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PAndrews last won the day on December 6 2019

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  1. Check out Hard Alee Adventures on Youtube... https://www.youtube.com/@HardAleeAdventures
  2. Hi Badger, When using a generator with the Oliver, it is important to have a bonding plug otherwise known as a neutral ground plug on the generator. The Oliver comes standard with a built in surge protector and if you do not have this plug, the surge protector will not allow the 120v power to work as it is not grounded. Here is an example of a ground plug that you can buy on Amazon for $19. https://www.amazon.com/Southwire-Company-LLC-44400-Generator/dp/B07F4R7BDL/ref=sr_1_5?keywords=generator+bonding+plug&qid=1696360581&sr=8-5 - Phil Andrews, Oliver Travel Trailers
  3. Hey guys, Phil here with Oliver Travel Trailers. It is important to understand that we as a company have not made any decisions to partner with any other entities at this time. It is simply a consideration to offer the best service from a handful of service centers/dealers to our customers who live the farthest away from Tennessee. We do NOT have any plans to mass produce the Oliver. Quality will not suffer as we will still have control of manufacturing and inspecting the trailers before they roll off the line. We haven't lied to or mislead anyone, rather, we have reached out to you, our family members and best sales force for your feedback. Thank you for those who have responded with your concerns. We are reading and listening to each of them and taking them seriously. Please let me know if you have any questions. Have a great Labor Day weekend!
  4. The attached clip is from a customer's online review of the Nature's Head compositing toilet. They claim that it handles explosive diarrhea and even vomit with no problem. I've also included a link to the website I got the list of FAQs from... https://www.gonewiththewynns.com/compost-toilet-big-questions
  5. That is affirmative ScubaRx. The bed risers are no longer available at Oliver Travel Trailers. I was pretty sure that we could no longer offer them, but to be 100%, I asked Jason Essary at OTT Service and he said that we no longer even have the molds and it would cost too much to recreate them. - Phil A.
  6. Love the Rhino guys!!!
  7. Good morning guys. Yes the state of Tennessee now requires that any trailer manufactured in TN have safety chains. Thus, the switch back to chains. - Phil A.
  8. Hi guys and gals! Over the years in my career at Oliver Travel Trailers I have had the pleasure of meeting most of you. I read the forum and the owners Facebook page often and it is amazing to see so many of our veteran owners helping our "newbies" with their questions and concerns. I absolutely love this group of people and appreciate each and every one of you. We get so wrapped up in the business end of things here at the sales office and I don't know if we show our appreciation often enough for the many field visits that resulted in our clients buying Ollies or the expert advice given to the novice campers. So today, I say thank you from the bottom of my heart. I wish you all a happy holiday season and prosperous new year! - Phil
  9. Thanks for the kind words Steve. Welcome to the Oliver family!
  10. Hi John. I had the hat made custom at a local shop here. I will talk with Matt Duncan, our Marketing Director about when we can expect to see merchandise available. I too have began to be folically challenged, :) Best, Phil Andrews
  11. Sioux Falls, South Dakota's finest citing the Oliver for being too awesome!
  12. https://www.lci1.com/assets/content/support/technical-information-sheets/Doors/TI___279_RV_Entry_Door_Pressed_Window_Replacement.pdf
  13. Good Morning from Oliver Travel Trailers. Just wanted to put any concerns to rest about our wheels and tires. They are in fact weighted and balanced. The spare tire and wheel is the same size and style as the 4 main tires and wheels. I hope this puts all worries at ease. We strive to be better than other manufacturers in every way and your input and ideas on this forum are always welcome. As most of you know we have always listened to our customers and in a lot of cases, actually implemented things on the production line as a result. Thank you all for choosing Oliver Travel Trailers! - Phil Andrews
  14. Good Morning Reed and Karen, I am forwarding Jason Walmsley a manual and a video link on the Dometic thermostat. He will upload them to Oliver University this morning. Thank you and have an outstanding day. -Phil
  15. Oliver Customers, Most Oliver trailers that were manufactured in 2015 and all prior were intentionally wired so that the trailer brakes and charge wire would be grounded through the tow vehicle at the ball. This is a common practice in the industry. With this wiring configuration, regular maintenance of your ball hitch is required to ensure that no rust or corrosion is creating a bad connection. It is recommended to use dielectric grease on the ball. The grounding process was changed in late 2015. Now the brakes and charger wires are grounded directly to the frame. The brakes and charge wire will work through the ground in either configuration.
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