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  1. I think that the most recommended polish here is Duragloss, which I can personally attest to, but also many owners have had good success with other products like 3M marine wax, Maguires, etc. Some people really like Rejex, but I personally didn't care for it. Some searching will probably provide you with a handful of threads on the topic. Many of us use a mixture of 4 parts Duragloss 923 and 1 part Duragloss 952 in a spray bottle for cleaning the interior and as a touch up spray on the exterior, cleaning off bugs and such. I don't know who first came up with that mixture, but it really makes the interior shine. On the exterior, I think waxing twice a year is the typical recommendation, adjusting for use, climate and storage conditions. I don't know if I remember a discussion here on which type of pads to use.
    1 point
  2. We just purchased a Bigfoot 17.5CB yesterday but having looked at the Casita, Scamp and Oliver it is with some regret that our selection wasn't the Oliver. While the Bigfoot 17.5CB is a fine trailer I think it falls short in the following areas compared to the Oliver. I don't know if the double wall construction of the Oliver is better than that of the Bigfoot but it seems sturdier. I also like the clean, minimalist look of the Oliver interior. The Bigfoot just looks like any other trailer interior made today. It's not cheap looking, just not unique like the Oliver. The narrower Oliver will definitely be easier to tow and the smaller frontal area should be better on the tow vehicle fuel consumption. I like the aluminum frame. Again, it's unique but I don't know if it's any better than the customary steel frame on the Bigfoot. The fit, finish and attention to detail on the Oliver definitely seems better to me as compared to the Bigfoot. The battery storage compartment on the Oliver is also a better design than the usual tongue mounted arrangement on the Bigfoot. The Oliver compartment even has the capacity for two batteries. Strangely enough, the rear bed on the Oliver is a little larger than the Bigfoot 17.5CB even though the Bigfoot has a much larger interior. I don't get it. Although the bathroom on both trailers are about the same size I would have to give the advantage again to Oliver because of the sink placement. For some unknown reason Bigfoot has theirs tucked in the corner with a sitting area in the way. The overall interior layout is where I have to give the advantage to Bigfoot, sleeping quarters aside. The increased width and number of windows combine to give the interior a more spacious feel. The front dinette with surrounding windows is very nice. The quality crafted woodwork is also a plus. The price advantage for a comparably equipped trailer has to lean toward Oliver, especially in light of the current currency exchange rate. Although, Bigfoot pricing is negotiable. Well, that's my take on the comparison between the Oliver and the Bigfoot 17.5CB. I'm sure we'll enjoy our purchase but some regret lingers for not going with the Oliver.
    1 point
  3. Understand up front that I have NO affiliation with Oliver trailers. I have, however, studied their trailer at great length and being an engineer at heart, I have developed a great amount of respect for the quality of their trailer and admiration for the philosophy that this company exhibits. I did a quick search on google and I found this: In looking at the specs on their 17 foot trailer I saw several notable differences. This is not to imply that their trailer is inferior, only different. It would be up to each individual to see if the differences suit their needs and tastes. Their trailer has a two piece exterior fiberglass shell with an interior of vinyl wall paneling and fabric headliner. Oliver has a two piece custom molded interior shell as well as the fiberglass exterior shell. Their trailer does not offer shocks. Up to four are available on the Oliver. Their trailer has a 2-way refrigerator. The Oliver has a 3-way. Among others, the following are options on the Bigfoot (All are standard on the Oliver Legacy Elite) 11,000 BTU AC (13,500 BTU on Oliver) "Battery Ready" (to me this implies that no batteries are included) Fantastic Fan is Not Available External wash station LCD TV Stabilizer jacks (these are most likely NOT power) AM/FM CD/DVD (two speakers only) At 8 feet wide, the Bigfoot would be wider than almost anything you'd be pulling it with. Further with a Base price of $28,820, getting this trailer up to the standards of the Oliver would be a rather pricey journey. This information is based on a quick check of the information found on the above link and please, anyone that notices any discrepancies feel free to correct me. Hope this helps...
    1 point
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