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Everything posted by topgun2

  1. Many of he things in this regard that apply to the Elite II will also apply to the Elite I. I'd insulate just about anything that I could get my hands on and I'd start with the water lines. Actually at the elementary level this is fairly simple - go down to the local hardware store and get yourself several lengths of 1/2 inch foam pipe insulation like THIS and put it on any (yes - both hot and cold) pipe you can reach. Then start shoving extra insulation anywhere you can (I'd use something like Reflextix) anywhere you can - an extra layer in the attic, a layer in and around the external shower and under the dinette seats, layer behind the kitchen drawers, etc.. You don't have enough time for more "extreme" measures. In any case have a great trip! Bill
  2. Hope your "collection" of 225 goes well for you. We are here to help as is the rest of your family at Oliver Travel Trailers. Bill
  3. Here's that same fan after being up (and down) a 40 mile dirt road!
  4. I manual switch is REALLY helpful when in the middle of the night that fan decides to start screaming like some demon - don't ask me how I know this. Bill
  5. Or - You could always go with one of these - 😁
  6. Well - not so much. Builtright charges $20 for that support plate if you order it along with the platform. Matt (president of Builtright) agreed to send me just the platform and I agreed to pay the $20 plus shipping. Therefore, by not ordering the support plate along with the platform I actually paid shipping twice - once for my original order of just the platform and then again for the shipment of the support plate. So, save yourself some money on the shipping costs by ordering both at the same time with the "PRO" version, if you have interest in hanging cell phones, TPMS systems, GPS's, laptops, rearview camera monitors, etc. off your dash. Bill
  7. A bit of an update for the Builtright platform. Last month I took delivery of my new 2023 Ford F-150. This truck has a 12 inch info screen versus the eight inch screen that was on my 2017. I knew that the "tray" in the top of the dash of the Ford would be larger (due to the screen size) in the new truck, so, I removed and sold the old Builtright platform (easily done here on the Forum) and bought a new one, way back before Christmas. The installation of the new platform is very similar to that of the old one given that Ford continues to use the same type of plastic clips to hold just about everything together. Unfortunately though, in the area directly above the massive screen where the dash tray meets/joins the trim at the top of the screen, there is very little securing these two pieces together. Thus, with the weight of the platform plus a Garmin 890 hanging off of it, I felt that there was too much flex in the plastic that would eventually cause fatigue in that plastic and there was a bit too much vibration in the 890. So, I contacted Builtright and even though they do not normally sell the support bracket for the platform separately, the president of Builtright made an exception and put one in the mail to me - great customer service. Since this support bracket actually bolts to the metal subframe under the dash, there will be no flexing and/or vibration through the platform. I'll post some pictures after I receive the support bracket and do the re-install. But, if anyone is considering the purchase of this product for a Ford that has the 12 inch screen then I'd highly recommend that they get what Builtright calls the "PRO" model since this includes the support plate along with the platform. Bill
  8. OK - you asked for it! Do you rent out Ditto? Whatever you do - DON'T pick up one of these little creatures with your bare hand - they do really stink.
  9. I'm a big fan of YouTube "University" too. On those rainy days like today it is actually fun to jump down the rabbit hole of something I know very little about (actually that is most things πŸ˜†). Shame that it seems that a fair number of people don't either want to do the work and/or simply don't know to study what they don't know. Bill
  10. THAT Oliver is going to look great in THAT Ollie house - especially with THAT pup keeping an eye on it. Welcome to the Family! BIll
  11. Bill & Nancy - How's that payload capacity working out for you? Bill
  12. Thank goodness your Ollie was under that shelter. It won't be inexpensive repairing the shelter but I'd bet that it will be a bunch LESS expensive repairing it versus repairing the Ollie. Thanks for the pics! Bill
  13. You could still take taylor.coyote up on his generous offer and simply take the hitch with you when you pick your Oliver up. The guys/gal in Service would be more than happy to install it for you and set it up properly. Bill
  14. Doesn't this depend on a whole host of factors - steepness of the slope, weight of the tow vehicle, quality of the surface all eight tires are on, etc.? p.s. there are a ton of videos on YouTube explaining how to set up a brake controller. People unfamiliar with brake controllers would be well served to watch several of these videos until they fully understand how they work. In addition, the owner's manual of the tow vehicle covers this if the vehicle originally came equipped with a trailer brake controller - read it.
  15. correct. FYI - Just for the fun of it - a little history Oliver lesson: The first "Twin bed" Ollie ordered with the one bed as a "couch" was a former owner that went by the Forum name of "Windcrasher". He was from northern South Carolina (Greer) and was involved in (I think) the oil shale business mainly in Pennsylvania. Because he spent winters in PA, he was also the first (possibly the only) to have his Oliver fitted with tank heaters too and he even had an extra 110 volt outlet in the closet so that he could plug his computer printer in to print reports for his work. During the time between placing my order and getting delivery I watched his Oliver video on YouTube more than 75 times - there wasn't any Oliver University or Oliver videos out there except for his.😡 Bill p.s. for what its worth - I believe that Twist was only the second twin bed to be ordered with the "couch" option.
  16. There are some National Forest Service campgrounds that require the site be occupied on the first night of the reservation - if not then they cancel the rest of the reservation. Unfortunately even this is abused in that I had a camp host tell me that people will set up a cheap tent on the site (i.e. occupy the site with the tent) in order to get around this requirement. Shame! Bil
  17. Yep - But, you can "bugger up" the nuts on those bolts so that they are very difficult to remove. Buggered bolts or not - if they really want it, they will find a way to get it. For instance - bring a flat bed and drag the Ollie onto it and drive away. 😰😞 Bill
  18. Basically what Mike says above, but, there are a number of ways to handle the grey tank. I think that most people leave the grey tank closed in addition to leaving the black tank closed. This is because similar to the black tank, the grey tank can get hair, sand, dirt, food particles, etc. in it. Thus, just like the black tank where the "force" of the water is used to move "solids" along, this same force can be used in the grey to help clean out whatever is in both the grey tank and the hose after you have used it to dump the black tank. Another "hint" - when dumping - dump a small bit of the grey tank first (only a gallon or two is necessary). This will help "lubricate" the hose so that the black tank stuff will flow more smoothly down the hose. Once the black tank is empty, close that black tank valve and open the grey to dump the rest of it out and at the same time help to "flush" the hose "clean" of whatever the black tank may have left in there. Bill
  19. MnM- The really big deal on the repair is getting the gel-coat the same color as the original. The guys in Service at Oliver will be able to look up exactly what color of white your Ollie has on it and give that information to your repair shop. Or, since this is such a small (relatively) chip, Service could possibly ship a small amount to you people so that they don't have to buy whatever the minimum quantity is and, of course, charge you for it. Good luck! Bill
  20. It would help to know which Oliver you have and the year of it too. Bill
  21. I believe that they said they are camped in the Oliver campground. Unfortunately - today is Saturday.
  22. Strange - After reading the circumstances, my first thought wasn't a frozen pipe - but - a clogged pipe from something line debris in the line. However, usually these types of clogs only slow the flow - not stop it.
  23. I can just imagine what Bosker and your pup would have to say about each others ears!
  24. If you know Phil then you know that he really knows how to console.
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