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Everything posted by topgun2

  1. Welcome home! Sure enough - your trip back West was an adventure but glad you made it without any trailer problems. Hope that your tow vehicle ran well after the "operation" in Denver. 5 degrees is reasonably impressive. I assume that it was only one person in the Ollie overnight given the "no condensation"? Happy early Thanksgiving! Bill
  2. Let me see ---- Reasonably nice neighborhood, Reasonably nice yard, Reasonably nice house, Really nice two car garage PLUS what looks to be an RV garage. With or without the pics - I'd bet that there is something expensive in that RV garage and while I'm in there I'd take a look around too if I was that sort of person. I wonder just how many crooks of the larceny type spend time on a computer "casing" houses to burgle? Surely its nothing that "Reacher" couldn't take care of. 😊
  3. left click on your avatar left click on "account settings" on the right side of the next screen - left click on "signature" left click on "save" Bill
  4. Look! I didn't suffer all those long 25 years living in St. Louis for nuttin'. But, unfortunately - you are correct - I did mean I-44. 😵 p.s. Of course what is now I-64 used to be I-40 and the locals still call it that. However, I-40/I-64 really wasn't ever all that bad and is now still my favorite way to get through St. Louis when traveling from east to west and looking for I-70 west of St. Louis.
  5. And people think that the Midwest is flat? Either I-70 or I-40 through Missouri will teach you differently. Bill
  6. One way or the other - this is not a big deal in that there is nothing the fresh water tank that will be hurt even if it freezes. And, you will sanitize it in the Spring anyway. However, I like mine to be as empty as I can get it and by just emptying it via the water pump there will be (perhaps - depending on the slope of the Ollie at the time) a bit of water left in the tank. Therefore, I open the fresh water drain valve and even slope the Ollie towards the drain point. Bill
  7. At the beginning of each travel season I contact the Sales area at Oliver and ask them to send me several copies of that current year's sales brochure. This way I can simply hand one of these to people that seem to have a genuine interest in the Oliver and/or to people that approach me but I don't have the time or place to actually give them a tour. Bill
  8. Unless Colorado has completed MAJOR work on the stretch of interstate from Colorado Springs to Denver in the past few years, it is/was absolutely terrible. Bill
  9. Here on the Forum, there are many reports similar to yours. It is an unfortunate fact of life (at least my life) that there are precious few companies that treat their customers in the fashion that Oliver does. I think that this is one of the main reasons that it is so hard for people to believe the glowing reports that we often hear about the Ollie and the company that produces it. We are simply labeled as "Fan Boys" or dismissed because we are so proud of spending our money we are unwilling to or unable to see the faults. It is natural to be a bit of a skeptic prior to experiencing such a refreshing change to the norm. Congratulations for giving yourself the chance to be "impressed". Bill
  10. I FULLY understand. When we took delivery of ours a storm moved in the day before we were to travel over the mountains from the Asheville, NC area to Hohenwald. Three to four inches of rain were forecast for the lower elevations but rain, sleet, snow, ice were forecast for the mountains. On the drive, the temps hovered from 34 degrees to 30 and back a few times. While this didn't make for a "fun" drive to Hohenwald the roads remained just wet primarily because the ground had not (yet) become cold enough to allow freezing to occur. Of course this still made every bridge an adventure. The next day the sun came out and temps were in the low 50's. However, the campground being used at the time was a sea of mud and my nice new shiny Oliver got christened in a hurry😭. You will have no such issues in the nice (relatively ) new Oliver campground. Bill
  11. Why do you suspect that the temps will be in the 20's every night during the first week of December? HERE are the historical temps for Hohenwald for December and HERE is that same data for Nashville. Yes, temps can get to the 20's at night (as they are right now) but that is not the norm. Good luck with your delivery - have fun! Bill
  12. OK - assuming the lighter one: 1. as dewdev points out above, cover/pad all sharp edges. The solar panels are the biggest and next would be the bumper. Pool noodles are your friend for both of these. 1a. don't forget to remove the antenna of the rearview camera if you have one. 2. lay out the cover on the ground with the front of the cover at the front of the Ollie and the back at the back. 3. Either get up on a ladder or use "painter's poles" with tennis balls on the ends to protect the cover (thanks to Patriot for this "painter pole idea) to feed the cover onto the roof and over obstacles that are on the roof. Adjust the cover using the poles or while on the ladder both front to back and side to side. 4. Batten down the hatches. 5. Grab a adult beverage an admire your work. Bill
  13. Are you talking about the "old" (heavy) cover or the newer (light weight) covers? Bill
  14. It is not unusual for Oliver to "phase" in upgrades and/or changes in equipment from one year to the next. Bill
  15. If either of you are looking for a long lost relative - I'm it!🤪
  16. Yes, I didn't trust the microwave being attached by just those two screws in the top. I used scrap pieces of wood to wedge it in prior to putting the trim piece back on. Six years later it hasn't moved! Bill
  17. S&D B are correct but if you are talking about merchandise that Oliver has for sale then as far as I know there isn't presently such a list. You would be best served to send your Oliver Sales Agent a note in this regard and perhaps they can get a list for you. On a related note - Oliver has been working on a "Company Store" for a long time and we have been told that it is (finally) close to becoming a reality - by year end hopefully. Bill
  18. Certainly correct and I will shortly have one of the "old style" BuiltRight dash mounts for sale at 1/2 the original cost if anyone needs/wants one for an older F-150. Are you sure your Iphone isn't "talking to the Ford via Bluetooth versus hardwire? If it is communicating via hardwire then plugging into the 12 volt outlet will give you nothing besides power since there is no data transmission via that 12 volt socket. Bill
  19. It should be noted here that the source of JD's ball wear issues was never identified (to my knowledge) and a number of owner's (me included) have never had a single issue with this kind of wear while using the 2 inch Andersen ball. Bill
  20. Have you tried polishing those black spots? Have you sent these pics to Oliver Service? I too use dehumidifiers in my Ollie while stored. I do take my single mattress out for the Winter but I leave the regular cushions in. They are stored in a vertical position though just to make sure that air gets a chance to circulate around them. Bill p.s. Really wish I had an Ollie port like you and Patriot.
  21. However, if this trim piece had cracked or become notably loose then it just might indicate that your microwave is not held in place as it should be. And/or you have been down some very rough roads. This microwave is actually held in place (basically) by being attached to the upper cabinet via the screws that go through the two holes (barely seen in the photo below) at the rear of the metal piece that approximately spans the middle of the microwave. Once you remove the trim piece then reach in, grab the microwave and try to move it from side to side. If you can move it without too much force then it is likely that either this support attachment has come loose or isn't there at all. Jason Essary can assist you in making repairs - just open a Service ticket.
  22. If your microwave trim is like this one then it actually does not "hold" the microwave in place - it is basically just a trim piece.
  23. Only for the sake of symmetry is the one out of three lights "questionable". Wouldn't it be nice to get those LED's that change color via a remote? That way you could have your "bug" light and "holiday" light and "light" light and "red" (night vision) light or whatever. Bill
  24. GJ - Thanks for posting this. I have never had any issues to include "rattles" with either of the two 3.5 Ford's I've owned. I presently have my third 3.5 on order and will be shortly selling my 2017 that only has 44,000 miles on the clock. I am consistently amazed with this engine. Bill
  25. Certainly there are a number of automotive suppliers that have 12 volt LED lights - think marker lights, grill lights and the such. There are even LED lights that come in a strip that can be cut to length and I assume that the amber color would be available. Like THESE perhaps? Let the search begin! Good Luck! Bill
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