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Jim and Frances

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Everything posted by Jim and Frances

  1. We've used these 5 gallon Smart Bottles - very tough for a collapsible design. Nice fitting options as well for refilling. Video showing results of 12' drop test vs. competition (solid and collapsible) interesting. Their cardboard boxes are very good for stacking - but they are cardboard LOL! This 3' hose works great.
  2. Obvious manufacturing defect as we have never exerted any pull on the umbilical over the last 3 months of ownership. Functionally, it is still fine. I am not ready to tackle replacing it and am looking for a good temp fix. Thinking of good old JB Weld. Any suggestions? Current plan is to scuff up surfaces and apply JB Weld. Looked at alternatives - seems good here on metal - unsure about adhesion to this material. Thanks in advance for your time and any input you might have.
  3. Woots! Exciting times for sure. Enjoy your new Ollie and we hope to meet you one day! We picked up ours in October - the only thing they didn't tell us at pick up was that they get dirty and they didn't tell us where to find the "clean and wax it" power switch/breaker!πŸ€ͺ
  4. We went with the ARE high top (TW model). Since we've got Decked brand drawers, we needed the extra height in the cap. We also went with the flip up side windows that are a real plus (though costly). Color match to our truck was just about perfect. Build quality is good but not great. Local installer made some mistakes. One big downside is security. We will likely get the windows blacked out to mitigate lookie-lous. Weight is about 200 lbs. No noticeable impact on mileage. Dry as a bone.
  5. Congrats and great to hear you seem to be having the same experience we have had with # 927. We too got the 2-5/16 coupler as an option - but with one problem - it pulls so great, I forget it's there πŸ€ͺ Keep on enjoying!!
  6. Thanks for all the information. Gutters are on our ever growing list of "projects". I am sure it's likely already been discussed in previous posts, but I happened across this little hack for helping to reduce the potential streaking from gutter run off. It was in this video from RV Life with Tito. May be a good idea, but knowing me, I'd forget to take it down before hitting the road 😲
  7. Here is the Word version of the checklist we used. Again, Fritz and others did all the heavy lifting on this. Inspection Checklist Ver 20211004.docx Now, for the truth....Did we go through EVERY item on the list at our pick-up last month...No . As mentioned above, given the excitement, exhaustion from trip preparation, etc., it was really hard for us focus on every item. But we did take time to enjoy delivery and have fun! We did run through the list, and as I mentioned in our delivery day post, I was totally impressed with corrective actions taken on recent issues. Hanna in Delivery knew of every recent issue I raised and provided a detailed description of what had been done to address it. We I asked about the battery box support nuts, she immediately dove into the rear settee compartment to check them, she mentioned she could not remember having done that on their pre-delivery inspection. And yes, they were tight. So, while we didn't check every item on the list with our own eyes, we asked Hanna about it and discussed it. Other examples include: didn't crawl under the frame to check every zerk fitting, the ones I could see had grease showing in the right areas. didn't check to ensure there were balance weights on the tires, but I did ask if the tires had been balanced. didn't check that the Xantrex inverter had the latest firmware, but asked if it had been updated. didn't get out my ladder and check the roof, solar panel attachments, etc. Now that we are home, we are taking more time to review items. So far, everything that Hanna told us was completely accurate (tires were balanced, inverter had latest firmware, etc). πŸ‘ Given that we were totally newbies, I would add the following to our checklist.... While at the Oliver Campsite (which is very nice!), test every system to ensure you know how it works. We did not try to empty the grey water tank after the first night, even through they have a dump station at the Oliver campsite. A couple of days later when we went to actually drain the tank, we could not get it to drain 😲! We called service, and with calm help on the phone, realized our trailer was not very level at the dump station. Our problem was due to pesky gravity. Had we done this at Oliver's dump site, we would have better understood this issue. πŸ€ͺ
  8. Picked up hull 927, Lucy, on Tuesday 10/26/21. Hanna, Ryan, Crystal, Meghan were a great delivery team. They were patient and answered all out questions including the ones we didn't asked but needed to know the answer. It was an absolute pleasure and flawless delivery. We spent the first night Oliver's new site which was very convenient as we could walk 100 feet to ask more questions. We left Wednesday to David Crockett State Park - absolutely beautiful. And of course, the one thing I was not support to forget to do before we left the Oliver site, was to ensure the valve to prevent grey water from sloshing into the shower pan was closed. I forgot LOL. Fortunately, our grey tank was not full and our shower pan was dry. Then, we forgot to open it on Thursday and our shower had a bit of trouble draining. We will learn. Thanks to all the owners in this forum that helped us prepare for this new adventure.
  9. So excited for your all...enjoy you dream!
  10. LOL I wish I could. I have a very "sensitive" digestive system that does not deal well with much of anything - maybe it's a build up from all that "hose drinkin" I did as a kid πŸ˜‰
  11. johnwen - It is amazing how much help we have received from owners in this forum - all I did was try to merge together all the lists others had already done. My wife tells me I am missing good stuff on the Facebooks groups (Oliver Owners of America for one). I am already overloaded with my OCD list LOL and as topgun2 mentioned above - we will be having fun for sure - been having fun during the wait with all the studying and list making πŸ˜€ Your wait will be over before you know it!
  12. Hi VBistro. I have all my fresh water "stuff" in a single milk crate. Since we don't pick up our LEII for a couple of weeks, I can't tell you exactly where we are going to put it. Was hoping it would fit in the basement, but I think it may be too tall (19.5" sitting in the crate). I am hoping the 16" basement dimension given is for the door and the actual roof of the basement is a couple inches higher?? I have stops on each end of the filter assembly so I could lay it on its side if needed. I will let you know in a couple of weeks.
  13. So excited for you! We are about a week behind you and hope to meet you one day on the road - exciting times for sure!
  14. Yes - adding now and will update the document! Thanks much!
  15. Thanks to everyone on this post as well as others...Given our long wait is just about over, We took the liberty to build upon Fritz's and others great work and tried to incorporate any new issues/areas of concerns. While we know that Oliver has their own delivery checklist, going through this ourselves was a good way to "think" through all the systems. I am sure lots more can be added! Here is a link to our checklist and thanks again to all the work others did for us with their checklists! Edit: If anyone is interested in a Word version - we would be happy to provide it.
  16. Congrats! Thanks for the great pictures and we second the "cute doggie" comment! We are counting down at 40 days to delivery and hope to see you all on the road.
  17. Congrats! We too are in queue and have passed the ENDLESS days going through all the Oliver University info along with lots of YouTube time. While arm-chair RVing is better than nothing, gaining some actual trailering experience as stated above is a great thing. You also have a great group of owners who are so willing to help - both here on the forum and on Facebook. We are excited for you!
  18. No problem at all...we are scheduled for pick up end of October and would be happy to show you when we get back. Prayers for you given Ida - you and Lake Chuck just can't get a break weather wise.
  19. So funny....It's the other way around for us... We are patiently waiting for our delivery - our trailer is NOT waiting for us! Trust me when I say ours will not be sitting lonely in the lot waiting for us. Got a hull number this week...927...our excitement grows each day! Just about burned out on planning and watching YouTube videos - we are ready to start living our dream and joyously making all the mistakes for ourselves 😁
  20. Very nice indeed! We are getting greener by the day waiting for October but really enjoy living through pictures and stories like yours. Thanks for sharing.
  21. Ok - I used to drink out of the garden hose, so my brain may already be damaged...just saying. RO systems are great - but require super good pre-filters and lots of power. We opted for cartridge style filtration. Here is what we are planning to use. We are not water sanitation experts and this is a very confusing topic for those of us who aren't - pore size vs. charged particle capture, carbon vs. nanofilament, NSF/ANSI certifications and their actual meaning.... This is coupled with the fact that each of our bodies are different in terms of what they can tolerate - I have a buddy that can drink pond scum no problem. Long gone are my days of drinking straight from a spigot or garden hose with my aged gastrointestinal tract!
  22. Welcome Dave and Kimberly! This forum is a great source of information, as I am sure you've already gathered! Enjoy the anticipation!
  23. Welcome Mike and Sue! Sounds like Frances and I and you all are in very similar boats - but you beat us by a month on delivery!! Congrats and we look forward to hearing more from you.
  24. Welcome Fred! I too am from Baton Rouge - Geaux Tigers! (LSU and Tara grad LOL). We started our journey looking into Oliver early this year...Had a great factory tour in April - and bit the bullet. Now waiting for an October delivery. Safe travels and enjoy your trip - it's a beautiful part of the country! This forum is great - so much experience and ready to share and help. Laissez le bon temps rouler in an Oliver LOL!
  25. Concerning the relative humidity...here is the response I received from Lithonics Engineering Manager... "Our GTX Series batteries are UL tested for humidity penetration per UL157 test methods. This battery is fully gasketed and sealed and is marine-grade. It is IP67. In sum, we can operate in 100 percent humidity conditions." Guess this is a case of literature not keeping up with engineering? Regardless, looks like we almost safe here in SE TX, though I am convinced RH is running about 143% at the moment. Edit - The Lithionics sales person called (πŸ‘ good response from manufacturer!), he mentioned that they have many long-term installations of their batteries in military applications literally floating on the sea monitoring for incoming bogies with no humidity failures. I did not venture to ask any more, as I am sure he would have to kill me - my sec clearance is now a fossilized file πŸ˜„
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