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Everything posted by Katjo

  1. @Steve and Deb
  2. There is a post I named: Favorite Camping Accessories. I think that may be the one you are thinking of.🤔
  3. That’s a nice playground! I feel the same way, “so many places, not enough years left.” My husband will retire next year then we will start squeezing as much of “living the good life” as our health allows us to.
  4. Nice!! My in-laws were from New Brunswick. 8 weeks but what an adventure that will be!!
  5. Nice!!!😍
  6. Grand Tetons, that’s another good one to add to my bucket list!
  7. What’s on your bucket list to visit with your Ollie? My list: Yellowstone, Maine (New England coast), Ollie Rally in Alabama. Would love to see all the National Parks and also do the entire Route 66 trip.
  8. That’s a great idea!
  9. The Ollie definitely grabs attention! I love when people ask about it which happens every time we take it out! I’m always proud and enjoy giving a tour and answering questions about the Oliver.
  10. It sure would be nice if they had the website finished before Xmas! Gift giving season.🎅🏼
  11. I’m going on the recommendation of every article I’ve read on how to store a memory foam mattress.🤷🏻‍♀️ Glad you have had no issues.
  12. Memory foam cannot hold its weight on its side and will create a permanent hunched shape if left upright for an extended period of time. It is recommended to just leave your memory foam mattresses laying flat.
  13. Thank you to all that are active, those who have served and those who have died for our freedom. My Dad served 4 years in the United States Air Force during the Korean War. Forever my Hero.🇺🇸
  14. So excited for you!!! Take pictures and let us know how it goes!
  15. So excited for you! The wait is over! Wishing you a safe journey home and many wonderful memory making adventures to come in your beautiful new Ollie.
  16. @Jim and Frances Sounds great! Thank you
  17. I come from a family of dancers. My parents were award winning ballroom dancers. When they took to the floor they mesmerized everyone by their synchronized smooth dance moves. I use to love watching them dance! I’m listening to Glenn Miller right now, flooded with memories of the many times they wowed the crowd dancing to this song.💃🏻🕺🏻❤️
  18. We keep ours up. It dropped once while towing so we tightened the hinge bolt, no problems since.
  19. Thank you for sharing. So tragic.
  20. We are big fans of Meguiars products but never tried this gel wash. Thank you for the recommendation.👍🏼
  21. When you’re at a campground you most often have shore power.
  22. We most often sit outside in comfortable lounge chairs (zero gravity) however we are very comfortable inside stretched out on our beds with pillows to support our backs. We are only in our camper at night, even rainy days we spend most time out in our Clam screen tent (with side panels on) but you can certainly get quite cozy stretched out on the bed.
  23. We have this one but have only used it a few times works great! CUSIMAX Electric Hot Plate for Cooking Portable Single Burner 1500W Cast Iron hot plates Heat-up in Seconds Adjustable Temperature Control Stainless Steel Non-Slip Rubber Feet Upgraded Version B101 https://a.co/d/3kDQKau
  24. Hello and welcome to the Forum! You will find a wealth of information here on the forum! We love our Oliver, it is indeed a high quality camper. Here is a testimonial video my husband and I did about our Ollie.
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