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Tom and Doreen

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  • Do you own an Oliver Travel Trailer, other travel trailer or none?
    I own an Oliver Travel Trailer
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    Legacy Elite II
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    Twin Bed Floor Plan

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  1. No registration is required. I've only seen one bar increase in signal strength if I put your phone very close to the internal antenna, sometimes that helps but generally not much. The gain on the tiny external antenna on top of the trailer is pretty poor which is largely to blame. A physically larger external antenna with a higher gain would be helpful but not worth the expense / effort in my opinion. If I don't have a decent cell signal I use StarLink.
  2. Very interesting, thanks! Here's a link to the procedure: Anderson maintenance.
  3. True. I believe the installation does have a fuse already so a circuit breaker seemed redundant.
  4. A switch would aid in troubleshooting / isolating the circuit / wiring should something go wrong but as you know these are beefy components / connections and limited space can be problematic. I would imagine that having the engine off and the fuse removed would accomplish the same thing should you need to isolate the circuit / wiring. In honesty I've been thinking about doing a similar installation but as yet have not so I'm sure there are others here who have more knowledge / experience than me in this area.
  5. That's a really clean installation, great work! One word of caution though is that manual disconnecting / connecting with an active load applied can cause contact pitting and heating of the contacts in breakers of this type. A heavy duty marine spec. switch with larger contact areas would also fit the bill since the circuit breaker is redundant in this application.
  6. If your batteries are low your charger will draw a larger amount of current which will likely exceed a standard residential outlets current capability. You can adjust the settings in your inverter / charger to lower the charger current. This will require a longer time to recharge your batteries.
  7. It was great to meet you too, and yes it was at the dump station! Hopefully we'll see you at the National Rally!?
  8. It was nice to meet you at the Texas Rally! You've come up with some really clever ideas, nice work! The crane is impressive as well!
  9. John, nice work! That's quite a challenging project, hats off to you, looks great!
  10. We pull the fuse, open the refriderator door and then flip the freezer door open. The freezer door prevents the refrigerator door from closing completely. Just be careful to not bump into the door when working inside the trailer.
  11. They would sell really well here in CT because people here already drive like they have no windshield!
  12. Thanks Mike & Carol. We’re currently camped at James M Robb-Colorado River State Park-Fruita Section tonight, planning on visiting Colorado National Monument tomorrow morning. The Colorado state parks are fabulous.
  13. As titled, we'll be traveling from Fuita to Mesa Verde and would like to avoid the Million Dollar Highway. Would taking RT-62 to RT-145 be a reasonable route towing our Oliver? Trying to avoid any hair-raising adventures. 😁
  14. This was suggested to us by the guys who were professionally cleaning tanks at the rally.
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