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Everything posted by topgun2

  1. The operative word in the above is "they". If you mean Oliver then the current answer is - NO. There is no change to Oliver's long standing policy regarding used Olivers. If you mean Oliver dealers" then I believe that the answer is - YES. These are independent dealers and if they currently deal in used RV's the I'd suspect that they will deal in used Olivers. And, if this is the case, that just might be another "benefit" to this new program for all of the current owners. This is particularly so for those that find themselves in a situation where they might have to get rid of their Oliver in a hurry and/or those that really have no knowledge of an Oliver but for a number of various reasons find themselves in charge of selling or disposing of the Oliver from an Estate or medical issues or .... Bill
  2. I've been told that it is Oliver's intent that it will not matter as to the location that you chose to purchase your new Oliver or even to have that new Oliver delivered. In each case the price will be the same. Only time can tell how successful they will be and/or how close they will be able to get in fulfilling that intent. Bill
  3. I absolutely agree with this. And, I too wish that more people could get a chance to have the experience that we did when dealing with Oliver in Hohenwald in the "old" days. Unfortunately, Oliver simply could not find any other way that made sense to try to satisfy all of the "demands" that were being made. In this regard, when "we" were demanding better quality control, Oliver had to take steps that many of us didn't like and even some of us predicted doom. What I'm talking about here is the move away from custom/semi-custom trailers to a more restricted list of options and choices without the ability for the customer to add on "stuff" that was not normally offered by Oliver. As it turned out it appears as though there was reasonably little effect on sales due to this decision. In the more recent past, "we" have been lamenting the lack of service centers (particularly in the west) and even some customers have made note that there were no "fairly easy" way to get to see an Oliver. Yes, Oliver could have developed their own set of service centers but we must remember that Oliver is not some large far flung corporation. Establishing and controlling these types of centers with renting buildings, adding inventory, training full and part time staff, etc. would be very costly. So, Oliver decided to take the path that we are now talking about. Our "cost" for this is the lament that others will (possibly) now not have the chance to have that same wonderful experience that we did. Oliver has stated that it is their intent for those in Hohenwald and the chosen dealers to be up front with customers about pricing. No, I do not know exactly what that means. But, given now over eight years of dealing and getting to know the owners and personnel at Oliver I have faith that they will do (or at least try very hard to do) exactly what they say they are going to do. Now, "I rest my case"! Bill
  4. Amazing isn't it that the percentage is very close to the percentage "caused" by what is called "floor plan financing"? My comment of blame it on the bankers was a bit tongue in cheek. Without the bankers being involved we (the consumer) would certainly not have as many RV's on dealer's lots to look at and compare. Yes, this does make things a bit more complicated - for ALL involved (the consumer, the dealer and Oliver). But, if we (the consumer) want more and better service centers around the USA and Oliver wants more exposure for the purpose of sales, and Oliver wants to help us have more service centers, and dealers want more product to show to those that have never seen and Oliver and ..... I too reasonably enjoyed my purchasing experience back some 8 years ago. But, I still wish Oliver well in at least trying to help satisfy both its customer base, potential customers and its need to grow. As has been said before - hopefully this new way of selling Olivers will be a success. Remember, as has been said before, a customer can still chose to purchase a new Oliver in Hohenwald and all of us can still chose to have our Olivers serviced in Hohenwald. HDRider - I really don't know to what, if any degree, Oliver is participating in floor financing. However, since Oliver never got into the business of financing for the individual customer and since financing is not related to any of their businesses, I doubt very seriously that they would get into the business of floor financing. I think that this is particularly so given the vast array of "finance types" that are already offering these services. Bill
  5. Unfortunately this situation is NOT the "fault" of either Oliver or the dealers involved - blame it if you wish on the bankers involved. As is customary in the automobile industry, the RV industry, truck, farm implement, etc. industries all have a "problem" in how to finance the inventory they carry in order to have product to show customers in their showrooms. So, the bankers step in to help. The general rule of thumb is that the bankers will finance up to 80% of the MSRP for the dealers. In turn, this is what caused most of the recent increase in the price of Olivers and the difference between the MSRP price and the "real" price out the door by any dealer (to include Oliver) will be somewhere between the MSRP and the price that Oliver would have sold the RV prior to using a dealer network. This is absolutely nothing different than the situation of when we venture into a car/truck dealership looking to purchase a new vehicle. Oliver has said that they intend to do whatever they can to make sure that there is little to no difference in the price paid by any customer regardless of where that customer decides to purchase the Oliver of their choice. However, in the real world that is full of legalities I suspect that this will be a bit difficult to do. Hopefully, the process of buying an Oliver will never become as distasteful a process as it normally is for buying a car/truck. But, in any case, you can "blame" it (yet again) on the bankers - not Oliver or the dealers. Bill
  6. I attended Daytona Bike week for about 15 years straight and in order to get away from the biker madness I rented (along with another couple of guys) a cabin at Blue Springs. Once the "day trippers" left at dark all that we heard was silence. Really nice place to sit back in one of their rocking chairs on the screened in porch and relax. Besides - the manatees and all of the fish in that short run from the Spring to the river were great to watch. Bill
  7. There have been a few posts regarding this issue here on the Forum over the years. The easiest attempt to get more heat in the bath involves adjusting the vents - fully open the bath vent and close down/adjust the main cabin vents - in order to better "balance" the heat flow. Next is to make sure that the bath door remains open or find a way (mod) that allows air flow both into and out of the bath area. Next is to modify the duct work - more insulation, improve the kind and length of duct, make sure it is attached properly. Good luck. Bill
  8. Tim - I'm sorry that I don't know of any camping places right near Ft. Collins. But, if you fly fish - try not to miss some fishing on the Cache la Poudre River. Fishing can be "spotty" and it can get crowded on the weekends but a couple of the "feeder" creeks should not be missed. Have fun with the "grand"! Bill
  9. Interesting: When I had my new Cooper's installed at Discount Tire, they asked me what psi I'd like to have. Local policy perhaps? Bill
  10. That would be a "sucker" bet in that hull #117 also has the vent in the bath and heat does come out of it. Bill
  11. Any idea of why the twist lock on your current Furrion isn't working? While the hype on THIS contact cleaner isn't entirely correct, it does help. The cleaner and an old tooth brush gets the job done - especially in those hard to reach places. Since you have said that you don't really plug into shore power very much, I'd give strong consideration to cleaning up what you have - at least if you can correct that twist lock. My plastic ring "broke" (actually I broke it in yet another fit of stupidity 🤪) several years ago and I've not had any problems living without that ring. Good luck! Bill
  12. Be sure to pay "special attention" to those exterior ports when blowing out the lines. These have back flow prevention valves in them and it doesn't take much frozen water to destroy them. Bill
  13. "Red sky in the morning, sailor take warning"?
  14. WE didn't lose power at all. In fact - we didn't get any snow and/or ice either. Virtually all of the reported snow/ice that hit NC was only in the high mountains (above 3,500 feet) mostly near the State border with TN. Bill p.s. while we are not protected from general grid issues that Patriot mentions, our sub-division has all utilities underground. Obviously, this prevents a majority of outages. In the 25 years we have lived in our present home we have experienced only one outage that lasted just over an hour.
  15. "Rule of thumb" Anytime you observe an increase in tire temp exceeding 10 degrees (F) you should seek and answer as to what might be causing it. If you can't find and "easy" answer - such as bright sun on that side versus the other side of the trailer, or exceedingly hot pavement (this is particularly found with newly laid black top) - then you should seriously think about adding air to your tires. By adding air you will reduce the "squirm" of the rubber and cords inside the tire as it goes down the road. In turn, this reduction should result in a cooler tire. Hope this helps! Bill p.s. I normally "only" add 5 psi at a time in these situations which happen rarely.
  16. I did that as a kid! Don't remember exactly how old I was but I do remember that they had to restrain me from jumping in. I wanted to catch a couple of all those fish that I saw. 😃 Hope you have as much fun as I remember having. Bill
  17. Great! NC is the first loser! And, I so want NC to finish first given that this IS the southern part of the US.😇
  18. While I think that it is unlikely - Another possible reason for that tire going bad when the other three (bought at the same time) look fine - that tire was defective in the first place. Again, I believe that this possibility is well down the list of possible issues and that the guys at discount tire might have mentioned it if it was apparently a defective tire - but, it is at least something to think about and add to the list. Bill p.s. If you have a Harbor Freight nearby, they have temp monitors fairly cheap. I've had one of theirs for several years now and it hasn't missed a beat. Like this one for $24.99.
  19. Sure does look like Charly knows when to let Dad do all the work, but, still keep an eye on him just to make sure that he does it correctly.😊 Bill
  20. Bobby- Once you have really looked at the Oliver versus any of the other brands you mentioned - you WILL know the difference. I too looked at most of what you have looked at and the quality difference in the Oliver versus any of them is immediately apparent. Bill
  21. Another quick suggestion is to turn everything off - Furrion, phone, etc- and then try connecting again. Bill
  22. I don't have the Truman but virtually all burners I've ever looked at have a thermocouple that "senses" heat. If there isn't any heat (flame) then the gas flow to the burner is shut off - automatically. Bill
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