Debbie

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John and Debbie last won the day on December 1 2022

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    I own an Oliver Travel Trailer
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    Legacy Elite II
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    Twin Bed Floor Plan

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  1. Lew wrote back that it's 916.83 for each axle. John
  2. Very valuable information! I did see the 3500 pounds and assumed that was for the axle. I will check the label when I get back to Oregon. I am in Colorado now. John
  3. Hi all, we will be in Grand Junction, Colorado in mid May getting the five leaf springs put on our 2022 LE2. We also have Bulldog shocks that they will put on. Lew was asking if we wanted the 5200 pound Dexter Never lube axles also. Has anyone gone that route? Has anyone had any issues with the stock dual 3500 pound axles? Thanks, John
  4. I plan to just turn off the Truma aquago every night and turn it back on in the morning. John
  5. Mike, we live in the Portland area. August can be hot. September and October are nice here. Hopefully we won't have a bad fire season. The West burns up every summer with the exception of the winter fires this year in Los Angeles. It can be quite hazy if there are lots of forest fires. All things considered, it's a great time to visit the Northwest. John
  6. I have awnings on both sides and the seal does collect stuff, but I just take a brush to it and water pressure and clean the area. I don't think much about it either. John
  7. We plan to turn our water heater off every night and turn it back on in the morning until the warranty work is done. Most likely the water heater will work fine. If it doesn't, then at least we don't waste months waiting for the repair and have a fire while sleeping. Hopefully you let Oliver know if your unit was one that needed the new burner assembly so you're at least in line. John
  8. I believe Oliver provided a pressure regulator with the supplies that came with the trailer. I have the regulator with the dial also, but use the regulator that came with the trailer. It's a piece that's about 3-4 inches long that regulates to 40psi. John
  9. Mike, we had CGI do our 2022 a year later in November, 2023. They did a great job and it looked better than new. All the imperfections and swirl marks from new were gone. Very easy to clean it now. John
  10. I bought the Bulldog HD1213-0656 for my upcoming Alcan 5 leaf conversion. John
  11. Our Truma Aquago water heater has worked great since new. I wouldn't go back to a tank water heater. We had that in the previous trailer. I also wouldn't try to repair it as I don't have the tools or knowledge. John
  12. What is your "preflight" inspection? Is that in the manual or a list you made up? Thanks. John
  13. What's the best tool/app to use to avoid roads that might have low overpasses or road conditions that we need to avoid? I don't have a Garmin. John
  14. Welcome to the Oliver family. We took a bit of time deciding also as they are not cheap, but like you, we decided that you do get what you pay for. Have a great time with your Ollie. John
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