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  1. I like the concept, but probably really only good for small sized hail. I doubt that it would do much for softball sized hail which is rare but does happen. I noticed a lot of one star reviews as well. But again, I like the idea. Probably better than pulling out blankets. πŸ˜€
  2. Oh my, that is impressive. I would be curious to know if you noticed any difference in mileage. Probably too negligible to tell, but has to improve a little.
  3. Oh well that answers my question though. I don’t plan on doing a lot of sub zero camping, but you never know. I like your answer, and I think it solves any worries I may have had.
  4. Not the same thing, but I was going to have some outdoor speaker wires installed in my house that was a spec house we bought new. The guys came out and looked around a bit and asked me what a plate that was hidden behind a downspout was for. I had not noticed it before. Turned out the house was already wired for outdoor speakers. I embarrassingly paid them $50 buck for their time and laughed about it later. πŸ˜€
  5. I guess I would also be interested in how well the batteries perform in these conditions. I believe the operating specs for the lithiums are 3 degrees F on the low end, so should be a good test. And really cool pictures. πŸ˜€
  6. I have only looked at the one Internet, but like the Nordics as well as the American Tug. I like the Nordic 37 design personally.
  7. Ironically, old southwestern bell before att breakup was the phone company with party lines. Our local phone company tat only served a small portion of Oklahoma did not have them. We also only dialed five numbers. πŸ˜€
  8. You just made me think of our old party lines in rural Oklahoma. Those are definitely not missed. πŸ˜€
  9. I love your post, I did a search and yours hit the spot for my question. I do the cooking at home, so I can tell you I rarely use more than one pot or one skillet. Most of my cooking is on the grill, but I could see using that induction burner quite a bit and maybe an instapot. πŸ˜€
  10. S Yes I agree. And if it wasn’t for the insurability of only submarine experience, then I would immediately be looking in the mid 40 ft range just probably not new. If you look at a lot of people that own the Rosborough, they are often people that are actually downsizing, so it is interesting. Now I am not trying to sell boats to anyone, just responding to that thread. I also understand the cost of marina fees in south Florida. Personally, I would rather be up in the panhandle or Alabama, but Chattanooga, Nashville, Charleston, have their draws for that sort of boat. You can even get to the intracostal leaving Oklahoma if you want on the waterβ€¦πŸ˜€ I have been looking at the Oliver for awhile on line, I just have never joined the forum. I am due a trip to middle Tennessee any way, so I probably should just fly up there and check it out.
  11. Yes, I know the Ranger Tugs as well. My favorite ball cap right now is actually a Ranger Tug ball cap. The Rosborough is heavy as you say. I received a message from their sales department that they weighed a normal configured one on the trailer right at 10,000 lbs. they also normally come with only one 200hp engine, but many people opt to have a kicker. Also, when I got a quote with all the things that I would like to have, it came in just over 200k, so there is that. πŸ˜€
  12. I know I am late to this thread, but I just recently joined the forum as my wife and I are nearing retirement. We have considered the great loop as well, but because of boating insurance restrictions, I can not get the boat that I would like from my research which is the old Hatteras 53 MY, but if I were to get something I could use and do it would probably be the Rosborough 246 from Eastern Boats. It has similar size and space as an Elite II, but twice the cost. πŸ˜’. I must caveat that I have never owned either a boat or RV, so all of my dreaming is based on what I have found on the Internet.
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