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johnwen last won the day on October 25 2024

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  • Do you own an Oliver Travel Trailer, other travel trailer or none?
    I own an Oliver Travel Trailer
  • Hull #
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    Legacy Elite II
  • Floor Plan
    Twin Bed Floor Plan
  • What model is your other RV or Travel Trailer?
    2018 Casita LD, Oliver delivery date Jan 2022

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  1. I wore my arms slap out the first couple of times on the 90ftlb nuts. The 65 pounders weren't so bad. Glad I didn't wait for this mod 5 years from now! Hi from us both!!! Going to a music rally this week (Dogwood). Safe travels my friend. Are the blueberries in bloom yet? John
  2. We had Alcan put the 5000# neverlubes on last month so not much experience with them (no problems so far). You can get the axles without the neverlube option. Per Lew, the bearing inserts (on the neverlubes) can be replaced down the road without replacing the axle if one does go bad. We full time so our weight is maxxed out at all times when disconnected from the TV. Peace of mind for us. As David mentions...stay true to Lew's torque directions, and then some. I was still torquing at 1000+ miles. Best of luck, John
  3. Thanks MUCH! Just what I needed to push me over the edge :)
  4. You're reading my mind...will do :)
  5. Does anyone know the weight difference between a full 30lb aluminum tank and a full 20lb steel stank? John
  6. Hi JD, Wish I had paid more attention while we were at "The Q" but I didn't notice how you locked the battery tray. Do you have a pic? Safe travels, John
  7. Congrats!!! That's quite impressive...277+ miles a day for 18 days :) Hope you have the best of times enjoying your new trailer. Safe travels...John
  8. Roger on the locktite....will post next week on the install (so far so good). Thanks :)
  9. We just arrived at Alcan for our axle replacements and noticed that one of ours had "left the building"...we're looking for a suitable substitute for the jack pad. I think ebay is a possibility. We just passed 53000 miles on "Bessie" and suspect our full timing is a little more demanding on a trailer than many experience. GJ's comments make a lot of sense...check tightness periodically and maybe a safety chain :) John
  10. JD I'm finding this to be be true for us...
  11. Thanks JD...just what I need :)
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