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  1. Yo Don, We are doing 2 weeks in Utah in mid June also. I looked at your itinerary but haven't compared it to our plans yet. We have some things nailed down, but still working on it. Our first night is also in Goodland at the service area just west of town on I70. Price is right and it's a nice place for a overnight. Would be nice if we can match up somewhere alone the line. Stan
    1 point
  2. Not a pest, actually its a good subject to discuss and consider. I like the setup on the video you link in regards to the bed. Effectively this is what Ed and Marsha did only with their setup being permanent. I think you could implement something very similar to whats shown in the video and perhaps better on the Oliver. Something I have considered as well. I assume the reason you would want to do this is to expand your seating area? I will add for the most part we don't feel cramped using just the small side dinette for seating and on occasions will just crawl into the bed area with cushions for support for other more laid back casual seating. Not sure this helps.
    1 point
  3. I will be there on Thursday and I think that most of the people are arriving then also. I'm in site A-28 - stop by anytime. Bill
    1 point
  4. Appreciate the report about everyone and photos!!!!! Like your last statement, too: "Oliver owners, more than friends, they’re family". Camp On!
    1 point
  5. We've stayed in many Corps campgrounds, and have had great experiences. Don't remember ever having power available, but some beautiful campsites, and of course, water views. Have you seen/purchsed the book, "Camping with the Corps"? And gee, Ridenfly, those photos are just awesome! Look like they were professionally staged. Love the campsite, views, and of course, your Ollie. Sherry
    1 point
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