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  • Do you own an Oliver Travel Trailer, other travel trailer or none?
    I own an Oliver Travel Trailer
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    Legacy Elite II
  • Floor Plan
    Twin Bed Floor Plan

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  1. Congrats from Hull 1271.
  2. Congrats from Hull 1271.
  3. Congrats from Hull 1271.
  4. On our Grand Cherokee with the auto leveling system, the manual wants it turned off until you are hooked up and then turned back on. We don’t tow the Oliver EII with it but have towed other trailers with it. Maybe look in your manual to see if it talks about hooking up the trailer with auto leveling. Just a thought. Congrats on your new trailer.
  5. 2021 Ford Expedition, 3.5 Ecoboost, gas, 3:73 rear end, Heavy tow package/9200 towing weight, FX4 package. 2022 LE II, Hull 1271.
  6. We have the Hasko paper towel holder and it works great. Also, they have hooks similar to the factory ones which are great also. We do not use the adhesive disks they include as the suction part has been fine. Just clean with alcohol before putting on.
  7. When you do the walk-through, have them really go over the inverter and demonstrate running AC, for example, off of the lithium batteries if you are getting that package. Even with owning lots of campers, that part was all new to us. Almost a year later, the lithium package is still a learning curve, lol.
  8. #2 is a cotter pin which Oliver gives to you as a spare. I want to say it is for something to do with the hitch setup but not sure. I would assume #3 is the door key.
  9. Thank you.
  10. Out of curiosity, where is the return air vent in the bathroom located on the new 2023 Elite II?
  11. I had to change the setting on the cross site tracking mentioned above and it worked for me. I had this problem today and Jason sent the information which helped me get mine done. Hope it helps you.
  12. Thank you all for your suggestions. I have ask to stay two nights at Oliver if possible as we want to go over everything to make sure there are not any problems and that we understand how to operate mainly the solar system as we have had campers for years and fortunately my husband is very knowledgeable on rvs.
  13. We pick up our new Oliver in October and will be making our way to the Smoky Mountains. Just wondering about favorite campgrounds and sightseeing places from Hohenwald to the Smokies. We have been to the Smokies and Pigeon Forge a couple of times but looking for ideas from Hohenwald to there.
  14. SeaDawg I’m glad they are going back to Hohenwald. Hopefully they will have the parts or a replacement unit. I know parts are hard to get but was hoping if they hadn’t contacted Oliver that they would.
  15. I would think this is a warranty item with a 2022 unit with either Oliver or Dometic. I would open a ticket with Oliver if you are the original owner. Horrible weather for it to not be working.
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