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Everything posted by topgun2

  1. And, don't forget about the numerous campgrounds (both federal, State and private) that are off the BRP. Bill
  2. Wayfinder - The above is what Matt had to say at the end of his "bullet point" summary of the new program - about half way down on page 1 of this thread. Matt did a presentation of what is basically this program at last year's rally (2022) but I don't know if he will repeat that during the 2023 rally. I'd take him up on his offer about sending him a PM and see what he has to say. Bill
  3. I'm not surprised at all by this article. In my experience with Oliver I've never gotten the impression that they only saw me as a person to sell a trailer to. I was even asked why I wanted an Oliver at one point. Potential customers come to this Forum because they are interested in RV's - not just because they are interested in Olivers. Indeed, some that come to the Forum eventually decide (for a whole host of reasons) to not buy an Oliver. A few buy an Oliver and later decide that there is something they think will satisfy their needs better. Given the popularity of toy haulers, why not address the elephant in the room? I've always believed that more information is better and should lead to owners that have considered the pluses and minuses of all the choices in the market. Bill
  4. OK - thanks. I just wanted to make sure that everyone is/was on the same page and not confusing one thing with another. So, it appears that assuming that a prospective buyer actually signs the form you referenced, a current owner who choses to show his Oliver to that buyer is, at least, somewhat more "protected" than they used to be. On the other hand, joining the rewards program could make even that questionable. It seems to me that the appropriate course of action at this point would be to wait to see what (if anything) Oliver comes back with in regards to the rewards program. Bill
  5. I repeat what I said above - Are we talking about the same form here - the form that Rivernerd linked to? I still don't see in that form where the Oliver owner has to pay Oliver's legal expenses. Bill
  6. Are we all talking about the same form here? I agree with JW - with the agreement that is referenced by Rivernerd above it seems to me that both Oliver and the Trailer Owner are "protected", but, it is the Prospective buyer that is the one who bears the weight of legal expenses, etc. Perhaps, if I was a prospective buyer I might have a bit of concern about signing. Bill
  7. I've also used wanderinglabs with good success - I too recommend it. Bill
  8. Its that time of year again when the serious summer travel season planning really gets going. With many of the campgrounds on Recreation.gov you can not make reservations sooner than 6 months out from your first day of arrival at the campground. Since this year I plan to arrive at my first (of many) campgrounds on a Saturday and since it is the first place that I'll stay for more than overnight, I planned to make a reservation. So, while normally in this situation I would get up early and get my reservation into the system as soon as I can, I forgot and didn't get this done until late afternoon. Unfortunately, my first choice of campgrounds (let alone actual site) has only 8 sites and all of them were booked! My second choice of campgrounds was also booked! And, while I did get a site in my third choice, there were only three sites left out of 22 total. Thankfully, for the balance of my two month trip there are only two other campgrounds where I will (hopefully) get reservations. The balance will all be boondocking spots. Bill
  9. A couple of years ago, Oliver was putting together such a list (I think that a summer intern was involved but I might be wrong on this part). I've never seen such a list but before I started trying to compile one from scratch I'd drop Matt Duncan an email to see what he might know. Sorry for your problems and I hope that Bill & Nancy's solution does you some good. Bill
  10. At the beginning of the "season" and again at the end I clean the cord very well and then apply THIS stuff according to directions. Bill p.s. If for some reason the cord gets weathered (think serious rain, sand, mud, dragging through a bunch of wet grass, etc.) during the heavy camping year, I'll apply 303 more often.
  11. Neither do I since I don't have one. However, maybe that buzz is there so that you can find it?😄 Bill P.S. sorry but I just could not resist - its a joke!
  12. I'll bet that 50 footer is one heavy puppy. Since the need for an extension cord is so rare (at least for me its only been one time in 7 years) I bought a 30 foot 10 gauge regular extension cord. Its lighter, smaller and will still allow me to run the a/c if needed. For John's application something smaller would do (as pointed out in a couple of the posts above) as long as the use of the a/c was controlled and monitored. AS far as the original cord being used - I'd make sure that it had UV protection applied to it at least every couple of months. Bill
  13. Now all you have to do is remember "which" lower right and "which" drawer"!😁
  14. Yes. However, it is still advisable that you check how things are going every few weeks or so. If it were mine, I'd be checking it at least every other week given that you have things "running" inside. Even in my case where I have turned off everything but have an exterior add-on solar panel charging the batteries I check things every 5 to 6 weeks. Bill
  15. Glad that you identified the pup - I showed this to my wife and she thought that someone had taken pictures of me! 🙃
  16. That pup is simply going to have to go back to school to learn exactly how to relax!😆
  17. I now carry a small waste tote (empty) in the bed of my truck. But, with an RV I owned prior to seeing the light and getting my Ollie I constructed a storage rack for this tote which I attached to the rear bumper via two slightly larger square steel tubes such that the rack could be inserted into those two tubes and secured with four pins. I think that a similar system could be used with the Oliver but I've never had enough interest to work on it.
  18. Sounds like advice from and old motorcycle rider to me! And in the right circumstance this advice certainly applies here. Bill
  19. David & Paula - Thanks for posting your on-going story. And, certainly glad to hear that you are back up and running. Hope that this takes care of all your issues. With my 2016 that has its original T-105's I know that I'm living on borrowed time. Please keep us advised of how these batteries perform for you since I'm afraid that I'll be in the market soon and these look like they are worth considering. Bill
  20. I had forgotten about seeing that one. Certainly it presents another choice (and that is a good thing) but it will not block as much light as the sliding blind number. Bill
  21. B and B - The only problem that I think there is with the Lippert shade is that it can not be opened and closed with the screen door in place. That means that you will need to open the door, unlatch the screen door from the main door, adjust the blind and then close both doors. This, obviously, prohibits being able to see who might be at the door without opening the door first - assuming that the blind is closed. With the Zarcor, you can adjust the blind from the inside without having to open the door. As far as I know, this is the only "shade system" that has this most important feature. Bill
  22. Normally, there isn't really much "light" out there during the night. But, if you are referring to those times one is "camped" at WalMart and the like or in Alaska or under that one and only street light in the entire campground then (as Patriot points out) the combination of the tinted window and the blinds makes for a more than reasonable blockage of this kind of light - at least as good as the day/night shades that come stock with the Ollie. Note that both Patriot and I talk about the "tinted" window. There is also the option to replace the stock "frosted" window with a clear window but again, as Patriot points out, the tinted window matches the other tinted windows on the Ollie and still allows for seeing just who might be knocking at your door prior to opening it. Remember - most of us do not travel with "Reacher" on board! Bill
  23. This mod has been around for a fair while now and unless the company has changed things - the only way to get the white operating handle is to give them a phone call. There is no extra charge for the white handle - it simply is not an option available with the online ordering process. Bill
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