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Everything posted by MikeandGerri

  1. I very much agree with Mike and Carol, it was a grand rally in a great location. Thank you to Oliver TT, Scott, Coy, Matt and Foy for all the work and efforts to put it together. Gerri and I can't wait until the rally next year.
  2. Toojennifer, we ordered the back cushions for our twin beds/benches which gives us good back support. Even though we ordered custom mattresses, we still use the back cushions for back support. See the attached pic.
  3. Welcome and congratulations!!!! Wishing you many safe and awesome travels!!
  4. Welcome to the Oliver family!! You have chosen a fantastic RV!! Each person/couple is different in their style of camping and traveling. Going to the rally is a great idea especially since this is all new to you all. We have owned several RVs including 4 motor homes....one in which we full-timed. We now full-time in our Ollie!! Because we full-time we carry a lot of items you might not need to carry with you. I am very organized and you literally have to be in such limited space!! We plan to attend the rally so feel free to look us up and ask any questions you might have! Happy travels!!
  5. Welcome to the Oliver family!! We have owned our Oliver Elite for a year and two months....no regrets!! Ollie performs perfectly and you are backed by a fantastic company!! Happy travels and golfing!!
  6. Welcome!! We know you will enjoy your factory tour!! It is a fantastic RV and you won't be disappointed!! We love our Oliver Elite II so much we full-time in it!! Let us know if you have questions!!
  7. I thoroughly agree...well written and from the heart.
  8. Great trip home!!! Love your photos!! Hank is a beautiful fella!! Enjoy your Ollie!!
  9. We have a NuWave and love it! We also bought the Magma pots that can be used on induction cooking surfaces! We are able to use low and medium settings on ours! It was a great purchase!!
  10. One suggestion by Jason was to let the jacks down and then see if the door would open. This did not work. Having the key available was not an issue as we have one with us at all times and the back up key is stored so it is readily available. Neither the code or key or fob would get the door open. I do not know if the dead bolt would move open or if it were the latch that did not work. When we finally got the lock off, the latch was broken in half. Whether the latch was broken before we got the lock off or after, we do not know. Jason did say when they examined the door at the factory that it was not totally flat/level and this may or may not have been a part of the problem. Bottom line, Oliver Company was totally supportive and went above expectations to help us and to fix our Ollie. Gerri and I felt very good about the way they handled our problem. The support and stand behind was definitely there. I may get another keyless entry...down the road, but not sure yet.
  11. We arrived at our site at Rainbow Plantation…an Escapee Park near Gulf Shores on Thursday. Friday morning I got up and took our dog Nick outside to take care of his business. I came back in and was finishing breakfast when I needed to go back out to get something out of the truck. The door was locked shut and we couldn’t get out. We tried several times, but we were locked in! I crawled through the egress window and thought if I keyed in our code it would unlock the door…no luck.. I tried 2 or 3 times and still nothing. This time I tried the key and moved it to the unlock position…still nothing, then I tried the FOB and still…NOTHING. So here we were, I was locked out and Gerri and our dog were locked in. I called Oliver and talked with Jason and tried his suggestions…nothing. I called RV Lock company from where the lock came from and talked with Dave, a tech there. He had me tell Gerri to take off the 4 screws on the inside and then pull the red and white wires connection off. She did that…nothing…we were still 1 locked in and 1 out. I talked with Jason again and tried a couple other suggestions…nothing. After 1 hour of trying, it was suggested I call a certified rv tech to come and unlock the keyless entry. The RV tech worked for 2 hours following everything that Jason and the tech from RV lock told him to do via. the phone. Again, NOTHING. The RV Lock company said they had never had this problem before and definitely nothing like this. The lock was somehow jammed and was not unlocking. After 3 hours of trying, it was decided to do all we could to break the lock off. Finally we did, but by doing that, part of the door by the lock was damaged. We were now UNLOCKED, but no lock or handle on the door. We once again called and talked with Jason and it was decided that we should come up to the plant and they would replace the door and lock. So about 2:15 pm we bungeed the door shut and headed north. After about 7 hours of driving, we found a safe campground that had a spot for us. We then bungeed the door shut from the inside and went to bed. We got to Hohenwald around noon Saturday and Dustin met us there since Oliver graciously allowed us to park in the showroom/PDI area since we had no way to lock our Ollie. Anita was there so she let us in. We were allowed to borrow a key to the building so we could come and go as needed. Monday morning we took our Ollie to the plant and met Jason there and talked about the solution and possible causes. Jason said they would put on a new door and whichever lock we wanted…no cost. He also checked the egress window framing as we crawled in and out of that window several times while we were trying to fix it ourselves. Before we left, Jason said they were going to do some R&D on this problem to see what could have caused this. It could have been a total fluke with the lock, we don’t know. He said he would get back with us about what they found. For now, we put the traditional lock back on until I regain my confidence in the keyless entry lock. Oliver did an incredible job attending to our needs and fixing our Ollie so we could get back on the road. I cannot say enough for the positive support we received from the Oliver Company…100% Kudos. I don’t know of any other rv manufacturer that would have been as open and supportive as the Oliver Company.
  12. We use the small Vornado heater as well!! It is very quiet and small enough to not be in our way!! Works like a charm!!
  13. Hi Robin and Susan!!! Congratulations and wishing you many many safe a memorable journeys!! We saw your ladybug Oliver when we were at Hohenwald for warranty work!! Love it!!!
  14. Congratulations!!! Very nice looking Oliver and I like your cushion fabric!! I think we were at the factory having warranty work done when you all picked up!! Happy travels!!!
  15. Great mods!!! Thanks so much for sharing!!
  16. Great job and great blog!! We have been blogging for several years with blogspot. We started back when we full-timed in our Dutch Star motorhome and continue now in our 2017 Oliver Legacy Elite II. Would love for you to add us to the blog list above! Mike and Gerri Jones www.freedom2roll.blogspot.com
  17. Great job and great blog!! We have been blogging for several years with blogspit. We started back when we full-timed in our Dutch Star motorhome and continue now in our 2017 Oliver Legacy Elite II. Would love for you to add us to the blog list above! Mike and Gerri Jones www.freedom2roll.blogspot.com
  18. When we come for warranty work and since we full time in our Ollie, our 11 and half year old Shihtzu travels with us at all times. He has some medical issues and we will not board him as it is not good for him. When we picked up our Ollie back in December, our dog was more than welcome to be with us in the sales area, in fact most rv places we have been to in the many years have always had a place for owners with pets.
  19. Buzzy, Gerri and I are sad to hear of your losses. We cannot begin to imagine how you feel and the emptiness you feel. We are glad you now have bissy and will bring him into the camping lifestyle. Please know our hearts and our prayers go out to you.
  20. We didn't get pics either but we were in touch with Anita a lot so we knew basically what was happening. Pics would be great!! I like that idea!!
  21. <p style="text-align: left;">Looks really nice!!</p>
  22. Heading out this morning to take our Oliver (and ourselves) to safer territory!! Gust of 70 mph is not what I like and the trees can become an issue!! Stay safe everyone Irma is a beast!!!
  23. Welcome to the Oliver family!!! We have also owned several RVs including our last one a 40ft Dutch Star. We full-timed in the Dutch Star 7 years ago for 2 years. Today we full-time in our 2017 Oliver Legacy Elite II and are loving it!! We are very happy with our Ollie. Low maintenance along with lower cost upkeep, high quality, easy to travel and park with many more site options!! You will have an exceptional manufacturer to back up your purchase!! Even though we full-time we spend a lot of time in our "home" base of Auburn Alabama!! Hope to see you down the road!!
  24. We have reserved a site for this rally. E 22. Looking forward to making this rally!
  25. We purchased the mattresses we use from Southern Mattress out of North Carolina. They have the template and will ship them directly to you. With shipping costs, they both were a little over $1k...that includes shipping.
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