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fairmontrvpark last won the day on October 20 2021

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  • Do you own an Oliver Travel Trailer, other travel trailer or none?
    I own an Oliver Travel Trailer
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    Legacy Elite II
  • Floor Plan
    Standard Floor Plan

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  1. When you flushed out the trailer did you also flush the outside shower? I also had some difficulty flushing my trailer out last spring it seemed to take longer than normal to be rid of the anti freeze, associated smell and bubbles in the water. I wrote it off to the design of the tanks being relatively flat bottomed and difficult to empty 100%. I finally set it up with the front end high and flushed everything thoroughly a few times in that position and I was happy with the result. Good Luck. Dan
  2. I am glad this solved your problem. For anyone else considering using a vacuum in the future remember that they are not designed to vacuum Gas and I would be very careful of anything that may have a motor that can ignite them..... Safety First. Happy Trails. Dan
  3. There is an entirely opposite side to this subject. I have seen three trailers with frame damage due to weight distribution being used on 3/4 and 1-Ton trucks with trailers that were designed to be pulled by lightweight vehicles. These frames cannot counter the stresses that a 1-Ton truck produces by the time the weight distribution system is torqued enough to level it out and it destroyed these trailers and campers ended up stuck here until they had repairs done or purchased another trailer. I agree that a one ton does not need a WD system to tow an Oliver I will leave the litigation stuff to the pros in that department.
  4. Thank You for taking the time, I really appreciate it. Will check this out tomorrow. Dan
  5. While attempting to remove my ceiling shroud from the Air Conditioner I found two screws that I accessed through the side vents (in addition to the typical two screws that hold the shroud in place) Despite these four screws being removed the Shroud still appears to be attached near its center. If anyone has experience with this particular situation I would appreciate your feedback. I have a call into service already, simply throwing this on the forum to see if any of you have a solution for me. Thanks Dan
  6. The Trauma is Awesome. Its like a heated steering wheel.... now that I have it? I NEED it.
  7. Congratulations, Enjoy your Oliver and Safe Happy Trails.
  8. Thank You for this awesome post about winter travel with your Oliver! Your pictures are great and your trip sounds fun. There is too much negativity on this forum relative to winter travel, these trailers are very capable as are you it seems. Safe and Happy Trails Dan
  9. Oliver installed the larger coupler. It is an option, or it was on my 2021 model year build sheet.
  10. Albert, I am sure You will be very happy with the Weigh Safe Hitch. I use one as well and am very satisfied with it. The ability to instantly see adjustments you make to your payload is priceless in my opinion. Good luck and Happy Trails. Dan
  11. I agree 100% These Brakes work fine.... Sounds to me like someone has some serious issues that they are attempting to project onto others.,.,.,. Just Sayin
  12. Congrats! be safe and enjoy your Rig! I have a short must do mental list before I start my truck and that valve is on it. List is still a work in progress as I add things to the trailers contents. Happy Trails Dan
  13. You know, it actually was because the weather allowed me to leave all windows open every night for 14 nights and now that I have everything closed to keep out the cold I do not smell that "new smell fiberglass oder" that it had when I picked it up. So it was a good time to take it out for the first time. Thanks Again Dan
  14. I did, and I hope you all enjoyed Branson. You were correct I had no trouble making the Fresh Water, Grey and Black last for the 4 nights I was dry camped and could have doubled that at the rate I was going. Thanks again Dan
  15. Thank You for the well wishes, I did get some photos up. Today I pulled 540 miles in some respectable sidewinds that had the semis doing 65 on parts of HWY 90 and I am happy to report this thing sticks behind my truck like a 10 year old well trained hunting dog. I am very impressed (again no Anderson Hitch or any other sway control just whats shown above in the pic. Temps are lower here 40's and the heater is more than sufficient as well, One of the benifits of this smaller space is its quick to heat up and it stays that way easily, I am cheating with a three setting "vornado" brand Electric Heater that I saw someone else mention in a post and bought while I was in Kansas City at Target, it works well in here I have it set on low so the Oliver heater functions as well to keep the basement warm too.
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