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Ollie-Haus last won the day on November 29 2023

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  • Do you own an Oliver Travel Trailer, other travel trailer or none?
    I own an Oliver Travel Trailer
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    Legacy Elite II
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    Twin Bed Floor Plan

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  1. Sorry to hear this Bill, always enjoy our conversations. See you next year if not before. šŸ˜‰
  2. We like Wondercide products. This is a Shark Tank start up that's proven to be very successful because the products actually work. No harsh chemicals, just essential oils. Works for all flying and creeping pests. Safe for direct skin contact and won't stain cloths. Pleasant fragrances. Very effective against ticks. Safe for all pets as well. Wondercide
  3. Iā€™ve noticed ours does the same thing. Havenā€™t figured it out yet other than the only way to assure it stays of is to turn off the switch under the outside cover.
  4. https://olivertraveltrailers.com/events/
  5. Yes, I've taken expired tanks that were in good condition, not rusty, to a propane dealer, not like Tractor Supply, and they can re-certify the tanks. Doesn't cost much. I believe they put new valves on the tanks at that time as well.
  6. Yes there is a pin or foot at this end which acts as a pivot. They demonstrated on a concrete slab at the rally, so it will work on various surfaces. The frame folds up quite compact, sort of like a folding camp chair. Coy told me yesterday the company that makes the solar panel is developing a light weight panel that folds in the middle that will weigh about 11 lbs. This should greatly improve the portability of the whole system. The panels are the same brand that Oliver installs on the new campers.
  7. As I understand it, the supplied cord will simply plug into the external solar jack on the Ollie. Kind of plug an play by design.
  8. More than likely we will take possession of ours at the rally this spring. If so it'll be on full display then.
  9. This system is in it's final stages of development and looks to be a very compact game changer for boondockers. I would recommend getting hold of Coy Gayle asap and getting into the customer queue. I think these will be a hot item once they go into full production and the word gets out. Coy lives in the Huntsville area and always goes to the Oliver Rally. He'll likely be demonstrating the trackers there this April.
  10. Thatā€™s awesome news! We also invested in the tracker at the rally and are anxiously awaiting the results of your shakedown. Iā€™ve been periodically communicating with Coy since the rally and I couldnā€™t be more pleased with the attention to detail in there development process. I trust we are going to be more than satisfied with the final product. Thanks for the update! šŸ¤©
  11. We too have recently contacted Truma CS regarding cracks developing in the water heater cover. When you call you have go through the menu process and usually wait in a queue for a few minutes, but once you get a representative they are quite friendly and helpful with no push back. With one five minute conversation we had a new cover ordered at no cost, and it arrived promptly in three days. Iā€™ve utilized Truma customer service on three other occasions in the past two years with equally satisfactory experiences. I feel Truma and their products have served us well thus far.
  12. Safe travels Steve and Deb! Pretty good amount of snow overnight in your path south through Ohio and Kentucky. Take your time and plan for an overnight. šŸ˜Ž
  13. Well at least if you have this one, you have both............... šŸ™„šŸ˜
  14. @rich.dev if you go to the link for the storage box, it has the dimensions in the illustrations. The inside dimensions would be about 1/4ā€ less than the outside dims they show. I can measure mine if you like but thatā€™s pretty accurate. https://a.co/d/him0NAa
  15. Iā€™ve dealt with U.S. Truma on three occasions regarding warranty issues. Twice with our C73 portable cooler, both times they shipped out a new cooler no questions once it was determined the control system had failed. The third occasion was when the Aquago water heater outer cover plate had started developing cracks in various locations. They shipped a new cover plate and frame assembly immediately no charge. You usually have to wait in a queue for a while to speak to a representative, but they are more than happy to address your issue if possible on that call. Make sure to have your data plate information before you call.
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