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  1. Bill, be glad you don't have them! They are not an "upgrade". If you venture far from help the cartridge NVR Lube bearings are a horrible idea. You need a big hydraulic press to replace them and they are uber expensive. If you don't mind servicing them, the old kind make so much more sense. You can fix a blown bearing at the side of the road in an hour using hand tools and the cheap bearings, seals, and grease that are in your spares kit. Do some research on the RV forums. You will see that the sealed bearings are fine until the fail, then they are an extremely expensive PITA to deal with. A bearing kit and a pound tub of grease is less than $20 and you can find the parts at ANY auto parts department or store. The cartridge bearings may have to be ordered and one set is $140. Scroll to the bottom here: https://www.etrailer.com/dept-pg-Trailer_Bearings_and_Races-pc-3500_lbs_Axle.aspx It's the same with your pickup truck - the front cartridge bearings are fast and easy to install at the factory, which is why they are used, but they put all the load over a very narrow distance compared to conventional bearings. They are convenient as heck for the builder but they are a very poor design for longevity. I'm sure there are videos about trailer hubs, but I don't have a link. I do have a link to a pickup front spindle conversion kit that is very informative, and much of it applies to trailers. If I can specify the old style axles when I order, I will do so and be very glad to have them! John Davies Spokane WA
    1 point
  2. Bill, I am still pinching myself over the success of the East Start kit. I ran the AC for three solid hours Saturday when we had a heat index of 95. I just wanted to see how the batteries would hold up. The Ollie was in full sun so solar was in full production. My Blue Sky remote was reporting a net positive of 14 AMPs . When I switched off the AC and inverter the battery voltage went right back up to normal. I need to do a test with the solar panels off to see how that affects the batteries. Living in Florida this mod opens up lot's of possibilities for us. Beach outing with AC for snacks and resting, fishing trips, naps while enroute to a final destination, etc. We can now stop for lunch at a restaurant and leave our Bichon in thr air conditioned trailer. It will be interesting to see if other makes of AC will work as well as the Atwood Air Command.
    1 point
  3. Since our first Outlaw Oliver (Hull # 26) was a twin bed model, we chose the twin bed model for our second Outlaw Oliver (Hull # 50). We wanted to maximize our storage area and I envisioned providing it by raising the beds to create room underneath. I worked with Steve Parsons at the Oliver factory and came up with this design. A special mold was designed for this build. Access hatch under each bed. Interiors are lighted. Mattresses rest on a two part surface. Each part is removable to allow access to the compartments below. Our "stuff" is stored in totes. There is about 13 cubic feet of storage beneath each bed.
    1 point
  4. Just replaced the original equipment with the EZ FLEX kit, took about 2 hours. Simple tools plus one 3k floor jack and one from under the seat in my Fiat to move the axles around easier. If you have an air tool (to break all the rust loose) there's no real strength needed to do any of it. In the process found my 2015 has NVR LUBE bearings.
    1 point
  5. Wow, Nice job! Our previous camper was all electric 12V/110V with Coleman 13.5K Polar Mach AC. Purchased a Yamaha EF2400iSHC and never needed to run it more than 30 minutes at a time when away from shore power. The Yamaha would start the 13.5K AC we had. Never thought a 13.5K AC would run just off of RV batteries for short periods. Hats off to everyone involved in the project!!!!!
    1 point
  6. Dave, we found the twin beds big enough. We didn't want the hassle of converting the table each night. The two seat dinette also works well for us. Our other considerations were access to the upper storage being difficult while in sleep mode and we liked having the nightstand. While watching TV we move the pillows to the opposite end and voila, we have recliners. We're happy with our decision, I think you will be too. Mike
    1 point
  7. The Thompson's Ollie is at Pulpit Rock Campground near Decorah, Iowa. Great weather--high 60's, nice breeze and sunshine. No bugs here this early in the spring. Decorah is in Northeast Iowa which is part of the "driftless region that includes parts of Wisconsin and Minnesota. The glaciers bypassed this area resulting in a very hilly and interesting terrain. The rivers and streams run clear and many have wild trout. Great bicycling here too. Biked about 20 miles today. Don thumb_IMG_1806_1024.jpg-copy.pdf thumb_IMG_1807_1024.jpg-copy.pdf thumb_IMG_1809_1024.jpg-copy.pdf
    1 point
  8. This is Mother Neff State Park just south of Waco, TX. It sits on land donated to Texas by the mother of former governor Pat Neff. There are only 16 RV sites, all with full hook ups, tables, etc. It's very nice and not far off I-35. Bill, our shiny new trailer is now not so shiny after 9 days on the road!
    1 point
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