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AZ Wonderer

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AZ Wonderer last won the day on July 10 2022

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  • Do you own an Oliver Travel Trailer, other travel trailer or none?
    I own an Oliver Travel Trailer
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    Legacy Elite II
  • Floor Plan
    Twin Bed Floor Plan

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  1. I believe you actually won't have money loaded onto the debit card after the very first showing, unless you've already earned rewards another way. Isn't there still an administrative fee that gets deducted first before you actually begin receiving the monetary rewards?
  2. I live in southern AZ and the wildfires this year have hit too close to home. Exactly 1 week ago today, I left work before lunch because of reports of 3 separate wildfires raging close to my home. By the time I arrived to my house, the yard was on fire, the smoke was thick, and fire crews were all over the place. My neighbors had already rescued my dogs, and I ran inside to rescue my bearded dragon before fleeing the area. The fire meandered around all the homes in the neighborhood, came right up to my cinderblock fence, but by the grace of God and the amazing fire crews, no homes were lost. This week, portions of Fort Huachuca, where I work, are ablaze. In 2 weeks, I'll be making my way north with the Oliver through Nevada to the southern Oregon coast, hoping for both cooler weather and less chance of raging fires.
  3. I picked one of these Craftsman containers up at Lowe's. They come in a variety of sizes. I may eventually upgrade to something nicer, like Kirk above @snakeriveridaho is planning to use, but for now, it works. CRAFTSMAN Medium 10-Gallons (40-Quart) Black Heavy Duty Tote with Latching Lid in the Plastic Storage Containers department at Lowes.com
  4. Happy Valentine's Day to you too!
  5. I read on an Escape Trailers Facebook group that the annual fiberglass trailer meet-up will be at Dome Rock Feb 6-12, 2023. I hope to be there at least a few of those days.
  6. I just watched the video and saw your entry. Congrats! Matt was a little dismissive of the Oliver...and 2005? 2 years before Oliver even started producing travel trailers. But very exciting you won!
  7. In case anyone is looking for a propane fire pit, Amazon is now offering the Outland for $69.99. That's less than a year ago. Amazon.com : Outland Living Firebowl 893 Deluxe Outdoor Portable Propane Gas Fire Pit with Cover & Carry Kit, 19-Inch Diameter 58,000 BTU, Black : Patio, Lawn & Garden
  8. That's a well-equipped Ollie! I finalized my build back in August. Congrats on finalizing the options. I'm sure you're excited. I know I am.
  9. I've been watching videos from Overland Expo West 2022 that just concluded in Loveland, Colorado. The Expo had on display a lot of interesting gear for off-the-grid camping. One item that caught my interest was the Geyser Shower System. It seems to be a great way to get a hot shower without filling the grey tank or drawing water from the fresh water tank. I was wondering if anyone has experience using it? Apparently it comes in both a 12 volt and a non-electric version. I especially like that it uses a sponge rather than a shower head as a way of conserving water. Playing with sticks did a video review of the non-electric version:
  10. I am interested in meeting there if it's in February of 2023. Thanks!
  11. I discovered the Truma portable refrigerators/freezers at the Quartzsite RV show in January this year. I took advantage of the show special and bought one...the C44. It works well and I recommend it. Truma Cooler Portable Fridges and Freezers
  12. I started out with a Casita 17' Spirit Deluxe. Well-made. Not four seasons and hot in the AZ summer. I sold it for more than I paid for it. I bought another trailer, sold it, and now have an Oliver on order. I'm not sure Olivers are lighter that Airstreams but IMO they are better made and require less maintenance. Happy camping in the Casita...I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
  13. I've had 2 trailers so far...one had a wet bath, the 2nd one a dry bath. The dry bath shower leaked from the bottom and pooled water on the floor, but it was nice that for the most part, the toilet, floor, and sink stayed dry and I could have my towels hung up on a towel bar. Nevertheless, I really have no real preference and would rather have more space in the rest of the trailer.
  14. This blog article has some great suggestions for making a wet bath more enjoyable to use. I especially like the tip on creating towel shelving using tension rods. Can anyone else suggest items or ideas that enhance the wet bath experience? 6 tips for loving your RV wet bath | Outdoorsy.com
  15. I completely agree with @Kirk Petersonabout using Harvest Host/Boondockers Welcome. There are some interesting Harvest Host stops along I-20 in Texas, including the Petroleum Museum and Hangar 25 Air Museum. There are also some Texas state campgrounds along the way. I think Campendium is a great resource for searching for campgrounds.
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