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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/25/2019 in Posts

  1. 2016 Legacy Elite II During our travels I noticed the battery charge controller IPN remote was not powered. Checked the Blue Sky controller and it was not powered either. Troubleshooting revealed a failed terminal crimp at the negative shunt on the negative cable from the Blue Sky Controller to the negative shunt. Inspection determined that the wire had not been stripped enough to bottom in the terminal end and had pulled out. The failure was hidden within the heat shrink tube See attached annotated pictures. Luckily I had a new terminal end to make a repair as we have been on an extended boon docking adventure.
    5 points
  2. I was looking for a simple fix to take advantage of the blank interior of the closet door. A quick search on Amazon turned up this simple hanging bag. For the closet door I simply cut off the bottom row and it fit perfectly. Since there were two in the package I ordered I hung the other on the interior of the bathroom door. I do not use the shower in the bathroom but if you do you could simply remove the storage bag so it doesn't get wet. The hanging hooks took a little bending with some pliers to get a good fit. The price was certainly right and the quality seems good. Hope someone else will find this useful. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B06XSQTB59/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
    1 point
  3. [postquote quote=176841][/postquote] Mike, I remember looking at your front box at the rally and really liking it! Very practical and a perfect fit.
    1 point
  4. Yes, those screens are designed to be left in place year round. Bill
    1 point
  5. No, I leave them on. It was a bit of a hassle attaching them with the provided springs. I sure would not like to have to remove and replace them at every camp site. Here is a link to the other screen for the louvered vents.
    1 point
  6. It is interesting that there are multiple solutions for mounting shoe pockets. I am a big fan of Command hooks, so I tried those to hang the shoe pockets. Total failure. They kept falling down, I think because the inside surface of the closet door is too rough for the hooks to adhere effectively. So I glued some small pieces of plastic onto the door, and then applied Command hooks; this worked. I think Bill’s idea of gluing on hooks is a better solution. I used three rows of shoe hangers. From the photo, it may appear that the shoe bag interferes with the closet latch, but it does not. I have not had the need to secure the bottom of the shoe hanger to the closet door. We do not store shoes in here, but rather other stuff. I cut off the bottom row that can hold two shoes and used double stick tape to put it up underneath my bed. I keep slippers in there. These are slippers with a suitable sole such that I can wear them outdoors. That has come in handy on more than one occasion. Shoe storage. For a long time, we stored stuff in the basement in milk crates. Most used stuff near the door, less used stuff at the back, underneath the nightstand drawer. I think it was Steve who pioneered the use of an access hatch to the basement under the nightstand, and then Oliver made it an option. I bought a hatch door from Oliver and installed it myself after I overcame my aversion to cutting through fiberglass. I moved the rarely used stuff (i.e. extra hoses, 50A to 30A adaptors) from the basement to the tow vehicle, and I found a rectangular plastic pan that I put in the back of the basement; we put shoes in there. While space is a premium in the trailer, easy access is equally important. To me, it makes sense to use this basement space for shoes, while the hoses and adaptors are further away. [Edit]. When I first posted this, the two photos in portrait mode were sideways, despite displaying the correct orientation both on my phone and my Mac computer. I figured out how to fix this. Open the photo in Preview on the Mac, rotate it 90° four times, and then save. Yes, it looks just like the original, but something in the metadata has been altered. I then deleted the photos from my post and re-uploaded them and all is good. There is something about the software running this forum that does not like photos in portrait mode ...
    1 point
  7. Spike - I too am a BIG fan of dielectric grease. A couple of times a I take a "Q-tip" and clean out both the truck and pigtail connection areas. Then using another "Q-tip" I lightly coat each contact with grease. Never a water problem. Bill
    1 point
  8. I did the same thing --- placed a shoe bag inside the closet door. In order to hold it in place I placed these hooks === https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07C788VNN/ref=oh_aui_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 === on the front of the closet door. Then I used some twill tape I had to put through the holes of the shoe bag and looped the twill tape over the top of the door & hold the tape in place with the hooks. The hooks are then used to hold jackets & whatever else. Again, using suction hooks I placed the smaller shoe bag in the bathroom as we do not use the bathroom for showers. I have not tried Command products yet but need to. That will be another rabbit hole down into Amazon & its Command products. :)
    1 point
  9. Good catch. I’ve been doing some doctoring in that area and ran across a loose crimp that surely would have failed. I’ve also found some wires under tension with no strain relief that were time bombs as well. And some sharp screw ends with wiring looms up against them. *sigh* I really hope that Oliver is doing a better job with their wiring these days.
    1 point
  10. Cool, you all should have a mini new owners rally! All of you staying at the same campground will be great fun! Congratulations to all of you, I know that you’ll love your Olivers as we do ours.
    1 point
  11. Thanks for posting this, good info for those of us with Blue Sky solar. Mike
    1 point
  12. This organizer has worked for us, along with this cover that fits our grey, black, and white color scheme of our Ollie, along with using this dialectic grease inside the seven-pin connector.
    1 point
  13. Welcome Sandy. Follow this link for a good thread on interior storage ideas. If you do a search for storage, you'll find other threads as well. Mike T. also put together a really nice 'Camping for Dummies' presentation for the last rally that contains a ton of good storage ideas. You can find that here. You can find all the interior dimensions for your Ollie in the Oliver University section - just click on 'travel trailers' in the menu above, and Ollie U is the last item in the menu. I think the document you want is titled 'measurement index'.
    1 point
  14. I just purchased three of these for all of my trailers that use the 7 pin connectors. Keeps them clean and out of the way. They can be mounted to upright posts or against a flat surface. On the Oliver, it will go up against the front basket. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01MFFC0IU/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
    1 point
  15. Camco screen for water heater vent.
    1 point
  16. Hi Sherry. Thank you. Yes on the pillows. I have an Etsy store where I have sold these for a while now: https://www.etsy.com/shop/SalvageSistasToo?ref=seller-platform-mcnav so it was a no brainer I was going to incorporate some. (:
    1 point
  17. As promised, here is a picture of the closet shoe rack. If you decide to do this mod, be a bit careful to not interfere with the door latch and if your shoes are as big as mine ((or bigger), mine are size 11)) make sure that the shoes do not get caught in the door when it is shut - particularly at the top. Bill p.s. Note that the little black envelope at the upper right behind the shoe rack holds "business cards".
    1 point
  18. I carry two full jerry cans of gas, an empty water can and chocks. I moved the cargo tray to the rear onto a custom rack because I hated the front position for a number of reasons. I carry the generator in the back of the truck where it remains secure, out of site and clean. I can pop open the tailgate and run it in situ without having to remove the cable lock. You are not supposed to run a generator within 25 feet of your Ollie so that you do not gas yourself. The company lawyers wrote that rule, just be careful about which way the wind is blowing. BTW three years ago the tray was commonly referred to as a “generator tray”, that is why the opening is there next to the optional front shore power receptacle, for the power cable to go. I guess they changed the terminology so you can’t sue the company. Just as they changed the definition of the rear jacks to leveling, not lifting. The trailer tows better without all the weight on the coupler. John Davies Spokane WA
    1 point
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