Oliver Travel Trailers

Hearty Sausage and Potatoes Recipe

sausage & potatoes recipe
By: Oliver
Updated: February 20, 2025

Growing up in a family that spent time camping and pursuing outdoor activities, one thing was for sure, our first night at camp dinner. One of the memorable times we made this dinner as a family was the first night at Yellowstone National Park. Camping food is one of my favorite things. It could be because my hunger made the food taste even better after hiking, exploring, and playing in the wilderness all day. For my family, we would write a menu while camping and strategically pack and cook food to last the week. The beginning of the trip would be more perishable foods, followed later in the week with more shelf-stable products. For the first night, though, it would be simple and quick to cook. With a few simple ingredients, everyone would be happy and full by the time dinner was over.

Along with this Trailside Bite, I invited my mother to help me cook and share stories from when she was younger and how her experiences in the outdoors began. I grew up with three siblings; camping was a big part of our vacations. My mom will share stories from our camping trips and be great company as we cook together.

On the Menu

This family-inspired recipe is our simple Sausage and Potato skillet.


Yukon Gold Potatoes, diced2
Yellow Onion, diced½
Bell Pepper, diced1
Kielbasa Sausage, sliced1/2
Salt & Pepperdash
Chili Powder½ tsp.
Butter2 TBSP

This Trailside Bite has just a couple of ingredients that will only need to be diced and cooked in a sautéed pan.

Add all the ingredients to a pan and place it on medium-high heat. I like to start it on higher heat to melt the better, which will help things not stick to the pan while cooking.

Once the butter is melted, reduce heat to medium heat and stir occasionally.

Add a splash of water over the pan to steam the potatoes to reduce the cooking time.

Check after a few minutes; if water is reduced, feel free to add more to continue the cooking process.

To check if the potatoes are cooked, press the diced potato; it should cut easily yet still be firm.

Uncover the pan and stir until the remaining water evaporates to brown ingredients. This should let the onions and peppers caramelize and crisp the sausage and potatoes.

Once cooked through, serve with a salad or warm rolls and butter. Share this meal with your favorite people to make it a great start to your travels.

Some meals become a crowd favorite; this is sure to be on our list.
