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Jason Foster

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Jason Foster last won the day on January 10

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  • Gender or Couple
  • Location
    East Texas

My RV or Travel Trailer

  • Do you own an Oliver Travel Trailer, other travel trailer or none?
    I own an Oliver Travel Trailer
  • Hull #
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  • Make
  • Model
    Legacy Elite II
  • Floor Plan
    Twin Bed Floor Plan
  • What model is your other RV or Travel Trailer?
    Black Series HQ15

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  1. You can't run from it but you can run with it. Stay mobile, stay strong.
  2. For some reason,Bacon and Eggs just sound better on the Fair Oaks Ranch.
  3. That is exactly what is happening right now. Bacon and eggs.
  4. 36 degrees here in Longview, TX. Pellet stove keeps everything toasty warm for my wife and sweat inducing for me.
  5. I have the 390 AH option and have run my trailer for four days without additional power. It was cloudy and rainy. We used the microwave, coffee pot morning and night, and had the tv on for several hours. By the end of the four days, the batteries were down to 30%, if I remember correctly. In the hottest temps of Texas summer, I have run my Truma AC off of the batteries and I believe it ran for 3 hours before I shut it off and the batteries were about 50%. I would have to do that test again to verify because I wasn't paying too much attention to the details. I also opted not to get the Platinum primarily because it was somewhere around $15000. That is some crazy money for something that can be done much cheaper DIY. I got the pro for the 3000 watt inverter and the 390s work for me until we need new batteries then I will definitely upgrade to 600+.
  6. Yeah. I get that all the time here in NE Texas. I go outside in shorts and t-shirt when it is in the 40s and the next door neighbor is wearing a parka. I can't tell if he is looking at me or not. I guess I should be able to since his eyes are so big. See picture of neighbor below:
  7. This. We should all be checking our trailer brakes. It is the very first thing I do when pulling out of the campsite and I also drive a big diesel powered truck. Like @Rivernerd mentioned, liability is separate from personal safety. You might be fine with your big truck but if you run over a kid chasing a soccer ball and you stopped just fine but your trailer brakes aren't working, you and/or the manufacturer will be in trouble. ALWAYS check those brakes and fix them before going anywhere.
  8. I just deadlift mine. If it hurts, it will be fine on my 2500. Seriously, I don't really think too much about tongue weight but I might if I decide to haul it with a half ton like you are.
  9. I like my stinky diesel WAY too much for this. It's also loud and obnoxious, just the way a truck should be. I am considering a Ford F-150 with the Coyote as a backup.
  10. My hull 1460 has double pane windows, not sure from whom, but @SeaDawgs hull has well supported double pane for 17 years.
  11. Congratulations from hull 1460. Soon, the snow will melt and you will be able to find your Oliver. Happy trails.
  12. Looks good. I will probably replace mine with these in a few years. Yeah, I have an Ollie barn but it isn't heated yet.
  13. Mine is on there. It fills up with crap. I clean it and I move on. Don't give it much thought really.
  14. My wife is the same. I always said that behind every good man, there is a better woman. In my situation, that is true.
  15. True. In that respect, us men are all in the same boat.
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