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Rivernerd last won the day on July 18 2024

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    Central Idaho

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  • Do you own an Oliver Travel Trailer, other travel trailer or none?
    I own an Oliver Travel Trailer
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    Legacy Elite II
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    Standard Floor Plan
  • What model is your other RV or Travel Trailer?
    Don't have another RV

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  1. We have stayed at Ohanapecosh. It is o.k. Don't know about the other two.
  2. I installed the Airlift Loadlifter 5000 system on our 2019 Tundra two years ago. It effectively reduced both squat and "jounce" when towing our Elite II, and added cornering stability. Our air bags rely on a manual air pump, which I prefer. It only takes me a couple of pumps with a bicycle pump to raise each spring to the 25 PSI level we prefer when towing. I was already carrying a bicycle pump for my mountain bike. I always carry a tire pressure gauge, so measuring the PSI of the airbags is easy. I cannot compare to the Firestone or RAS Roadactive systems, as I have no experience with either. But it appears to me that the RAS Roadactive system is not adjustable. We like being able to reduce pressure with our Air Lift system when not towing, then raise it again when towing. For what it's worth, the RAS Roadactive system presently costs $589 for our Tundra vs. $379 (with rebate) for the Airlift Loadlifter 5000. Given our positive experience so far, I would again choose the Airlift Loadlifter 5000 because it works well, for a significantly lower price.
  3. The [20] error code on the inverter usually means low battery voltage shutdown, such as when an AC appliance draws more current than the inverter can supply at the time. This only occurs when you have no shore power, and are using the inverter to run a 120V AC appliance. I recommend you try turning your Lithionics batteries off, waiting 10 seconds, then turning them back on. Then ensure that the on/off button on the body of the inverter is out (off), and that the on/off button on the remote is in (on). [This is the "normal" mode for the Xantrex inverter--main body switch off, which enables the remote to control the inverter functions instead of the main body]. This has enabled my Xantrex Freedom XC Pro 3000 inverter to reset, making the [20] code disappear.
  4. If you are correct, it is a remarkably poor business decision by Truma. The sooner the product failure is resolved, the sooner it fades from the public consciousness, and Truma's quality reputation can be rebuilt.
  5. I have considered it, but only as a short-term solution. As a retired attorney, I accept that to be able to ultimately sell our Hull #1291 I must endure the pain of facilitating the recall work once "our" replacement burner assembly becomes available. Doing the work myself is not a legally viable alternative, even though I believe I may be more careful than many RV repair techs. If you feel better pulling the burner assembly and crimping the ends yourself before using your Truma Aquago pending receipt of "your" new burner assembly, go for it. But even if that may be as effective a practical solution as burner assembly replacement, it will not be legally sufficient to limit your liability when you sell your Oliver. That said, I am aligned with those folks who have opted to continue to use their Truma Aqugo units "as is," but with more careful monitoring, until the recall requirements are satisfied.
  6. Did you try to reserve via the Oregon State Parks page at reserveamerica.com? https://oregonstateparks.reserveamerica.com/camping/beverly-beach-state-park/r/campgroundDetails.do?contractCode=OR&parkId=402126#sr_a I just checked for a 2- night stay on a random August 12 2025 date and found a number of RV sites available. I recommend you try again, maybe trying different dates and stay lengths. Good luck!
  7. We lived in the Seattle area for 35 years. It is much cooler than Texas during August and September! It is also one of the driest places in the USA during July and August, believe it or not. The Northwest does not get the Southwest monsoons that time of year. But, by mid-September, the cloudy/drizzly weather moves back in. I concur with EurekaJ's recommendations above. While you are north of Seattle, I also recommend a night or two at Deception Pass State Park near Anacortes, Washington. And, if you are history buffs, a visit to Lewis and Clark's Fort Clatsop south of Astoria in Oregon is worth a stop. Plus, I recommend a few days exploring the Oregon Coast. I would book an RV site at Beverly Beach State Park (one of the nicer state parks we have been to) and do day trips from there, both north and south, to explore the many spectacular beaches and coastal rock formations.
  8. This likely means that the replacement burner units have been received from Truma. Please report the results.
  9. I once bought by mistake a cheap Astroai CM2KOR clamp meter that, to my dismay, does not measure DC amperage, only AC. So, I then bought a Klein CL390 clamp multimeter (for a higher price), that measures both AC and DC amperage. I carry the Klein in our Elite II. I also recommend the Klein CL390, about $68 presently on Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08DTDCG7T/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1
  10. Propylene glycol is used in many products sold for use by humans. One example is hair conditioner. It is not toxic to humans or animals. It is biodegradable. But, it can contaminate groundwater in sufficient quantity, or damage the essential microorganisms in a septic system. So, the environmentally safe practice is to recycle it.
  11. Our 2019 Tundra takes less maintenance than my wife's sewing machines!
  12. My mistake. I had forgotten that the Victron round wall display can be toggled to display more than the default charging voltage, as I always use the Victron app (but rely primarily on the more informative Lithioncs app). I expect all of the data available from the wall display and the app is provided by the shunt.
  13. My post was incomplete. My apologies. My Victron BMV-712 Smart Battery Monitor defaults to display of charge current, so I presumed that is what you were seeing. But, as pointed out by Rolind above, the switch can be toggled to alternatively display state of charge. I never use that feature, because: (1) I rely primarily on the Lithionics app for state of charge levels individually on each of my batteries and (2) I also use the Victron Connect app (not the round display above the rear street side bunk) for a "backup" state of charge report. The Victron reports total, combined state of charge, not individually for each battery, unlike the Lithionics app. I recommend you get both apps installed BEFORE connecting the generators. They will enable you to monitor charge progress, and potentially address any issues that come up. Be sure to have your phone close to the battery bank while using the apps, as they use Bluetooth. I usually take a seat inside the trailer to check the app readings, then go outside to check the batteries when needed.
  14. The "round" Victron "display on the curb side wall over the bed" shows present charging voltage, NOT State of Charge. Download the Lithionics app so you can use it to monitor State of Charge (SOC) of your three 130 Ah Lithionics batteries (390 Ah total), which is what matters most. For example, when a generator or shore power is connected to my Hull #1291 through the 30A connector on the street side, and the batteries are charging, the round Victron display reads: "14.6V". That is a proper charge rate for Lithionics 12V batteries. That tells me nothing about the level of charge in the batteries at the time, just the current charge rate (pun intended). To know State of Charge, or battery charge level at the time, I must consult the Lithionics app. The Lithionics app also advises whether the batteries are receiving charge at the time (Green) or being discharged (Red). This training was thoroughly covered during our orientation in Hohenwald. Sorry to hear you got limited orientation from your Oliver dealer at delivery. The electrical system is not affected by winterizing, and so should have been carefully covered. I recommend you file a service ticket with Oliver so they will know to educate that dealer.
  15. WD40 is a very safe adhesive remover. I would try that, with a plastic razor blade scraper, before considering other products that could damage anything.
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