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Everything posted by Jairon

  1. I'd buy one if you have any interest in making more!
  2. Beautiful setup! 😀 Perfect fit!
  3. Which version do you have? I'm not finding the collapsed lengths listed on their site. Thanks!
  4. Oliver uses both LifeBlue and Lithionics as a battery supplier now.
  5. I'm speculating a bit based on what I was told but I believe the swoops were manufactured in house and the machine used to make them started to break down.
  6. Lithium can be worth it but I hope people understand what they are getting and how to take care of them. Ruining your lithium batteries after a year or two is way harder to swallow than trashing your AGMs. At the rate Oliver is selling Pro packages I suspect there are going to be more than a few angry customers in a year or two.
  7. It isn't a pay option either. Side graphics have been removed as an option entirely. All 2022 trailers will come with front and rear graphics only. The Oliver name and model are still included on the side of the trailer.
  8. I was told Oliver won't be offering the side graphics going forward; that said, things could change with enough demand.
  9. Good news - I'm talking about the Honda 2200i. Yamaha seems to have some supply chain issues if they can't ship units until spring. Best of luck in your hunt should you stay committed to the blue team.
  10. It was in stock at home depot for a few hours. They look to still be sold out at the moment.
  11. You should obviously check with your sales rep but I believe Oliver has completely switched over to the XC Pro models; 2000 or 3000 depending on which package you buy. The Freedom XC was used in years past.
  12. I'd love to hear more about the changes Xantrex suggested! You said you temporarily adjusted the power draw from 24 to 18amps. How quickly can you flip that back to 24 when you're not on generator power? Thanks! We just picked up our 2200i after waiting a few weeks for them to restock. I have a feeling they are going to fly off the shelves this summer.
  13. Hah! I was surprised to see it removed from the build sheet but I'm guessing it was removed due to lack of customer demand. I'm happy to have picked one up with the box option though...
  14. The 2022 models no longer have a storage box option so the decision to get a microwave is easy 😁
  15. Fritz, there isn't much of a difference between the XC 2000 Pro and the XC 3000 Pro. Even the retail price difference between the two is small - something around $200 if I remember correctly. I do know that the 2021 uses a different power distribution panel if you get the Pro package (including the XC 3000). Obviously the wiring will differ as well since it can't handle the AC. It is possible the 2022 models have a more unified panel but the details haven't been made public that I'm aware of. Upgrading to the XC 3000 without lithium was not an option when I asked. I suspect this is more about decreasing factory assembly line complexity than anything else.
  16. The stainless steel counter, the kitchen fold down extension, and the 80/20 lagun mount were some of the most functional mods I've seen on the forum to date. I would have opted for stainless if Oliver offered it.
  17. It isn't just you. If the admin has any information about the outages, I'd be happy to troubleshoot assuming it wasn't planned maintenance.
  18. I found the dimensions while looking through the manual again. My brain totally skipped the interior measurements when skimming it the first time; it looked so similar to the drawing from the webpage which only has the exterior dimensions. Does anyone know if the cushions extend the full length of the seating surface and what the thickness of the cushions are? With that info in hand, I can make my custom order. Edit. The cushions look to match the platform size exactly. Foam looks to be about 4 inches. Thanks!
  19. I agree with Andrew. If you can't get a signal with the Netgear antenna, you'd probably need a directional antenna to pole mount. It gets clunky (wind, signal search, gain/loss, additional coax, etc) so I'd opt for the Netgear solution whenever possible. If you do opt for a directional, here is some info about the setup.
  20. I'd like to order some custom sheets and I've searched both the forum and the University to try and determine the length, width, and thickness of each non-back rest cushion on the standard Elite II layout for the rear of the trailer. It looks like the width of the left and right cushion is somewhere between 24" and 25" I can't determine the length without knowing the width of the rear cushion. If the rear cushion width is the same as the left and right, 24"-25" The length of the side cushions would be 50"-51" The rear cushion length should between 78" and 79" The rear radius is 16.25" (https://olivertraveltrailers.com/wp-content/uploads/oliver-university/Schematics/Cushions-Counters/Elite-II-Cushions-Rear-Seat-Twin.pdf) If nobody has this information handy, I'll call Oliver on Monday and update the post with what I find. Thanks!
  21. I'll take another look. I'm trying to do something pretty odd, cover the non-twin cushions on the left, right and rear of the table.
  22. I took a look at the site but the descriptions are pretty generic. I can't tell if they fit the toppers, the cushions, the Elite 1 or 2. If nobody knows for sure, I'll give them a call on Monday. Thanks!
  23. Does AB make sheets for just the standard sized cushions? If not, does anyone know a quality place to have them made?
  24. I don't know what year they stopped doing small custom requests but this policy was certainly in effect during mid 2020 sales. I requested that the bathroom mirror and the 2 inch receiver be left off during the build... The rack request was refused and the mirror was going to be mounted during production only to be removed and patched up pre-delivery. I ultimately decided to just take it as built with no bike rack option.
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