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MobileJoy last won the day on September 20 2023

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  • Do you own an Oliver Travel Trailer, other travel trailer or none?
    I own an Oliver Travel Trailer
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    Legacy Elite II
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    Twin Bed Floor Plan

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  1. The age thing is definitely overrated... We had ours done 18 months ago. We used to wax, but after a long trip cleaning the Mojo took considerable elbow grease. We returned from a long trip in 10/24 and the Mojo hadn't been washed in over 2 months. It cleaned up easily. Black drip stains wiped away with almost no effort. Even bugs were easier to remove. It looks better than new. So I'd say it is definitely worth the money given the cleaning and waxing time saved, and the appearance of the cleaned fiberglass. Ours is garaged and we use RockTamers. Ditto!
  2. We took the Sam Houston Tollway which is a toll road around Houston. Very nice road, but the signage was unfriendly unless you have the Harris County Toll Road Authority pass. The signage says they only accept that and if you don't have one you are a "violator". I found that if you go online you can pay the toll without any issue. Sorry, I don't remember the site link, but I do remember that a search for my trailer NC plate on the site showed the violation and let me pay. For our journey the toll was $12.
  3. One of my uses is to condition the Lithionics batteries per instructions. They need to be fully discharged and recharged at least once every six months. Using the Dometic Penguin with soft-start that I used to have, I was able to do this, but not with the Truma. Now I have to use the fridge in DC mode, which is inconvenient when the trailer is winterized and garaged. The Truma has a dehumidify mode which maximally runs the compressor, seemingly regardless of the temperature. Other than that, we run the AC at highway rest stops when we're having lunch, and occasionally for short periods when boondocking as you do. We don't necessarily have a full charge in either case.
  4. I'm not really sure of this... I have one without soft-start and Lithium Pro. I've found that when running AC, the batteries reach Low Battery Cut-Off long before the charge level reaches the NeverDie threshold. When I turn the batteries back on, they show much more charge than 10% (I've seen 50%). I suspect the start-up surge current can fool the batteries BMS into believing the charge has dropped to LBCO. At high charge levels, the batteries will start up the Truma. If I run only the Norcold fridge on DC, the batteries don't cut off early.
  5. I received the following from my storage facility today: Dear Tenants, We hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the holiday season!! We are writing to let you know that we will be adding a line item to the lease regarding Lithium batteries and storage as many insurance companies are starting to NOT cover damage due to fires caused by lithium batteries. Per the previous, the following verbiage is being added to all current leases: "From hence forth, lithium batteries are strictly prohibitid from storage and or charging without express written consent from Landlord. Tenant will be liable for any damages resulting from charging any type of batteries" If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call. I haven't yet called. Has anyone received such a notification or have any info regarding this?
  6. Oliver's winterization video shows hand-pumping (four strokes) antifreeze into the fresh water line (LEII). How does one avoid putting this antifreeze into the fresh water tank? Because of this, I ultimately flush the fresh water tank at least 3 times before filling it. Thanks for this tip. I will do this from now on.
  7. Look at your circuit panel description in the (2024) Elite 1 manual. Note that circuit #1 of the main panel is the air conditioner. This is shown in the diagram (below) that uses the Xantrex 2000w inverter. This means the air conditioner is powered directly from the AC source. If you have the optional front AC input for a generator, connecting it to the input will feed to a transfer switch which will determine the power source (front input in this case) to route to the EMS. The EMS will verify the input power is safe and route the AC to the main circuit panel. So, in the Elite I generator case, the inverter should not be in the circuit path to the air conditioner. I think a 3000w inverter is essential to power an air conditioner.
  8. There is Peach Country RV Park in Stonewall TX. We stayed there for the eclipse. It's $55/night. Full hookups. Good Sam, military discounts. Roughly 6 miles from Fredericksburg.
  9. Very clever @Snackchaser! Nicely done.
  10. If it's only your morning coffee, consider boiling water on your propane stove and using a pour-over. If you also need to grind beans, there are hand-powered grinders available. Check out https://www.hario-usa.com/collections. I have a 3000W Xantrex, solar and lithium, and I use a Hario pour-over for coffee.
  11. The Lithionics 130Ah batteries have a built-in battery management system with Bluetooth capability, plus they provide an app that can be used to monitor the individual batteries. You can see the state of charge as a percentage (Lithionics recommends against using this number alone), or you can look at each battery's voltage. I have found this to be adequate regarding battery monitoring. I have no experience with the SmartShunt, so could someone who has installed one with the Lithionics batteries please chime in here? I am also unfamiliar with Battleborn's management system, so perhaps Geronimo John could describe his reasoning for the shunt. The Lithionics batteries can be individually shut off. Can you say why you chose to leave them on? The solar panels can also be shut off.
  12. If you have a meter, you can check to see if the fan is getting power. You'll be touching the power plug with the meter leads, so be careful not to short out or you will blow the fuse (assuming it's not already blown). If it is getting power, then the fan probably needs replacing. We had this happen to ours early on in the toilet's life. Nature's Head responded very quickly with two fans (no charge, and I did not ask them for a spare). I replaced it and have not had a problem since. Now I have a spare, and will order another if it ever gets installed.
  13. Last week I had Oliver replace all of the touch lights with these Obeaming lights. I had three touch light failures, and it might have been more except that we hardly use the ones over the beds. Contrary to others reports, the touch aspect never worked well. The failures were fluctuating light, total failure, and the ability to turn off without using the master switch. They used screws to attach the new lights, and not the screws that came with the lights. Once installed, we found that two of them did not work. They were on when the trailer was returned to us, and my wife could not shut them off. After investigation, it turned out that the lights that had appeared to fail, there was nothing wrong with the electronics. I removed the covers and operated the switches directly. No problem. The issue was that the cover switch button was not reaching the light switch. This was because some of the screw holes were not perpendicular to the mount surface, and so screwing in the light was deforming it (it was not flush to the fiberglass surface all the way around). I removed the screws on one of the lights and elongated the hole in the light fixture so the crooked screw's threads would not catch on it. After reassembly and remounting of the cover, the light works perfectly. I also bought spares since I expect these to be phased out (just as are most things). For easy reference: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B093G795G2?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&th=1
  14. Oliver's website now has a Travel Trailers / Find a Dealer page where you enter your address and a search radius.
  15. I also have the 390Ah Lithionics and 340w solar system. This week I took Mojo out of storage. Batteries were at 100% because I keep them charged. Since it was time to do a full discharge cycle, I turned on the Norcold fridge on DC mode. The fridge was not pre-cooled, and the temperature inside Mojo was 60 degrees. Solar conditions were not good. The batteries entered LBCO in just under 1 day. In addition, I had the heater running (set at 65 degrees) so the blower was also operating, as was the Xantrex inverter. Not an apples-to-apples comparison with your situation. Usually, I use DC mode only when traveling, and I observe 5-10% drain from fully charged batteries depending on trip duration, outside temperature, and sun exposure. I haven't tried to gauge this accurately. Regarding low battery cutoff, this is done individually as each battery reaches 12.1V. When there is power draw, voltage tends to be lower, so the batteries can cut off before they get down to 10% of charge. In this case, the batteries did cut off at about 13% of charge.
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