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Posts posted by topgun2

  1. Welcome to the family (almost).

    As with many other things in life - what you plan to do with your RV has a bunch to do with what RV you should purchase.  Hard thinking about the first part will lead you towards making a decision that you can live with for many years.  Many of the members of this Forum have in depth experience with a number of other types of RV's and can speak about the pluses and minuses of these.  Olivers are not perfect, but, in my experience they sure do beat the heck out of everything else on the market that is within $50,000 of the price.  Unless you are sure and/or have had a few years of experience, perhaps renting a couple of different types of RVs will give you the insight you need.

    Good luck with your search and, as Mike said, ask those questions.  But, first, be sure to read, read, and read some more - it is likely that most of the "usual" questions have already been answered a number of times within the many pages here on the Forum.


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  2. Thanks for the shout out on that key/shelf, but, it was actually Overland that first posted it on the Forum a few years ago.

    It really is a great shelf.

    Patriot put me on to applying a sheet of clear film below this shelf/key holder such that the keys do not leave marks.


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  3. 1 hour ago, Patriot said:

    Frig thermometer - there is a gaggle of them out there. This one works for us.


    I prefer a fridge thermometer like THIS one.

    Yes, it is more expensive than the one that Patriot shows but it has an alarm feature.  I find that I become accustom to the read out being there and seldom even look at it.  That being the case then I will only notice that there is something wrong either when I actually do look at the read out and/or get something out of the fridge that simply isn't as cold as it should be.  With the thermometer I use it has an alarm feature that certainly lets me know if the temp in either the fridge or the freezer is above (or below) the limits that I've set.


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  4. In our small town here in western North Carolina we have a "small" WalMart.  As with most WalMarts, there is a "Clearance" section and even some departments within the store have their own "clearance" areas.

    In the Automotive section of our WalMart they currently have Prestone RV anti-freeze on clearance for $2.00 per gallon.  This stuff is rated to -100 degrees.

    While I always try to have at least a couple of gallons in my workshop, I just could not resist picking up an additional few gallons at this price.


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  5. 3 minutes ago, Dave and Kimberly said:

    Geronimo John-  I'm not familiar with another fuse panel in the attic?  Do you mean the rear storage space (above rear window) where the EMS, TV antennae on/off area?  Our Ollie is a 2022 if that matters.

    Apologies for jumping in here - but - in the event GJ is out surfing or something, YES, that storage area is referred to as the "Attic".

    With regards to the CO detector - if you look under the dinette seat and follow the wires that are at the back of the detector you will come to an "inline" fuse.  You can simply remove this fuse (make sure that you note this someplace so that you don't forget to replace this fuse when you are done "testing").  Most of these inline fuses are simple to remove - push towards the middle and turn each end in the opposite direction.  This should make it come apart and the fuse simply falls out at that point.  To replace the fuse just reverse the action - put the fuse back in place and twist the two halves back together as you push the two halves of the holder towards each other.


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  6. What?

    They didn't usher you onto the Sales floor?  They didn't include a complimentary polish (of course the Toyota AND Oliver should be included in this)?😇

    Seriously -

    People that I've spoken with have no personal reference from which to compare the folks at Oliver against virtually any other business.  So, when I start extolling the virtues of this company I'm met with disbelief and/or that look that says since I own an Oliver, of course, I would believe that the RV and the company are the best ever.  Art's video will help me get the point across - THANKS Art!  Now I have ammo.



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  7. Very interesting video.  And, this guy's point of view just may be correct.

    However, not being a engineer, I trust that these companies (Ford, Chevy, Dodge, Toyota) all have a bevy of engineers whose job it is to design products that live up to the required specs.  I purchased one of the first generation 3.5 twin turbos when I got my 2011 Ford F-150.  I was "nervous" about this decision because I've always shyed away from buying the first generation of any new automotive product - "wait until they get the bugs worked out" was the standard mantra.  I took the "risk" because of all the testing that Ford claimed had been done on this new engine.  As it turned out - I never had a problem with that truck and this led me to purchase another 3.5 ecoboost in 2017 and yet another in 2023.  Yes, I may have been very lucky in that Ford has had issues with their trucks resulting in a number of recalls over the years.  These recalls include engine recalls such that Ford actually totally redesigned the turbo truck engines.  Perhaps I dodged those recalls because I tend to not keep my vehicles beyond 6 years and, therefore, never get anywhere near 100,000 miles on them prior to the purchase of a new one.

    When I started looking at new trucks in late 2021, the Tundra was high on my list given that the "best" truck I've ever owned was a Tacoma.  Unfortunately, the overall specs of the Tundra just didn't measure up to the F-150 (payload being the main issue).  I was told that these numbers should not get in my way because Toyota always is very conservative in calculating and reporting these kinds of specs.  And, while I actually believe that the probability of this statement is most true, I decided to stay with the devil I knew versus the devil I didn't know.

    Certainly Toyota "tested" this engine that is causing "problems" and (I assume) that it met or exceeded the design specs.  But, perhaps, as with the situation that caused Ford to redesign their engine, Toyota has run into an unforeseen issue that only started to show up during "real world" testing on engines that had been driven a fair amount of miles.  Hopefully Toyota will get to the bottom of the issue quickly.  And, I have little doubt that when they do Toyota will do the right thing and get it fixed.



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  8. 14 minutes ago, Patriot said:

    A thought provoking article on lithium-ion battery fires

    Just one of the reasons I purchased lithium phosphate batteries.

    After being up close and personal with a lithium ion battery that was on fire I really feel for those fire fighters that encounter these things.


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  9. 2 hours ago, MAX Burner said:

    FYI, We'll be in Cody in September, but on the annual bike ride

    Shame I'll miss ya.

    By the third week of September I'll be at the North Carolina beach soaking up some of the last rays of summer sun and enjoying the nice warm ocean waters.  As much as I'd love to be fishing hoppers during September in the Rockies, I simply have not found a way of being in two places at the same time.🤔


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