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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/06/2019 in Posts

  1. Hi guys and gals! Over the years in my career at Oliver Travel Trailers I have had the pleasure of meeting most of you. I read the forum and the owners Facebook page often and it is amazing to see so many of our veteran owners helping our "newbies" with their questions and concerns. I absolutely love this group of people and appreciate each and every one of you. We get so wrapped up in the business end of things here at the sales office and I don't know if we show our appreciation often enough for the many field visits that resulted in our clients buying Ollies or the expert advice given to the novice campers. So today, I say thank you from the bottom of my heart. I wish you all a happy holiday season and prosperous new year! - Phil
    8 points
  2. Same to you and your family, Phil. Also, Happy Holidays to all the great folks in the Oliver Family - both at the factory, sales office and owners. I still find it difficult to believe that in this day and age there is a product and company this good. Bill
    2 points
  3. This guy has a lovely wife and a beautiful child. He also has a gigantic heart. Phil is fun to hang with and a great guy to have around if things start to go belly-up. They just don’t come any better than Phil Andrews. Thank YOU, Phil for all you do.
    2 points
  4. Hey gang! Topgun2 was kind enough to show me his Oliver and out order date is finally arriving! So fired up! We look forward to meeting many of you on the road! Happy Thanksgiving! Scott and Debi Garrett
    1 point
  5. Phil, Your great at your job! I can truly say you have made me feel we have been friends for a lifetime. Hope you, your family, and the Oliver team have a fantastic Christmas and New Year. John
    1 point
  6. I believe Topgun is correct - mine is set up similar- although I don't use a satellite.
    1 point
  7. Thanks JD. No, it's not Amish built, its Russell built. It was my late summer/fall project. I had a crew pour/finish the concrete, I did the rest, much to the protest of most of my body parts. There are two interior spaces, one with a floor drain, set up as a work room, the other is a bathroom - shower, toilet, etc. I have not finished out the interior - may not - but it is plumbed for the future. There are two rv dump locations- south and east ends. So far the building is working out fine - considering it started out as just a covered "shed". I need to run the elec and h2o - I'm just waiting for the motivation...... It sets on a little over 18 acres, backs up to a lake. The place is our launching spot for adventures, and in a few years, will be a part time domicile. TN is very reasonable as a home base - taxes, cost of living, regulatory climate, etc. are hard to beat. Weather ain't bad either... RB
    1 point
  8. For us, retired, or not - (I am, she has summer free) our usual MO is to get to where we are going- asap- and then explore from there. Living where we do - TN - our westerly trips mean use the interstates and such and just go - until we can't, stop, rest up, and go again till we reach the desired spot. 1000 mi days may not be the norm, but they have happened, 800 is a good - get there day..... And the other MO is to spend a great deal off the beaten path, taking the back roads and byways, to the next place - which often is not known until we discover it, or just stop at a decent (or not) spot on the path of our "general" direction. And that is the main reason the EV doesn't work for us in the current state. Towing at 60 mph - not on the big roads - 70 is the norm - if posted appropriately. I have caught my spouse doing 80, ( ok. I'm guilty too) problem is - the GMC/Oliver is as smooth at 80 as it is at 60.... fuel mileage is almost the same 60-70 range - 15mpg. And I realize some may be wary at anything above 60, I'm very comfortable here. Meals are predominantly on the go, or a short stop - the ollie is so versatile here. I don't know how long a charge takes, but 20 min is about our mean stop time. Last long trip included many <300 mi days - so here the EV may have been fine. Its just the lack of versatility overall in our use patterns that preclude EV towing. I Enjoy these discussions, I always learn something.
    1 point
  9. Mac - I'm not overly sure that I see your entire situation here. I understand your wanting to "fish" a coax between the hulls but perhaps there is another way to get done what you want to do. I assume that your Oliver does have the external coax port on the street-side rear. If this is correct then you can use that connection for your Directv. If you are already using this for other things then you can simply use a "A-B switch" in order to switch between two sources that are connected to that port. Obviously, if you have even more things you want to connect there are "A-B-C etc. switches". This way you would not have to fish anything nor would you have to cut another hole in the hull of the Oliver. Bill
    1 point
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