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Everything posted by Katjo

  1. I would definitely open a service ticket and let Oliver know what has happened. Please keep us posted on how it’s resolved.
  2. @KenB Thank you for your insight.👍🏼
  3. I’m considering joining Harvest Host mostly to use for our trip next year from Mi to the Alabama Oliver Rally. Has anyone used any specific Harvest Hosts on route to the Rally from Mi/Ohio area? Also for those that have Harvest Host, I’m curious to know how is availability? Do you find you often can find a spot or is it like campgrounds that you need to book months in advance? Any input pros/cons would be appreciated.
  4. @Sak These pictures are so helpful! Thank you for the tips and photos.👍🏼
  5. That was too close for comfort!😱
  6. We have one and love it. We did upgrade the monitor to a larger size, a furrion 7” model #FOS07TADS. We purchased it through Tadibrothers.
  7. Thank you so much for the info. I have such trepidation about covering it being Airstream was so adamant about not covering my fiberglass Nest. We never had any issues leaving it uncovered and did exactly the same as you, waxed it Spring, Summer and before Winter with a good marine wax. We’ve never had solar though so the panels are another concern I have but I’m happy to hear you had no issues with yours uncovered and have similar Winter snowfall amounts as I do here in Mi. Thank you again, I really appreciate the info.
  8. Thank you, Paula.👍🏼💗
  9. @SeaDawg I’m in Southeast Michigan. Average is approx 64” a year. I’m torn between using a cover or not.
  10. Sorry, I don’t have that size bin to try it.
  11. Will do! Thank you so much.
  12. The 40 gallon bin is approx 38” x 22” so it should fit through the door.
  13. Thank you, Cameron. I’am concerned about the gel coat but I’m also concerned about the snow and ice on the solar panels.🤔
  14. We would love to build a similar Ollie Hangar (that set up is so beautiful in the photo)!!😍
  15. I have a few question for those that have experience with the Calmark cover. We are considering purchasing one but I wonder how difficult is it to put on? We have the solar panels, does that make it trickier to pull the cover over them? With our previous fiberglass camper (AS Nest) we were advised by AS not to cover it as the covers can scratch the gel coat. Has anyone had any issues with the finish on the Oliver marring from having the cover on? Any other pros and cons/advice about it would be appreciated. Thank you
  16. New video! Screen Door Cross Bar Handle.
  17. I think it’s pretty controversial on whether water in plastic containers is safe or not. You could always invest in a Berkey. We mostly use filter water from home we put in empty milk containers and also have a few larger containers.
  18. We have the composting toilet and have never put the curtain up. We just use a large, industrial clear garbage bag over the toilet and that keeps it dry.
  19. I totally understand the not wanting to do the climb over to get out of bed! In our previous camper I was the one climbing over my husband (which I think he secretly enjoyed..lol) but honestly at my age my acrobatic skills consist of being happy to put my pants on without falling over, so the twin beds for me are a glorious delight and I appreciate them so so much!
  20. We use a Clam and love it! We have a 11.5” x 11.5” and it does fit over a picnic table.
  21. You wouldn’t be able to stack them because they don’t fit flush inside the bin, they stick up over the top of the bin, but I think they would fit end to end in the aisle since the aisle is 2ft wide and the bin is 22”. I agree, long term it’s not a practical solution because the bikes are quite heavy (63lbs) each and somewhat awkward to fold up. This is not my photo, it’s just to show you how the 2 bikes fit in the 40 gallon Commander totes.
  22. I found the inside of the base camp to be so dark inside. It’s the bright white interior of the Oliver and my previous AS Nest that attracted me to them. So nice and bright! I can’t say I had any issues with my AS and I still love Airstreams but they can’t beat the quality and customer service of an Oliver.
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