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Posts posted by Patriot

  1. Generator roto pax security update. I added a 24” combo cable lock which secures the roto pax to the Gen handle. The cable lock is not super robust but will keep the roto pax from growing legs. The cover is secured with zip ties through the cover grommets.

    I added a thin piece of hard foam to prevent the roto pax from rubbing the side of the gen.







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  2. 1 hour ago, Paul and Santina said:

    Do you have to be (or have been) affiliated with the military to get coverage by USAA?

    USAA insurance is only for military members' and veterans' direct family members. Anyone besides a current or former spouse and children will not be eligible for USAA insurance coverage.

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  3. We really like our Weber Q1200 for its portability, of our Ollies QC and ease of cleaning. The Chef Master along with our trusty all clad 12” sautée pan is great for getting a good sear on steaks, fish, or chicken. 
    Gotta have the crunch! 👨🏼‍🍳😊





  4. 13 hours ago, johnwen said:

    We had the same issue and under warranty OTT fixed the problem last year but we are now experienced the same problem.  I'm curious, does anyone have a picture of what the shell looks like under the chrome band...maybe another solution can be realized with replacing the chrome strip with something else.


    Here is a pic of an area under the belly band. If this area has a lot of old tape residue or powdery residue naturally it will need to be completely removed. If not fresh double sided tape may not work for the long haul. My SWAG is that at the plant when all the interior gelcoat is polished some powdery polish residue is not removed along this seam when the BB is installed the BB adhesive just does not adhere well long term. (Look closely at the pic you will see a powdery residue) I used rubbing alcohol to prep the area removing any polishing residue from the hull seam before adding gorilla tape and it has held up great. As @SeaDawg and others mentioned it’s all about the prep.
    Note - The back side of the BB chrome strip has two fairly narrow strips of what appears to be a thin and not very robust VBH tape. I don’t know of any other solution to replace factory BB. As long as mine stays put and it has so far, I plan to just leave it in place. 

    Hope this helps,




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  5. On 5/31/2023 at 10:00 AM, rideandfly said:

    Previously installed a little Gorilla double sided tape on fiberglass where belly band is installed. When initially applied it can be removed in one piece, but if left for 24 hours difficult to remove, but removable with elbow grease, alcohol, and wood scraper made out of paint stir sticks with sharp edges on ends ground with belt sander.

    EDIT: The Gorillia Super Glue double sided tape did not adhere in the corner where attached to fiberglass after several days. Cannot recommend it.


    Interesting..I had good results.

    Our small BB area that lifted in the corner is still holding up strong with the Gorilla glue tape has not budged. I remember that there was no old tape residue from the existing chrome band left on the hull when it separated. So I had a clean surface for the Gorilla tape to adhere to.
    I believe cleaning hull surface of any mold release or polish residue with alcohol allowed the Gorilla glue to adhere to both the belly band and the hull. After installing the gorilla tape under the BB  then heating it up with a hair dryer to relieve a little of the tension in the bend or curve of the corner helped promote adhesion. Not the only solution but this technique worked well for me.😊




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  6. We have had USAA for 3 decades for all our ☂️insurance coverage. Yes, we have seen our rates jump without ever having filed any claims. All said it would require a deep discount for us to switch carriers only to see the slow creep price increase of signing up with a new carrier. Sure a local carrier can tailor an insurance policy to your needs but ultimately you will eventually see your costs creep up it’s economics. 

    Not a full subscriber to just stormy weather in the south causing rate increases. New construction costs, storms, wildfires, mudslides, and floods naturally do contribute to rate increases across the board. So I believe there is a far bigger picture such as insurance companies are taking on massive losses. 
    State Farm and Geico recently made the decision to stop doing new business in job killing California due to over regulation. Also factor in social unrest in many states with businesses being looted and eventually closing their doors.
    We live in interesting times. It would come as no surprise to me to see other large insurance companies walk away from other over regulated states. For times such as these!



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  7. 28 minutes ago, topgun2 said:

    In the usual Oliver fashion - we have a very quick response to the question:

    "Oliver has stopped prewiring ALL travel trailers for solar panels" (note my emphasis on the word "ALL")

    The Oliver response to this statement is:

    "For trailers without solar, they are not being pre-wired. Just a cost saving for production. The only trailers that do not have solar are ones with the base wet cell batteries. All AGM and Lithium battery power packages include solar and inverters. We rarely sell any with just the wet cell batteries anymore."

    Hope this helps clarify the subject.



    I can’t imagine solar not being ordered on a new Oliver especially now that they are no longer prewired. Just me.


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  8. 9 minutes ago, Brian and Brandelyne said:

    We used them on the AS and still have them on our tow vehicle (F-250).  Also, Discount Tire just mounted a new set of Falkens on my truck and we had an extensive conversation about the wheel balancers. No one EVER even hinted that they would not mount the tires with Centramatics in place. 

    I had 55,000 miles on the stock tires and they couldn't believe how good they looked even though they were due to be changed.


    Hey Brian, 
    Interesting to hear that about DCT. Do you find you need to check the torque on your lugs?  I am guessing no issues? 
    I have my tires rotated and balanced every 5k by DCT, so far all good.


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  9. 53 minutes ago, Boudicca908 said:

    I can't seem to find anything on the website about "auto renewal"..... 


    Maybe they have done away with auto renewal, it’s was been over a year ago. I believe at the time you needed to uncheck auto renewal. This was not easy to see the uncheck AR when we registered/signed up. I believe what happened was we never unchecked the auto renewal box.
    We just happened to see the auto charge on our CC catch the auto renewal just in time. We called HH to cancel and they allowed us to cancel even though we were past our renewal date by one day. The rep we spoke to said they had a number of complaints about the auto-renewal box needing to by unchecked. She said they were working on changing it. Let us know if they did. 😊
    You may wanna give them a call and ask what their current renewal policy is. 




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  10. 30 minutes ago, John E Davies said:

    I don’t do Facebook or any other social media sites, but I am curious about what they offer that this forum does not? Why should we join them?


    John Davies

    Spokane WA

    This FB site may give you a lot more visibility and help you sell your Oliver. 



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  11. 1 hour ago, Brian and Brandelyne said:

    That's probably a good approach. Apple is investing heavily into GlobalStar and, IMO, they will likely purchase that company before it is all over. Once that two year "Free" period is over, I will be very interested in what Apple charges per month to recoup their investment in the satellite company. When that happens, I would bet "most" iPhone users will not opt for the plan.

    Just my $0.02 worth.


    Yes the Apple fee remains to be seen for sure. If they keep it reasonable it will sell, if not I agree with you most won’t opt in. I am willing to wait and see how far Apple takes their SAT/Comm. 👍🏻👍🏻 


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