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ShallowGal last won the day on December 17 2024

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  1. Thank you Bill. What would we have done without you! You and Sue will always be special friends. ♡
  2. A bitter sweet goodbye to our home away from home for 39 states and six Canadian provinces. But there is comfort in knowing that Gary and Anita Teany (& Ranger) will love her as much, if not more than we did. Au revoir # 292!
  3. Mike and Krunch Mossey and Duke and Chris Chadwell are all safe!

    1. Patriot


      Amen! And such great news! We both just arrived home in Western NC. We found all well and no storm damage on our home or trees down.

      David & Kathy Austin

  4. This article is in the latest edition of Camper Report & was an eye opener for me. Living in muggy Florida my entire life, & fortunately during all our travels, I have never experienced a true dust storm. A few other subtropical friends were also unaware of some of the tips in this article so I thought it worthy of sharing. Many of the tips are common sense but this one surprised me: "The National Weather Service has a protocol for people who are on the road when a dust storm arrives. They advise drivers to, “pull your vehicle off the pavement as far as possible, stop, turn off lights, set the emergency brake, take your foot off of the brake pedal to be sure the tail lights are not illuminated.” It might sound counterintuitive to turn off your lights because usually, you want people to know where you are. But in a low-visibility situation, it’s best to turn off your lights once you pull off the road. This prevents other drivers from seeing your lights and veering off the road to follow you." That led me to research other low/zero visibility situations on the NWS website. They recommend doing the same in zero visibility fog with the exception to leave hazard lights on. "If there is no parking lot or driveway to pull into, pull your vehicle off to the side of the road as far as possible. Once you come to a stop, turn off all lights except your hazard flashing lights, set the emergency brake, and take your foot off of the brake pedal to be sure the tail lights are not illuminated so that other drivers don't mistakenly run into you." My instinct would be, if the locals are getting off the road, I will too; otherwise, I'll keep going--slowly. I'd love to get feedback from you desert creatures who have experienced dust storms. Thanks! Chris
  5. Cleaning up Ollie
  6. We started out with a Weber (unknown model) & in 2019, three months into our 1st big trip, we left it at a dumpster & bought the 17" Blackstone. The Weber was a chore to clean. The Blackstone is wonderfully versatile & much easier to clean. And, because Duke had been a good boy, Santa brought him a fiberglass propane tank.
  7. So many wonderful photos! This is why I RV.
  8. Be sure to pack a doggy first aid kit. https://wearwagrepeat.com/diy-dog-first-aid-kit/
  9. Works great for reducing drywall dust too!
  10. We've skipped the cream many times because we didn't have any - it's still yummy.
  11. FWIW, we keep a bright colored magnet attached to the outside of the water heater cover to visually remind us that it is ON. Then, obviously, move it to inside of cover when water heater is turned off.
  12. Chris's favorite on a cold day: https://damndelicious.net/2018/03/03/instant-pot-olive-garden-zuppa-toscana-copycat/ If kale isn't available or not your thing, we've substituted it with spinach.
  13. Sounds just like my tinnitus. 🙉
  14. Add "inspect tailpipe" to your checklists. @Lake Guntersville SP
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