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Everything posted by Katjo

  1. This is on sale right now, $100 off on their website if anyone is interested! We are on our third year of using it and it’s one of my favorite camping accessories. Great quality!
  2. Great week at Lakeport on my favorite site #24. First trip out this Summer and the Oliver performed flawlessly!
  3. Those that are asking me about the fence, I will do a full video and review in the near future all about.
  4. New video! Packing and loading up!
  5. So pretty!🦋
  6. So sorry to hear of your declining health and seeing this need to sell your Oliver. It is quite obvious your well loved Oliver has been kept in pristine condition and whoever purchases it will be lucky to benefit from the many great mods you did. Wish you all the best and prayers for your health issues.
  7. The first photo is a fawn relaxing in the shade at South Higgins Lake State park, Michigan. Second one the squirrel decided “It’s 5 O’Clock somewhere!”
  8. Looks fabulous! It’s on my bucket list.
  9. How fun! Love all the pictures.
  10. Here are a few things we like and use when we camp with our dog. This year we’ve added a dog fence that I will be doing a video about in the near future.
  11. Thank you for the heads ups.
  12. @Steph and Dud B Probably, but I didn’t want another credit card and I prefer just loading gift cards into my Amazon account so anything I buy is paid immediately.
  13. We also shop at Krogers and use their Boost program for 10 cents off a gallon for every $100 you spend. I buy a lot from Amazon so we buy Amazon gift cards from Krogers and that gift card amount goes towards our Boost points.
  14. Great use of space with the shelves in the closet!👍🏼
  15. Congrats! Welcome to the Oliver family. Wishing you many safe and wonderful adventures in your beautiful Oliver! Happy camping!
  16. @SeaDawg It is a great price and now I won’t need as many band-aids! It’s a win win!😃
  17. @topgun2 Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07SWYMCCL?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
  18. I’m back! New Video posted on my YouTube channel Oliver Elite II Series and more to come for 2023 camping season. This mod is fast, easy and inexpensive! No more bandaged fingers for me..yeah! Adding scratch guard trim around the cabinets.
  19. That is brilliant! That extra storage space is everything! Love it, want it!! Well done. Will you come do mine?😂
  20. We use Fort Knox hitch lock.
  21. I heard the same. Several said they are not going to the rally next year because of it. It’s just a lousy thing to do. I refuse to play that game and people that book the week prior to the rally date then last minute cancel the week prior to get a primo site during the rally, they aren’t the kind of people I want to be camping with anyway, so we probably won’t go to the rally or many state parks. I personally am not that picky about sites but what does bother me is these sites get left empty because they cancel at the last minute, this hurts the parks and people that could of camped in that site. The only way to stop this would be to implement a pay in full upon making reservation and implementing a no refund policy if not cancelled 7 days prior to check-in. There are some parks here (not state parks) that do not allow cancellations but will issue a credit for future use IF the site that is cancelled is booked by someone else for the dates that were canceled. Meaning if that site remains empty that you canceled you don’t get a voucher credit.
  22. Same here! We ended up putting a 30amp in on some property up north my family owns so we will always have a place to camp. The state park reservation game has gotten so bad with exactly what you said, people booking two weeks before the actual weekend date they want then canceling last minute the mid week days. The sad part is there are so many empty sites during the week that sit unused. I only booked two state parks this season, the rest of the time we will be up north on our private land.
  23. We don’t have that law here in Michigan but there has been talk about it. It’s often very difficult to get a campsite at our State Parks, especially for weekends and holidays, so many campers and not enough campsites.
  24. We had something similar that when we were braking the tires were skidding. We had a mobile RV tech come out and check our brakes. Turned out our brake controller was set too high. Once we lowered it the skidding stopped.
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